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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NotesVolume 7, 1896, pg. 77 Edited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectus or other papers they may print. The Library Committee acknowledge, with thanks, the gift of the following books by their authors:-- "History of the English Institutions." Chancellor P.V. Smith. "Lessons on the Life of our Lord"; "Lessons on the Acts of the Apostles." Eugene Stock. "Health at School"; "School Diet," Clement Dukes. "Stray Thoughts for Girls"; "Stray Thoughts for Teachers"; "Chapter and Verse"; and three Pamphlets. From Miss Soulsby. "Science Ladders" (6 Vols). Mrs. Arthur Bell. "Heroes of Science" M. M. Pattison Muir, M.A. "Text-Book of English and General History"; "The Student's Chronological Maps of Ancient and Modern History." Miss Beale. "Petit Theatre describe Enfants"; Theatre de la jeunesse"; "French without Tears." Mrs. Hugh Bell. "The Message of Israel." Miss Julia Wedgwood. "The Duties of Women." Frances Power Cobbe. "Womankind." Miss Yonge. "Physiology for Schools" ; "Personal and Domestic Hygiene." Dr. A. T. Schofield. "Fir Tree Farm"; "Mrs. Romaine's Household"; "Barbara's Brothers"; "Marcus Stratford's Charge." Miss E. E. Green. Also of the following:-- "The Times of Isaiah" (A.H. Sayce). Presented by Mrs.. Anson. "Education of Girls and Employment of Women" (W. B. Hodges), From Canon Liddell. "Human Physiology" (Parkyn); "Children" (Bacon); "Food and Nutrition" (Twining). From Dr. Schofield. From Messrs. Longman, Green & Co.--The Works of Joseph Payne (2 Vols.); "Primer of Psychology" (Ladd); "Education of the Feelings" (C. Bray); "History of London" (Walter Besant); "Principles of Education" (2 Vols.). From Messrs. Kegan, Paul & Co.--"School Management" (Joseph Landon); "Old Greek Education" (J.P. Mahaffy); "Educational Theories" (Oscar Browning); "Industrial Education" (Sir Philip Magnus). From Swan, Sommenschein & Co.--"Some Geography of England and Wales" (Phlips Bevan); Arithmetic (Sonneschein & Nesbit); "Systematic Cutting-out" (Eley Brand); "An Introduction to the Study of Zoology" (B. Lindsay); School Geography (Kirschoff & Sonnenschein); "British Butterflies, Moths, and Beetles" (Kirby); "Land and Fresh-water Shells" (J. W. Williams); "Hand-book of Mosses" (Baynall); "Collective Lessons in Plain Needlework and Knitting" (Helen Brietricke and Emily Rooper); "Introduction to Political Economy" (Ely); "A B C of Arithmetic," Exercise Book I. and II., Teachers' Book I. And II.; "English Word Formation" (Frank Ritchie); Answers to Sonnenschein's and Nesbit's Arithmetic; two Exercise Books, one German Copy Book, and Ciphering Book. Belgravia.--Miss Soulsby's lecture on "What to do with our Girls," given on January 24th at 35, Cranley Gardens (by kind permission of Mrs. Pyelogram), was most helpful and interesting, and greatly appreciated by an audience of about eighty members and their friends. Mr. Guy Pyelogram, M.P. (Chairman), opened a discussion on the subject, which was continued in a spirited manner by several ladies present. On the 26th inst., Canon Scott Holland will given an address on the subject of "Goads," at 50 Ennismore Gardens (by the kindness of Mrs. Farrer). A course of six lectures on "Psychology" will be given on Tuesdays, at three o'clock (commenced February 25th). A course of Singing Lessons (Tonic Sol-fa) to young children are being given on Saturday mornings. Classes for Wood-Carving, Modelling in Clay, and French Conversation, are also arranged. Hyde Park and Bayswater.--January 21st, Mdlle. Duriaux gave a amost inspiring and delightful lecture on "Language Teaching" to an enthusiastic audience of about seventy members and friends. She explained the Gouin method, as altered and enlarged by herself, after three years' experience in teaching on that method. At the end of the lecture, Mdlle. Duriaux announced the formation of Training Classes for teachers, and lessons to children and adults. On February 11th a "Reading Circle" was held at the Secretary's house, when Mrs. Holroyd Chaplin read a paper on "Girls coming out"; after which the last chapter in "Home Education" was read and discussed. On March 10th Professor Boulger will lecture on "Trees of London," at 5 p.m. at 43, Ladbroke Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Cracroft). Tea and coffee at 4:30. On March 17th, at 9, Pembroke Gardens, Mrs. Franklin will read a paper, "That imagination increases with the increase of knowledge," to the Reading Circle and Debating Society. Hampstead.--On February 12th a lecture was given at 74, Fitzjohn's Avenue (by the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. Pidcock), by Miss Wells, A.F.S., on "Expediency versus Development in Education." The chair was taken by The. Garrod. Esq. (Hon. Sec., C Division of The Teacher's Guild). The next paper will be given on March 20th, by Francis Bond, Esq., M.A., F.G.S., on "What not to Teach." Woodford and Wanstead.--The first lecture of the session was held on February 20th at Leyonstone, when the Rev. W. Manning invited the branch to hear a lecture by Mrs. Franklin (Bayswater), on "Formation of habit and cultivation of will." Mrs. Emil Behnke has promised to lecture this month at Wanstead, on "Voice production for Children in speaking and singing." Clapham.--On January 20th a very successful and well-attended meeting was held at Elm House (by kind invitation of Miss Penfold). The Rev. C. P. Greene read a paper on "Patriotism," and invited discussion as to the advisability of cultivating patriotism in young children. A long and animated discussion ensued. The February Reading Circle was held at 15, Victoria Road (by kind invitation of Mrs. Mackenzie Evans). Mrs. Burgess took the chair and led an earnest discussion on "The Divine Life of the child" (Home Education). Reading.--One of the most successful meetings was held on February 4th, at the Abbey Hall (by kind permission of Messrs. Sutton & Sons), and there was a good attendance of members and friends. The first business was the formation of a Natural History Club for children and adults in connection with the Union. On the motion of Miss Hart Davis (on behalf of Mrs. Hart Davis, who was unable to be present), seconded by Mr. W. Salmon, a small committee was elected, with Miss Clara Strachan as Hon. Secretary of the Club. Mr. Hamn, naturalist, was present with a fine collection of specimens, which were much admired. A paper was then contributed by Mr. Hastings Gilford, F.R.C.S., on "Children's Faults," which was followed by remarks from several ladies and gentleman, including Miss Blogg, from the Central Office. Tea and coffee were kindly provided by Mrs. F. E. Williams. A vote of thanks to Dr. Shettle (who presided), to the Lecturer, to Mrs. Williams, and to Messrs. Sutton & Sons was proposed by the Rev. R. H. Hart Davis. The next meeting will be held on March 28th, at Burlton House, when Mrs. Franklin will lecture on "The Natural History Club." Hastings.--On March 28th, at three p.m., at Miss Tiddeman's Studio, a lecture will be given by Dr. E. Downes, of Eastbourne, on "Backward Children." Lewis Ward, Esq., chairman. Scarborough.--By kind invitation of the Bishop of Hull and Mrs. Blount, a second meeting was held at the Vicarage Room, when The. G. Rooper, Esq;, read a most interesting paper on "Gaiety in Education." The paper was a literary treat, and full of suggestive thought. The Bishop of Hull and other members added a few remarks. Folkestone.--Dr. Percy read a paper on February 13th, on "Some Multilevel, degenerative loss Aspects of Education." Mrs. Spencer Curwen will lecture this month on "Educational Principles applied to Pianoforte Teaching". Miss Helen Webb has kindly consented to address this branch on May 8th, on "The Treatment of Neurotic Children." Leeds.--On February 7th Mrs. Miall read a most interesting and instructive address on "Play." On March 12th (by kind permission of Mrs. Mayo Robson), two papers on "Children's Books," by Mrs. Carmand and Mrs. Peters, will be read and discussed. On March 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th, Miss Simpson will give a course of lectures to children on "Signs of Spring." Fee for the course:--Adults 3/-. Children 2/-. Edinburgh.--A drawing-room meeting was held at 27, Moray Place (by kind invitation of Mrs. Trayner). Dr. George Wilson's lecture on "Repressed Initiative in Children" was exceptionally interesting and suggestive. Sir Arthur Mitchell was in the chair, and the audience numbered about 100 ladies and gentleman. The Rev. H. Y. Wotherspoon, M. A., delivered an address on "The Religious Teaching of Children," on February 14th. Broughty Ferry.--Miss Julia Wedgwood's paper on "Maternal Self-Sacrifice, True and False," was much enjoyed. Dr. Emily Thompson has kindly promised to give the next lecture on some "health" subject. (For list of branches and addresses of Local Hon. Secs. See advertisements.) (Parcels of Back Numbers for distribution can be obtained from the Secretary, at the rate of ten copies for 1/-, or 7/6 per 100, carriage paid). Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2021 ![]() |
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