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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. Notes.
Chairman of Committee: Dr. A. T. Schofield. Vice-Chairman: Algernon C. P. Coote, Esq., M.A. Treasurer: Sir Fred. R. Hogg. Hon. Org. Sec.: H. Perrin, Esq. Secretary: Miss Ethel Forsyth, 28, Victoria Street, Westminster. The objects of the Society are, briefly, to assist parents of all classes to understand the best principles and methods of education in all its aspects, and especially in those which concern the formation of habits and character, and to afford to parents opportunities for co-operation and consultation, so that the wisdom and experience of each may be profitable for all. Pamphlets giving full particulars of the work of the Union, and the Parents' Review (6d, monthly), the organ of the Society, may be obtained from the Secretary, to whom all subscriptions and communications should be sent. The Society's Office, 28, Victoria Street, S.W., is now in working order, and our Secretary, Miss Forsyth, will be happy to see there any parents and teachers who may desire to consult her. Full particulars of the agencies of the Union appear on another page. BELGRAVIA BRANCH.-- Hon Sec.: Lady Isabel Margesson, 28, Victoria Street, S.W. HAMPSTEAD BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Herbert Smith, The Retreat, North End, Hampstead. On April 25th at Gothic House, Belsize Road (by kind permission of the Misses Chataway and Brown), a lecture was given on "The Norland Institute" by Mrs. Walter Ward, Mr. Henry Perrin in the chair. May 11th at Holly Hill (by kind permission of Mrs Simmons) a lecture by Mrs. Hancock of Sunderland on "Education and the Age," Canon Girdlestone in the chair. The course of lessons in "Brush Drawing" by Mr. Cooke has been completed and was much appreciated by the members. BAYSWATER BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Miss E. Campbell, 1, Campden Hill Road, STREATHAM BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Strode, Bankside, Leigham Court Road, S.W. During the Easter Term Dr. Schofield gave his National Health Society's course on "Hygiene" which was attended by a regular audience of fifty-one ladies whilst many others came to hear single lectures. Twenty-two went in for the examination but the Hon. Sec. does not, at the date of going to press, know how many have gained their diploma. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the lectures that Dr. Schofield has promised to give his advanced course in the Autumn. Tickets and all information may be had from Mrs. Strode early in September. The regular lectures of the Autumn session will be announced in the Parents' Review. WOODFORD AND WANSTEAD BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Spedding Curwen, Bywell, South Woodford. On April 27th an address was delivered by Miss Ethel Forsyth on "The work of the P.N.E.U." There was a good attendance and the meeting was most encouraging. A lecture was announced for May by Mrs. Walter Ward on "Manual Training." CROUCH END.-- It is proposed to start a branch of the P.N.E.U. here, and to hold a meeting shortly. Enquiries may be addressed to Dr. G. Handcock, 2, Christchurch Road. SHEFFIELD BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Newton Coombe, Brocco Bank, Sheffield, and Miss Walmsley, The High School. LEEDS BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. John Barran, Weetwood, Leeds. SOUTHDOWN BRANCH:-- Brighton Centre.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs William Borrer, Pakyns Manor, Hurstpierpoint. On April 13th an open meeting was held in the Pavilion, when Mr. R. Somervell (assistant master at Harrow) addressed a large audience on the subject of "Lessons before school; or what to teach as a preparation for school." Mrs. Steinthal was announced to lecture on modelling in May. A course of four lectures has also been arranged to be given during May and June at the British Museum, on "Egyptian Discoveries and their bearing on Biblical Research." This course will be attended by members from the three centres. Eastbourne Centre.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs G. F. Butt, Ingleside, Selwyn Road. In P.N.E.U. notes for April Miss Scripps' name was incorrectly spelt. Hastings and St. Leonards Centre.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs Edward Venables, St. Bernard's Lodge, S. Leonard's. On March 30th an address was given by Mrs. Walter Ward, on "What a child learns in a school conducted on Fröbel's principles" at Wellington Square College. The chair was taken by Mr. W. M. Rhodes. On April 30th a lecture was delivered by Mrs. Ormiston Chant, on "A child's leisure." Chairman, Mr. W. Knighton, LL.B. There was a large audience, and the meeting was a great success. For May 14th a paper is promised by Mr. Knighton on "Rewards and Punishments," to be followed by discussion. Miss Agnes Mason was also announced to read a paper during May on "How to give religious instruction"; the Rev. Canon Jones was to preside. READING BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mr. W. Salmon, 54, London Street. A meeting was arranged for May 24th on "The Psychology of Childhood," by Mr. S. G. Tremenheere, H.M.I. CARDIFF BRANCH.-- Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Greener, 1, Clare Street, Riverside. On April 19th a meeting was held at Mrs. Greener's to start a branch of the P.N.E.U. Out of 25 who were present 19 became members. On May 11th Miss Forsyth, Sec. of the Central Society, gave a lecture on "Manual Training and its place in primary teaching" at the house of Mr. Ensor. A discussion followed. Another lecture had been arranged, but owing to the fact that a great many members are away it has been postponed until the Autumn. ----- The Annual Meeting of the Council and Members of the Parents' National Educational Union will be held on Friday, June 8th, at London House, 32, St James Square (by kind permission of the Bishop of London). The earl of Meath will take the chair at 4p.m. Professor Gladstone, Dr. Horton, the Rev. H. L. Jackson (from Sydney, N.S.W.), Mr. Kotara Mochizuki (from Japan) and others will speak. Cards for the meeting can be obtained on application to the Secretary, P.N.E.U. Office, 28, Victoria Street, S.W., or from any of the Branch Secretaries. ----- Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send to the undersigned, without delay, reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, written on one side of paper only, also 20 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. Typed by Anne, Dec. 2024 ![]() |
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