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By Mrs. Francis F. Steinthal.
Volume 10, 1899, pg. 117
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Loan Training Fund Bazaar.
Miss Katherine Osler has sent a work bag, baskets and several knick-knacks.
Mrs. Badcock, Indian slippers and 3$.
Miss Martin, one guinea.
Miss Lanphier, Italian ware, olive wood articles and other articles.
Misses Johnstone Douglas, table-cloth, mats, baskets, etc.
Miss Rankin, table centre and 13$.
Miss Pearson, 7$. 6d.
Mrs. Bolton, Hampstead, cushion, veil case and several beautiful articles.
Miss Simon (Wintersdorf guild), £1.
Miss Fountain, cushion cover and other articles value one guinea.
Miss Muriel Baumann, five pairs of dolls' boots knitted by herself. Children at Corban Hall, a doll; nurse, spill cases and ticks.
S.S., painted D'Oyleys and several beautiful articles.
If the reader will add up the amounts given to the House of Education Stall, as given in this month and the last three Parents' Review, she will find that they do not quite reach £16 and the President--feeling so sure of a hearty response to the appeal to the many many mothers who have gained so much, and have been helped so constantly through the Parents' National Educational Union--has guaranteed £120. If every member who is grateful to the P.N.E.U. and every mother who has had the advantage of a Student's help in her home, had only sent a small sum, the amount promised would have been doubled. It is difficult to identify oneself with a cause, but the Union is so bound up with the best interest of every member's home that it is a personal cause, and not only a general one, like so many other Societies.
The President and Secretaries of the stall beg to make a final appeal to every member who feels that she does owe a debt of gratitude to the Union, to send some trifle, however small, before the 6th of November, as the Bazaar opens on the 9th.
The following will explain why it has been decided to have a special House of Education Stall.
Dear Members.--In 1893 I was asked to address the Committee and Members of the Gentlewoman's Employment Association, in Manchester, on the House of Education and the Norland Institute. I then urged the formation of a Loan Training Fund, which could be used by girls who had not the necessary money to enable them to be thoroughly trained for the profession chosen. It is the experience of all that women with no particular training are placed at a great disadvantage when compelled to earn their living. A special appeal was made, and £600 was collected in three months. Since then twenty ladies have been already trained, and eleven are now pursuing a course of training. A few instances will serve to show the value of the help afforded. One girl, the daughter of a late naval officer, whose mother's sole income is now £80 a year, is at the Physical Training College, Dartford Heath, and will soon be in a position to earn from £100 to £200 a year.
In two cases, girls who were working for University degrees would not have been able to complete their course of study had it not been for the assistance of this fund. One of these has now obtained a post as teacher of Science, at a salary of £115 to begin with.
Those already trained at the House of Education, Ambleside, are receiving salaries from £60 and upwards, and have repaid the whole of their fees within the two years allowed. Without the help of this fund, these ladies would probably be earning £20 a year as governesses, with no prospects for their future years. The loans, without interest, are repaid in a few years, and the money put out to use again to train others. All applications are very carefully investigated by the committee, and only those cases are accepted where success seems probable, and where the help is urgently required. The following is a list of those who have been and are still training:--Dressmakers, 3; Cooks, 2; Laundry Superintendents, 2; Book-keeper, 1; Kindergarten, 4; Swedish Gymnastics, 2; Teachers of Science, 3; Business Training, 3; Monthly Nursing, 1; Gardening, 1; Music, 1; House of Education, 8. Girls are helped from any part of England, and help is not confined to only local cases. You will notice the large percentage sent to Ambleside. It is to show our appreciation of the benefits conferred on our Union through this fund, that I venture to ask for help in a Bazaar which will be held in Manchester next November. The Gentlewoman's Employment Association intend to raise £15,000 for their Society, and out of this £1,000 will be given to the Loan Training Fund.
The Secretary of the Ambleside Students' Association, being deeply impressed with the value of the help given to her and others, suggested that one stall should be called the House of Education stall and that the members of the P.N.E.U. should raise £120, which would enable one student, at least, to be always in training.
I have been asked to be the President of this stall, and have accepted, although fully realizing the responsibilities of the position. I therefore venture to ask you to kindly support me by sending either articles for sale or money. Small sums would also be gratefully received, and all gifts will be acknowledged in each month's Parents' Review. It is an opportunity of showing our appreciation of the committee which has so fully realized the enormous advantages each student receives at the House of Education.
Emeline Petrie Steinthal.
Wharfemead, Ilkley, Yorks.
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My Dear Children,--This month it is difficult for me to write, because my mind is filled with other thoughts, and I am wondering how to get work and money for my stall at a big bazaar this month.
We are told that Julius Caesar could do three things at once, but poor Aunt Mai finds she cannot think three things at once. I am sorry you do not make more use of the letter-box than you do. I wonder if the reason is that you never want to know anything, because you already know everything. Is that the cause? When I was a little girl my sister and I were always asking questions, and I really think that many of you do the same to-day. So when you want to know how some bird builds its nest, where the robin goes in the summer, where the swallow go in the winter, how to make a museum, what books are nice for boy or girl, etc., just sit down and put a letter in the letter-box and you are sure to get an answer.
Are you beginning to make your surprises for father and mother's Christmas presents? I had one present, which is very easily made, from a boy the other day. He got a clothes peg and painted it with gold, and then tied a piece of yellow ribbon about one inch wide and half a yard long in a bow round the head, and this makes an excellent clip for letters, and keeps the writing table quite tidy. Lavender bags are also very useful, and little fingers can easily make them. First make little silk bags of various colours about two inches by three, put the lavender inside and tie them up with baby ribbon about a quarter of a yard long. Fasten three or four together, and mother would be very pleased with them in her room. Knitted teapot covers are also very pretty and useful, trimmed with satin bows.
Your loving,
Aunt Mai.
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All competitions are open to the children of readers of the Parents' Review.
Rule I.--A fee of 1$. entitles a child to work in any competition.
Rule II.--All work and drawings to be sent to Aunt Mai, Wharfemead, Ilkley, before the 30th.
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Little Workers' Society.
Founder: Mrs. Edmund Strode.
Each member makes two garments a year for a child known to the worker.
In November make a knitted jersey for a boy.
Knitted Jersey for boy of ten.--Materials: five skeins of three-ply Alloa wheeling, grey or dark fawn, one skein of crimson, pair of medium-sized wood or bone knitting pins, four steel knitting needles, size 10.
Cast on 68 stitches. Knit alternately, purl and plain, to end of row. If last stitch is plain begin next row plain, so on for 32 rows. Then the ribbed part: two purl, four plain, to end of row. Next row, two plain, four purl, and so on for 92 rows, or till the jersey is long enough. Now to form the neck. On the row that has two purl, four plain, knit three ribs, or 20 stitches, cast off 30 stitches, and knit the remaining 20. Next row, knit 20, cast on 30 stitches, and knit the remaining 20 as before. Next row, two purl, four plain to end of row, and continue this for 92 rows or till the same length as other side, then purl and plain alternate border as before. Cast off and pin the sides together, wrong side out, leaving a space of at least five inches for each sleeve.
Sleeve.--With two knitting needles (steel) No. 10, cast on 30 stitches with crimson wool. Knit 24 rows of one purl and one plain rib, not the same as the border of jersey, but ordinary ribbing, break off the crimson, join on the fawn, and with the wooden pins knit one plain row. Increase by picking up every third stitch on this row till there are 30 stitches, the two purl, four plain for 50 rows; decrease by knitting together the second and third stitches at the beginning of each row, do this for 16 rows; still further decrease by knitting together the second and third last stitches at the end, as well as at the beginning of the row, till only four stitches are left cast off. Other sleeve to be knitted the same. For the neck pick up on the four steel pins the 60 stitches cast off before; with the crimson wool rib one purl and one plain, same as cuffs of sleeves. Thirty or 35 rows will make a nice roll-down collar. Cast off loosely and finish off end of wool with a coarse needle. This may be knitted all one colour, and for small child should be worked with four-ply fingering and finer pins.
Workers under ten make a comforter and muff.
Comforter and Muff made of Brioche stitch.--This is a very simple stitch, and most useful for all sorts of warm clothing. For boy's comforter, two skeins of white or coloured Alloa wheeling, pair of medium-sized bone or wooden pins are required. Cast on 30 stitches, as this pattern consists of threes. Put the thread before the needle, slip one stitch, and knit two together, this is all. Next row the same, and so on till your comforter is long enough. Cast off, and make a fringe by cutting the wool over into equal lengths (say 10 inches), and with a crochet hook, hook four double threads into every 4th stitch; pull firm.
For child's muff, two skeins of thickest white fleecy or petticoat wool, pair of rather large wooden knitting pins. Cast on 42 stitches. Thread before the needle, slip one stitch and knit two together, continue till you have length sufficient to form the covering of a muff. Three-quarters of a yard (perhaps less might do) of white fleet wadding; fold this the size and thickness required for a muff. If yours is white you must have a covering of white calico, and a coloured lining of some pretty pale sateen; but, if of cardinal, which always looks warm and pretty, then have a piece of cardinal sateen to match the wool. Make a case for the wadding of that, with a string case at each end of muff. Now join your knitting and sew on to muff. Run an elastic or narrow ribber through the string case, then finish off with a cord to match, which will go round the child's neck. This pattern also works well for a cot blanket or warm quilt.
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Little Authors.
Tales on "How the Urchins Got into the Sea" were sent by Anne and Dorothy McWilliam, Margaret Powell, Hilda Pauline Montgomery and Grace Lawrences.
This month write a tale on "Princess Letmedoasiplease and the Three Dwarfs."
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Order of Chivalry.
Miss Edith Wyvill, Denton, Ben Rhydding, Leeds, will be glad to send full information of this excellent Society to any member.
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Art Club.
Rule I.--No drawing must exceed 12 by 12.
_ " II.--Drawings must be sent flat.
_ " III.--All work must be original.
Work for November:--
I. Paint a Japanese umbrella open; size of umbrella, five inches across.
II. Make a design for one side of a bellows in colour.
III. Juniors to send a perfect sheet of fine straight lines, done on one inch squared paper.
The following artists have sent drawings in September:--
Rachel Barclay, Margaret Powell, Erica Stevenson, Josephine, Octavia and Dorothy Scruby, Ruth Edminson, Margaret Preston, Mary Rees, Gladys Clark-Kennedy, Archibald Clark-Kennedy, Muriel and Eric Bentley Beaumann, Marion and Eveline Thompson, Irene and Maitland Durant, Nesta and Denis Perry, Catherine Julia Cecil, Catherine and Dorothy Marriott, Dorothy and Nellie Goodwyn, Violet Todd, Grace, Lorna and Angel Lawrence, Josephine, Philippa and Eric Beck-Hickson, Honor Rundle, Edward Hadington, Laurence Cadbury, Beryl Durand, Emily Haslam, Dorothy and Anne McWilliam, Stella, Audrey and Naomi Peake, Cicely Forster, Archibald Callard, Winifred and Margaret Edminson, Margaret and Lilla Bagwell, Dorothy and Eric Lovell, Evelyn, Syliva and Marjorie Powys, Dorothy Brooks, Eldred and Kenneth Reynolds, Jessie and Harold Dickson, Robin, Molly and Vera Broadmead, Grace Maitland, Heriot, Annie and Christie Hebbert, Kenneth Yeo, Beryl Tood, Marjorie Barbour, and Nella Heath.
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Window Gardens.
This month you may plant hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses, &c., for winter blooming. White Norman hyacinths to bloom at Christmas should be planted at once. Being small, six or eight bulbs can be planted in a six or eight-inch pot. As before mentioned, make your drainage of broken earthenware, then fill the pot to within an inch of the brim with good mould. Make six round holes sufficiently large to hold a hyacinth each; press down firmly, but do not cover over. Water thoroughly and place in a cellar or warm dark cupboard, watering only when the soil feel dry. In a few weeks time the crown of leaves will show, and when up an inch or more, remove the pot by degrees into the light, covering with an inverted flower pot for a few days. Sudden light causes the bulb to go "blind," that is, to run to leaves instead of bloom. Place the pot on a window sill or table, where there will be light, sunshine, and air, which are as necessary to plants as to every boy and girl. Do not give much water in frosty weather, and never let the plants stand in a draught, and if possible, move them out of a sitting-room at night where there is gas used.
Leave the geranium cuttings in the pan for the present and pick off dead leaves. Water the mignonette, sweet peas, and other seedlings. The cuttings of myrtles will scarcely be fit to plant for a week or two, but when the roots are well grown, prick out carefully into flower pots, keeping in a warm shady place for some days.
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Our Letter Box.
Dear Cousins,--I want to know very much how to mount twigs on cardboard for the Natural History Exhibition. I have tried to do it but my twigs always jump off again. I have a canary that sits on my shoulder and goes to sleep in my hair. It is so tame that it flies to me as soon as I go in the room. I wonder if any of you have tame birds.
Mother is reading to me Ten Boys from long ago to now. I like to hear of Cleon the Greek boy, and Horatius the Roman boy, and best of all, Wulf the Saxon boy.
Your loving Cousin,
May Lister.
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The Insects' Hospital.
(Continued from September.)
Soon Moira felt that the Spider had touched the ground, and that he was now running very quickly towards a large beech tree, which he ascended.
To her great surprise, Moira discovered that the leaves were really the floors to different rooms, and that on each one was a complete set of furniture--either a dining, drawing, or bedroom suite.
"Don't stop and look yet," muttered the Spider, who was rather out of breath. "Mine is the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy." Moira thought she had heard these words before, but was too polite to say so.
"You run too hard, dear Mr. Spider," she at length ventured to say, and scarcely were the words out of her mouth, when, lo! down tumbled the Spider to the foot of the tree. Moira screamed for her mother, and put her arm tightly round the Spider's neck.
"Stop, stop!" he cried. "You are choking me."
"But, dear Mr. Spider, I'm so frightened," sobbed the poor child. "I don't like tumbling."
"Oh, oh!" laughed the Spider, as soon as he could breathe again. "Why, my dear, we shall have many falls before we get to King Robert. Patience wins the day. Stick fast, and off we go again." And away went the little legs, and up, up went Moira and the Spider, until they reached the middle branch of the tree, when a gust of wind knocked them down to the bottom again.
"Oh, dear! I have hurt my elbow," cried Moira.
"Funny bone, funny pain, my dear," laughed the Spider. "One, two, three, off we go again," and for the third time the brave travellers tried to reach King Robert's castle; but alas, when he had nearly reached it, a swallow flew out of the tree and, in passing, knocked poor Moira's head, and once more the couple found themselves on the ground.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again," sang the Spider, who never seemed to lose his temper, or get low-spirited.
"But, we've tried three times," said Moira, who, however, stopped crying, because she was beginning to feel ashamed of her tears when the Spider showed so much pluck.
"That's right," said her cheerful companion. "Dry our eyes with a beech leaf and you'll never say die, with a tear in your eye, if you mean to conquer all difficulties," and he added, with a jolly laugh. "Why, we shall think much more of King Robert and his castle after our hard work, than if we'd gone up straight in a lift."
As they went up slowly, Moira remembered how often she had said: "Oh! I can't do this; I won't try," and made up her mind that if ever she went home again, she would work much harder at her lesson, and would finish the pinafore she was making for Aunt Mai.
"Hurrah!" cried the Spider, as they reached a leafy front door at the top of the tree. "Here we are! Now for King Robert." He knocked three times, and the door opened, and a red spider-flunkey appeared.
The Spider made a deep bow and asked for permission to take Moira to the presence of the king.
The flunkey walked before, and led the visitors to the large throne room, where Moira beheld a man who looked very like your father, with a beard, and a very pleasant expression in his dark-brown eyes.
He turned them on Moira, who knelt before him, and kissed his hand, as the Spider had directed her.
"Welcome to my palace," the king said in a dreamy low voice. "Listen to my words, and remember them as long as you live, and you will not only be happy, but will also make others happy. Never give up what you are doing until it is well done. Try, try, again, and never own you are beaten." As he finished speaking, Moira heard a bell ringing louder and louder--"Try! Try! Try Again!!" and found herself sitting up in bed, and that the big bell was ringing for breakfast. As she rubbed her eyes and opened them, she felt sure she saw a spider swing himself down from the curtain-rod, and run out of the window.
(To be continued.)
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Senior Art Club.
This Club is intended for Aunt Mai's pupils when they leave her at the age of sixteen, but it is open to any readers of the Review, either lady or gentleman. The terms are 6$. for six months. All work marked for exhibition is criticised by Mr. David Murray, A.R.A., on the yearly "Pupils' Show Day," in Miss Stewart Wood's studio, 44, Holland Street, Kensington. All particulars of the Club can be obtained from Miss A. Y. Davidson, Secretary, 41 Bessborough Gardens, London. S.W.
Rule 1.--Work is sent to Miss Stewart Wood, 44, Holland Street, Kensington, by the 23rd of every month, and the portfolio leaves her on the 1st of the month following. Subjects are issued on the 21st of each month, but members may receive subjects for a term in advance on application to the Secretary.
Rule 2.--The name and address of contributor is written on the back of each study, and paper is placed over the face of the principal subject for protection and for the writing of criticism. Secondary subjects are usually numbered and criticised en masse. Oil students are required to use thin French canvas (Young, Gower Street, London, 2$. per yard), to reduce postage. For same purpose no mountings or stretchers are allowed.
Rule 3.--All work marked "for exhibition" is shown to Mr. David Murray, A.R.A., at the end of the winter term: Miss E. S. Wood write his criticisms, and occasionally a letter of her own advice to the students, and lends them examples of good work. Studies are returned in June, or if a member especially wishes, in December also.
Rule 4.--All dues to be paid between the 20th and 26th of month preceding a new term, by those who wish to join for six months. Members may join for a month on payment of 1 $. per month, but have only one subject criticised. Summer: May-October; Winter: November-April. Subscription, 6 $, per term. Fines: 6 d. for failure to send in principal subject; 6 d. for sending in work late; 1 $. for keeping portfolio more than a night (unless Sunday intervenes); 1 $. for damaging or failing to return, within a specified time, books, casts, &c., borrowed from the critic or other members. Fines, and any extra donations, go to defray heavy postal expenses of Critic and Secretary. All complaints, suggestions, and payments sent to the latter, 41, Bessborough Gardens, London, S.W.
Winter Term, November, 1899 to May, 1900.
Two Still Life subjects given during the term.
I.--To be done during the first three months.
Metals.--The subject of Metals has been chosen as it leaves great scope for the painter to put together an interesting group. Silver or gold ornaments paint well for those who prefer objects on a small scale; bits of old wrought iron or of old pewter make lovely studies. Keep all in harmony; if the scheme is one of gentle grey, one touch of colour may be added, a warm toned bit of drapery or a few cape gooseberries. Note the exact tone of the gleaming lights to be found on polished surfaces.
II.--Time studies to be done in one sitting.
November. Oysters.--Place a few in a white plate; if there is time, a lemon and a knife may be added.
III.--Each member to select a subject out of doors, should the weather permit. The sittings must necessarily be short, but on many days of the month the effect chosen will be found to be repeated. No attempt at a picture should be made, but any notes done from careful observation will be accepted, whether in colour or pencil. During the very cold weather beautiful studies may be had by bringing in a bare branch of a tree. Place it about three feet about from you, arranging it against a wall or flat surface and try and draw it carefully.
IV.--Cast drawing (the cast to be supplied for the member by Miss Wood). One drawing during the term. The cast to be kept a fortnight by the member, and at the end of the term the drawings will be criticised and send round in the monthly portfolio. Members wishing to compete with this subject must write immediately to the secretary naming the fortnight during the term when they wish to receive the cast, and stating if they are willing to pay extra postage of the carriage of the cast to the next member.
Miss Stewart Wood will be at home at her studio after Nov. 1st, and if any of the members are in town during the winter she will be pleased to see them, and to discuss their work privately.
Proofread July 2011, LNL
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