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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. NotesVolume 12, no. 9, 1901, pg. 160 Edited by Miss Russel, Sex., 26, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. N.B. - Kindly write on one side of the paper only. New Branches The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:- BARRY (GLAMORGAN). Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Russell. The Library Committee acknowledge with thanks the gift of the following books:--The Teaching of Morality, by Mrs. Sophie Bryant, D Sc., and presented by her; The Beloved Son, by Mrs. Francis Rye, presented by the author; Chapters on the Aims and Practice of Teaching, edited by Frederick Spencer, M.A., Ph.D., and presented by him; Two Bound Volumes (I. and II.) of Parents' Review, presented by Mrs. Tebbutt; Progressive Education, translated from French by Mdme. Necker de Saussure; and also Harmony of Education (of date 1848), presented by Mrs. Banks, of Kew Branch; Three Copies of Cornhill Magazine (May, 1900), with an article recommended to P.N.E.U. readers by Miss Mason, presented by Mrs. Franklin; Special Reports of various subjects from Education Department. Also many other books from kind donors, which would make too long a list for the present issue. The publication of the appendix to the Catalogue has been unavoidably delayed, but it is hoped that it may appear shortly. All gifts of books, or money for those already recommended, will be gratefully received by the Library Committee, as they wish very much to bring up the number of new books for the appendix to a hundred at least; at present they have about eighty. BIRKENHEAD. - On Oct. 29th (by kind permission of Rev. Elmer Harding) the first meeting of the session was held in St. Aidans College. The Rev. Spencer Jones, M.A., Rector of Batsford with Moreton-in-Marsh, gave a most interesting and inspiring lecture on the "Religious Education of Children." There was a good audience, and the lecture was greatly appreciated by all present. The Birkenhead Natural History Club is at present doing nothing, owing to the fact that from unavoidable causes the committee were all obliged to give up their work. However, it is hoped that before long another committee will be formed and the Natural History Club continue to be as successful as it was in the past. CRADOCK, CAPE COLONY. - Mrs. James, Hon. Sec. of this Branch, writes: - "We had our third and last meeting last Wednesday, Nov. 14th, and I am glad to be able to report that we have a very fair attendance, considering our summer afternoons are getting very warm now. We have been at a little disadvantage in only procuring papers from ladies, but I trust we have enlisted gentlemen's sympathy to an extent, and doubtless next session, which is to begin not later than May, we shall be able to shew a more varied programme. At the last meeting a new member was enrolled and several promises for the future. We now number 27 members, most of whom are enthusiastic and aim at some practical result. I have been helped by the President, Archdeacon Llewellyn, and also his daughter, Mrs. Henchman, who acts as treasurer. You will understand that we are rather hampered in our educational work by the fact that all schools (with a few exceptions) are under government and have to undergo what appears to many of us a very narrow system of inspection and examination, but as we have the lady principal of the girl's school as one of the committee and the editor of the local paper as a member, we shall hope in due course to exert some influence for improvement, but time, tact and wisdom are necessary to success in any undertaking. I will try and introduce the Parents' Review among the members - is 10s. a sufficient subscription to cover postage? We thank those who sent their good wishes for our success and wish all connected with the Union New Year greetings." DARLINGTON. - On Dec. 17th a meeting was held at Hummersknott (by kind permission of Mrs. A. F. Pease). The Rev. F. W. Mortimer presided, Miss Katherine Pease delivered a lecture, entitled "Education and Practical Life." The lecturer urged on the members of the P.N.E.U. the importance of endeavouring to spread through the community an understanding of the real meaning of education, not merely as the acquiring of so many isolated facts, but the cultivation of those mental faculties which must be brought into play in every department of life. It was possible to obtain education in other ways than by what is generally known as learning; through the work of life itself, by travel, and through association with cultivated minds. But to most, indeed to all in greater or less degree these opportunities are limited, and it therefore becomes necessary to turn to books which contain the accumulated experience of others. The lecturer then pointed out the way in which the various branches of study can be utilized to train the mental faculties. Science increased the powers of observation and deduction: language, those of expression. Mathematics dealt more particularly with reason: history encouraged imagination, discrimination and sympathy. It was evident that the increase of these powers was of practical utility in every career, whether domestic, mercantile or political, and that, therefore, with regard to the disputed subjects of the education of women, and of the masses at large, the effects of a right mental training would only be to fit them more and not less for the special duties of life. The work of dealing with the young was, in many ways, one of especial difficulty, insasmuch as the circumstances and character of the rising generation were necessarily different from those of the old, and the lecture therefore concluded with an especial appeal to parents to keep bright their own powers of imagination, reason and sympathy, and not allow the affairs of daily life to crowd out the essential duty of continuing their own mental education. EDINBURGH. - On Dec. 18th, the second lecture of the winter course was delivered by the Rev. Harry Miller, of Elie, at 7, Heriot Row (by the kind permission of Professor and Mrs. Greenfield). Mr. Miller's subject, "A Boy's Religion," was one on which he was peculiarly qualified to speak, his large experience being drawn from an active and intimate knowledge and understanding of boy nature. The prevailing tone of the lecture was one of reverend respect for the natural reserve in the expression of deep feeling which is common to all healthy boyhood, while at the same time there was much encouragement for all who bear in their hearts the highest good of their children in spiritual matters. Dr. Rogerson (late headmaster of Mercinston Castle School) presided, and led the interesting discussion which followed. - On Feb. 15th, the lecturer will be Miss Anderton; subject, "Kindergarten Principles." GLASGOW. - The second meeting of the session was held on Tuesday, Dec. 18th, at 7, North Park Terrace (by kind permission of Mrs. Lamond). Dr. James Finlayson delivered a most interesting address on "The Medical Care of Children." Referring to the large and increasing amount of literature on the subject, the lecturer declared prevention to be the keynote of the whole. Quoting O. W. Holmes' playful statement, that to treat a patient successfully you must first catch his grandfather, he sad that undoubtedly care of the mother had a most important effect on the unborn babe, and that any carelessness in its earliest infancy may ruin its health for life. He reprobated the selfishness which leads many modern mothers to refuse to nurse their infants, and to risk injuring their digestion with artificial foods. Having dealt with the question of "teething," and correct the common superstition that any and every ailment is due to it, the lecturer passed on to speak of tuberculous disease, and emphasized heredity as a chief factor, although microbes are undoubtedly contributory. The two preventives of tuberculosis are fresh air and food. Dealing with the possibility of infection conveyed by milk, Dr. Finlayson urged the desirability of freezing milk from pathogenic germs, and recommended the "Sentinel" heating apparatus, in which the fire goes out by itself when the proper temperature is reached. In conclusion, he deprecated encouragement of precocity, as favouring the development of mental disease. Brains can be over-stimulated by amusement, as well as by work. At the close of the lecture, opportunity was afforded of examining a number of books bearing on the subject. The learned lecturer was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks for an address whose sound practical teaching was enforced by apt and witty illustration. LEEDS. - A very bracing and stimulating lecture was given on Dec. 11th, by Miss Powell, Headmistress of the Girls' High School, on the "Discipline of Character at Home and at School." Miss Powell spoke of training as involving restraint but producing freedom. Character is the end of man's being, and the need of training arises from the imperfection of nature till developed. Self-discipline is, of course, the highest training, but so long as the child is too weak to be a law to itself the parent must be the law for it. The lecturer regretted the moral coddling of the present day, and the way in which children are treated by their parents as equals or honoured guests; and pointed out that we must learn to obey before we can reason, and must be taught the reasonableness of unreasoning obedience. There was a large attendance. READING. - The ninth annual meeting of this Branch was held Nov. 22nd, at the Abbey Hall (kindly let by Messrs. Sutton & Sons). Much regret was expressed at the resignation of the Secretary, J. H. Penson, Esq., owing to pressure of other work. Mrs. Burd having been asked and promising to take up the duties, was duly elected. The usual election of president, officers and committee for the following year followed, after which a paper was given by the Rev. R. H. Hart Davis, on "The Educational Value of Games." - Lectures are being arranged for the Session of 1901, on Art, Music, Games, etc., etc. ST. JOHN'S WOOD. - A meeting was held on Dec. 14th, by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Collard, at North Hall, Mortimer Road. Miss Clotilde Von Wyss read a paper on "Nature Studies in the Home," pointing out how, even with the apparently most scanty materials, excellent lessons in Botany, Entomology, etc., could be given. Miss Von Wyss further pointed out that as we have life in common with all organisms, this could be used as the basis of much moral instruction. Dr. Cecil Cunnington, M.R.C.S., acted as chairman, and the lecture was followed by some discussion. WOODFORD AND WANSTEAD. - At Grove Hall, Wanstead, on Saturday, Nov. 17th, a lecture was given by Mrs. Lemon, Hon. Sec. of the Society for the Protection of Birds; it was most interestingly given, and the interest greatly increased by the delightful slides exhibited by Mr. Spedding Curwen. The only regret was the more were not present to benefit by so helpful a lecture. Dr. Albert Wilson was in the chair. - On Friday, Dec. 7th, a meeting was held at Grove Park, Wanstead (by the kindness of Mrs. Pinchin). Mrs. Whitaker was in the chair, when selections from Canon Lyttleton's "Mothers and Sons" were read by Miss Fisher. A discussion followed which was full of interest and helpful suggestions to those present. It was clearly felt that a similar meeting - that is to say, readings from some such work, followed by discussions and talks between the older and younger mothers and teachers, would be of great help and much appreciated. IT was also shown how necessary it is for mothers and teachers to be thoroughly educated in the studies of those physical and social subjects which so very seriously influence our boys and girls - that "evil" was often wrought through the absolute ignorance of women themselves. Mrs. Whitaker was a most able and sympathetic chairwoman. ![]() |
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