by L. E. B.
Volume 2, 1891/92, pg. 373
Two pretty dimpled hands that, outstretched, pray
For us to guide;
Two little tottering feet turned aye one way--
'Tis to our side;
A baby voice whose constant language speaks
Thy name or mine;
Quick flowing tears whose woe for soothing seeks
My arms or thine;
And two blue eyes that turn with laughing quest
To us for love.
So flies she ever to the parent nest--
Our household dove.
A little loving heart that, childlike, aye
New bonds doth twine
To strengthen and bind closer day by day
Thy love and mine;
An angel soul so pure, so fresh and bright,
Looks from her eyes,
'Tis like the drifted snow, unsullied white
At new sunrise.
We fear lest word or deed on soul so mild
A blemish make.
God grant we live our lives before our child
Pure for her sake!
L. E. B.
Typed by Blossom Barden, Feb. 2013