
Parents' Review Article Archive


Volume 1, 1890/91, pg. 156

1. -- A Prize of Five Guineas will be awarded for the best story dealing (suggestively) with the subject of "Growing-up Daughters," -- 5000 words. MSS. should be sent to the Publishers by June 16th. The story will be published in the July or August number. The prize lapses should no story good enough for publication be sent in. no limit of age.

2. -- A Prize of One Guinea for the best "Memoir of a Child fourteen months old," defining, so far as possible, the child's knowledge and powers at that age. Conditions as for No. 1.

3. -- A Prize of Ten Shillings for the best "Out of Doors Diary, dating from March 18th to April 18th." Limit of age, seventeen. Other conditions as for No. 1.

Directions will appear in the April number for sending in the "Art" competitions, in the May number, for the "Flower" competitions, proposed last month.

Typed by Kristina, Sep. 2015