Volume 2, 1891/92, pg. 320
Awards.--Miss Morse awards her prize as follows:--
(1) Buttonholes, Miss Mildred Winthrop, Half-a-guinea; her work could hardly be excelled.
(2) Smocking, Mrs. Leader, Half-a-guinea. The specimen sent in by Mrs. Lucius Smith is almost as beautiful a piece of work.
Mr. E.P. Arnold-Forster awards his prize for--
(3) Model Engine to Richard Jefferson, aged sixteen. One Guinea. An ingenious work.
Lady Aberdeen awards her prize for a list of--
(4) Twelve Hymns, to be committed to memory by children under twelve, to Hon. Mrs. Cropper, Half-a-guinea.
(5) For Twelve Poems, do., to Mrs. Russell Grenville, Half-a-guinea.
(6) Miss Behrens awards her prize for Translation of Passages from the German to Miss Maud Lloyd, One Guinea, who deserves high praise, not only for her rendering, but for her clever reproduction of the original meter. Miss Tomas's prose translation is very good, and Miss Picton-Warlow's blank verse is excellent.
(1) The Competitors for "Twelve Rules for the Nursery" are requested to add a short article on "The Management of a Nursery, giving arrangement of hours for rising, toilettes, meals, airings, for a family of little children; including the amount of needlework done by nurse and nurserymaid for a family of six under ten years of age." If competitors will be good enough to send in by June 15, we shall still be able to announce the award in the July number. Rules and Article.
(2) Mrs. W.D. Hall offers a prize of One Guinea for "The best paper on Living English Musicians." To be sent in by the last day of June.
Both competitions to be sent to Editor, care of Publishers.
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