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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. Notes
Chairman of Committee: Dr. A. T. Schofield. Vice-Chairman: Algernon C. P. Coote, Esq., M.A. Treasurer: Sir Fred. R. Hogg. Hon. Org. Sec.: H. Perrin, Esq. Secretary: Miss Ethel Forsyth, 28, Victoria Street, Westminster. The objects of the Society are, briefly, to assist parents of all classes to understand the best principles and methods of education in all its aspects, and especially in those which concern the formation of habits and character, and to afford to parents opportunities for co-operation and consultation, so that the wisdom and experience of each may be profitable for all. Pamphlets giving full particulars of the work of the Union, and the Parents' Review (6d. monthly), the organ of the Society, may be obtained from the Secretary, to whom all subscriptions and communications should be sent. The Society's Office, 28, Victoria Street, S.W., is now in working order, and our Secretary, Miss Forsyth, will be happy to see there any parents and teachers who may desire to consult her. Full particulars of the agencies of the Union appear on another page. BELGRAVIA BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Lady Isabel Margesson, 28, Victoria Street, S.W. The work of the Belgravia Branch will in future be carried on at the office, and all communications to be addressed to the Secretary. On February 21st Miss Forsyth delivered a lecture to members of the branch and their friends at 50, Albemarle Street (by kind permission of Mrs. John Murray) on "Manual Training and its place in Primary Teaching." The lecture was very well attended and Miss Forsyth dwelt especially on the extreme educative value of Sloyd carpentry. Models of Sloyd work were exhibited and the audience appeared greatly interested. On the 21st of March a large and important meeting was held at 6, Chelsea Embankment, by kind permission of the Marchioness of Ripon, when Dr. Schofield delivered a lecture on "The Physiology of Habit." As this meeting was attended by members of the Central as well as of the Belgravia branch, the number exceeded the usual limit of attendance at monthly meetings. It is proposed that for the future all the meetings of the Belgravia branch shall be convened by the Central Committee, in order to focus the interest in the work of the Union and enlarge the scope of its operations. The Lady Isabel Margesson retains her position as Hon. Sec. of the Belgravia branch, and can be seen by appointment at the office of the P.N.E.U., 28, Victoria Street. The Natural History Club and the Lending Library have been taken over by the Central Committee. HAMPSTEAD BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Herbert Smith, The Retreat, North End, Hampstead. On March 17th a lecture on "Brush Drawing for Children" was given by Mr. E. Cooke at I, Belsize Square (by kind permission of Miss Blair). There was an exceptionally good audience. Amongst other points, the lecturer dwelt especially on the importance of drawing out the child's individuality by leading it to suggest its own subject, and afterwards to criticise with the child the work produced. The lecture was a most suggestive one, and at the end, several parents gave in their names with the view of starting a class in order to put Mr. Cooke's principles into practice, the result being that a course of five lessons will be held on Friday afternoons, beginning April 6th, at 7, College Villas, from 5.30 to 6.30p.m. On February 9th, Prof. Jas. Sully gave a lecture for a meeting of the Teacher's Guild to which members of the P.N.E.U. were invited. The subject was "Characteristics of Children's Minds," and the lecture was a most thoughtful and helpful one. Mrs. Walter Ward will lecture on the "Norland Institute" at Miss Chataway's Kindergarten, Gothic House, Belsize Road, N.W., on April 10th. The Norland Institute is now a well established and very interesting Institution. WOODFORD AND WANSTEAD BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Spedding Curwen, Bywell, South Woodford. BAYSWATER BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Miss E. Campbell, 1, Campden Hill Road, W. A meeting to inaugurate this branch, was called for April 25th, at 141, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, (by kind permission of Dr. and Mrs. Schofield). STREATHAM BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Strode, Bankside, Leigham Court Road, S.W. CROUCH END.--It is proposed to start a branch of the P.N.E.U. here and to hold a meeting early in May. Enquiries may be addressed to Dr. G. Handcock, 2, Christchurch Road. SHEFFIELD BRANCH.--Hon. Secs.: Mrs. Newton Coombe, Brocco Bank, Sheffield, and Miss Walmsley, The High School. Mrs. Steinthal gave a very excellent demonstration lecture on "Brush Drawing" last month. Several new members have been enrolled, and new subscribers to The Review have sent in their names. LEEDS BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. John Barran, Weetwood, Leeds. The second of Mr. Melton's lectures on the "Mental and Moral Training of Children" was given at the Yorkshire College on Monday, March 12th, and was well attended. This lecture was the last of this season which has been one of good success and good promise for the future. The membership was considerably increased, and the attendance at the various lectures showed that interest was taken and kept up. The last three of Mrs. Steinthal's course of lectures on Nursery Physiology had to be abandoned owing to stress at work. The first three were much appreciated as she had devoted great pains to the preparation of them. The balance sheet for the year shows a small amount left in the treasurer's hands. No definite arrangements for next winter's session have yet been made. SOUTHDOWN BRANCH.--Eastbourne Centre.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. G. F. Butt, Ingleside, Selwyn Road. A largely attended meeting was held on March 6th at the University Extension Library, when a most interesting address was given by Miss Barnett on "Sense and Senses," followed by a discussion. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 3rd, when Miss Stones (late of Newnham), will address the members on "The Principles and Methods of Teaching in America." Brighton Centre.--On the 28th February Miss E. A. Barnett lectured on "The Basis of Education: what we build on and how we build." Owing to the weather it was not so well attended as usual. On 30th March Miss Eva Young spoke on "Keyboard Notation." The lecture was well attended and several new members joined. On the 10th April the committee has invited Mr. R. Somervell, Assistant Master at Harrow, to lecture in the pavilion on "Lessons before school, or what to teach as preparation for school." This being an open meeting it is hoped that members will bring as many friends as possible. For information apply to Mrs. William Borrer, Pakyns Manor, Hurstpierpoint. Hastings and St. Leonards Centre.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Edward Venables, St. Bernard's Lodge, S. Leonard's. A meeting took place on March 5th. The local president, the Rev. Canon Sanderson, took the chair, and spoke of the benefit the Parents' Union might be to the place, after which a paper was read by Miss E. A. Barnett. On April 30th there is to be a lecture on "A child's leisure." by Mrs. Ormiston Chant. READING BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: W. Salmon, Esq., 56, London Street. KENDAL BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Colin Somervell, Esq. CARDIFF BRANCH.--Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Greener, 1, Clare Street, Riverside. The inaugural meeting of this branch is to be held on April 10th when an address will be delivered by Miss Forsyth. ----- The free monthly meeting in May, which members and their friends are entitled to attend, will be given on "The Rational Teaching of the Pianoforte," by Mrs. Spencer Curwen, on Tuesday, May 22nd, at 5p.m., at 7, Chelsea Embankment, by kind permission of the Lady Monkswell. Tickets will be forwarded on application to the Secretary, 28 , Victoria Street, S.W. Four lectures will also be given on "The Relation of Musical and Dramatic Art to the Ethics of Modern Education," and will include two lectures on "Ibsen," by Miss M. Sturge; two lectures on "Wagner," by Mr. G. Ashton Jonson. They will be held on Fridays, May 11th, 18th, 25th, and June 1st, at 40, Portman Square, by kind permission of Mrs. John Ellis, at 8.45p.m. Tickets for the course, 5/-. ----- Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send to the undersigned, without delay, reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, written on one side of the paper only, also 20 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. Henry Perrin, Hon. Org. Sec., 8, Carlton Hill, London, N.W. Typed by happi, Sept 2018; Proofread by LNL, May 2021 |
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