After the Conference

Then most of us headed to Andrea's house for pizza. I was so sleepy by then from the excitement of the conference, that my eyes didn't want to stay open. There were pictures taken, lots of people to talk to, and we made a phone call to Canada to say hello to our missing Advisory member, Anne. Before we left, Leslie S gave me some old books that are mentioned in CM's volumes (including The Sciences by Edward Holden!!) She had them in the trunk of her car. I don't know where she found copies of these rare gems, but I'm thrilled to have the loan of them! I'll be taking page images to get typed so they can be put online.
Yes, that's a hint for those of you typists who'd like to help! 2016 update: we are continuing to type PR articles and books; that project is happening in the Typing area of the AO Forum.

The pizzas that were ordered for the after-conference pizza party at Andrea's.

Everyone asked the Advisory members to cluster together for a picture.


Then it was back to Lynn's house. There was relief that it was over and it had gone well, and excitement about all the friends we'd finally met, and lots of feedback we'd heard and wanted to share with each other. We sat around Lynn's kitchen table and had tea and leftover Lebanese food while we re-lived the day until our excitement ebbed into exhaustion and we went to bed.

Donna-Jean's plane left on Sunday, so she left with Lynn, who was going to take her to the airport before church. We said our goodbyes, then Wendi left to stay with a friend in the area. My brain was fried from the conference, so I was pretty useless all Sunday. Lynn's friend Joy came over with her daughters who had spent the night with Lynn's daughters at the hotel. The girls were typical giggly teenagers, and added some fun to the day. We had sandwiches and chips together, followed by a luscious dark chocolate cake. Then we talked about curriculum and language arts. Joy helped us with some ideas about how to make the AO website more user-friendly.

Monday morning, we made an early trip to the airport. My plane didn't leave until noon, but Lynn needed to pick up her little boy early. We said our goodbyes, Karen was dropped off at her terminal, then I was dropped off at mine.

Lynn was instrumental in this conference. She was central to organizing it and putting details together. Without her work and hospitality, it couldn't have happened. She was a wonderful hostess, very accomodating and outgoing. She made us feel so welcome and had so many interesting things to say. Thank you, Lynn, and thanks to Andrea, who opened her home to probably 80 strangers for pizza, and to everyone who came to the conference. Your kind words and support meant so much to us! After meeting so many of you (yet not nearly as many as I would have liked to!) I'm convinced that CM moms are the best kind of people!

Okay, this really wasn't anything to do with the conference.
But after Karen's talk about narration, we all laughed at this image.
It looks like Karen is holding a gun to her baby to solicit a narration!

Thanks to Dan Bruce for many of these pictures!