
Parents' Review Article Archive


Volume 2, 1891/92, pgs. 792-795

"En hoexkens ende boexkens."

[The following three comments are in response to "J. P. P." who had asked for book recommendations in the Parents' Review from the previous month's issue.]

If "J. P. P." does not know of Mrs. [Elizabeth] Prentiss's story books for children I think she would find them useful for the little ones, who often seem left out in the many books that are suitable for older children. The series of "Susy" books has been of great help with my little ones. "Little Susie's Six Birthdays," "Little Susie's Little Servants," and "Little Susie's Six Teachers," are all suitable for children from six to nine years of age.
-- A. W.

[The spelling appears to have been Little Susy's Six Birthdays, Little Susy's Little Servants, Little Susy's Six Teachers.]

In answer to "J. P. P." might I name a few books our little ones under eight years of age enjoy? "Little Susie's Six Birthdays," by Mrs. Prentiss, published by Thomas Nelson; "Little Red Riding Hood," based on the Blue Fairy Book; a reading book published by Longmans, Green, and Co.; "The King of the Golden River," by Ruskin; "Alice in Wonderland." Our little ones of eight greatly enjoy "The Water Babies," by Kingsley.
-- Mater.

Two person in October Parents' Review allude to a story I recommended last year in "Sunday," called, "Little Christian on his Pilgrimage." One correspondent asked its exact title, and one complained that "Sunday" for 1886 was out of print. I have written to ask Wells, Darton, Gardner if it could be bought separately, and they reply to-day that both "Little Christian" and its sequel, "Christiana" (charming too) are published (by them, I think) at 2x. 6d each.

"Casper" is a delightful child's story, also for Sunday reading. It is odd and American (Miss Wetherel, I think).
-- Edith Venables.

["Little Christian on his Pilgrimage" may be referring to "Little Christian's Pilgrimage: The Story of the Pilgrim's Progress Simply Told," 1889, and "Christiana, The Story of the Pilgrim's Progress Second Part," 1902, by Helen Louisa Taylor, 1850-1929. These were republished as "Little Pilgrim's Progress."]

By Mrs. Charles Honey.

My list is supposed to be for parents who can afford and who wish to give their children a really good library of some hundreds of volumes; the asterisk * indicates those which, to my mind, are most valuable or amusing. Whatever be the size of the library, I would suggest that the books be well and strongly bound, with the owner's initials or name on the cover, and that a list of books is kept, with entries of new books and books lent. It is well for children to lend their books to friends, but vexing to lose them, especially volumes forming part of a set. Once a year it is a good plan for either the father or mother to go through the list with the children--overlooking each book, and putting aside those needing mending or re-binding.

*A really good Reference Bible, 6/-
" Revised version, 5/8
*Hymns Ancient and Modern, with tunes, 2/6
*The Changed Cross, 1/6
*Farrar's Life of Christ, 6/-
Walsham How's Plain Words to Children, 2/6, 3/-
*Keble's Christian Year, 2/6
Keble's Lyra Innocentium"
Lane's Illustrated Notes on the Church of England
*Lyra Anglicana, 2/6
Dean Stanley's Sermons to Children
*"Agathos," by Bishop Wilberforce, 2/6
Sunday Echoes in Week-Day Hours (Brock) Several vols. 5/- each.

*Bowler's Family Edition of Shakespeare
*Longfellow, 3/6
*Scott, 3/6
Percy's Old English Ballads, 3/6
A. Proctor's Lays and Legends, 3/-
*Lay's of Ancient Rome, 2/6
Story of the Cross (Whyte-Melville)
*Lady of La Garaye (Hon. Mrs Norton), 3/6 (Macmillan)
*Wordsworth, 3/6
Playtime with the Poets, 3/6
Children's Garland (C. Patmore)
1,001 Gems, 2/-
*Miss Wood's Poetry Books, No. 2 and No. 3 (Macmillan)

*Strickland's Lives of English Queens, 6/6
*F. Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 5/-
*F. Buckland's Notes and Jottings from Animal Life, 5/-
Life of F. Buckland, 5/-
*Half-Hours of English History
*Chambers's Book of Days
Fowler's Tales of the Birds, 2/-
Book of Golden Deeds, 2/6
*Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, 1/6 and 5/-
Mrs. Haweis' "Chaucer," 5/-
Rev. C. A. John's Flowers of the Field
*Rev. C. A. John's British Birds and their Haunts
Forest Trees of Great Britain
*Men of Action (a series, 12 vols. at present)
*Makers of Venice (Oliphant), 10/6
* Makers of Florence (Oliphant), 10/6
*Anne Pratt's Wild Flowers, 10/-
*R. A. Proctor's Half-Hours with the Stars, Flowers of the Sky, etc., 6 vols.
*Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies, 7/6
*Elements of Drawing, 21/-
*Tales of a Grandfather (Scott)
Life of a Scotch Naturalist (Smiles), 6/-
*Bible Animals, (Smiles), 3/6
*1,001 Gems of Prose (Mackay), 3/6
*Homes without Hands (Wood), 3/6
*Insects Abroad (Wood), 3/6
Insects at Home (Wood), 3/6
*Fairyland of Science (Buckley), 6/-
*Cameos of English History (C. Yonge), 3/6
Cassell's Sports and Pastimes, 3/6
Indoor Games and Recreations
*Winners in Life's Race (Buckley), 8/6
*Life and Her Children (Buckley), 6/-
Voyage of the Sunbeam
*First Sketch of English Literature (Professor Morley)
*Needlework as an Art (Lady M. Alford)
*Common Objects of the Sea-shore, 1/-
*Common Objects of the Microscope, 1/-
British Moths, 1/-
British Butterflies, 1/-
Birds' Nests and Eggs, 1/-
Wonders of the World
Marvels of Nature
*Great Inventors
*The World's Explorers
*Brave British Soldiers
White's History of Selborne, 1/-
*Haydn's Book of Dates
*Stonehenge's British Sports, 21/-
Haweis' Music and Morals, 5/-
Life of Princess Alice, 7/6
Men of the Time, 15/-
Men of the Reign, 15/-
Life of Wellington (Gleig), 6/-
Life of Bishop Fraser, 16/-
Life of Gordon, 18/-
Life of Charles Kingsley, 6/-
Life of Livingstone, 6/-

If room, and money, are no object, the complete set of the "Illustrated London News" delight both boys and girls and teach modern history splendidly; even as a complete set of "Punch" would form a History of Politics and of Manners.

Robinson Crusoe, 7/6
*Little Women (Alcott)
*Good Wives (Alcott)
*Jo's Boys (Alcott)
*An Old-Fashioned Girl (Alcott)
Lorna Doone, 6/-
Baron Munchausen
Any or all of Ballantyne's books, 5/- each
*All Dicken's, from 1/6 a vol.
Any or all of Alfred Church's, 5/6 a vol.
*All Mrs. Ewing's, excepting the toy books, 1/- each
Mill on the Floss, 3/6
Silas Mariner, 2/6
Gulliver's Travels
Children of the New Forest, 3/6
Westward Ho! (Kingsley), 6/-, well bound
Two Years Ago, (Kingsley), 6/-
At Last, (Kingsley), 6/-
Heroes, (Kingsley), 6/-
Water Babies, (Kingsley), 6/-
Madam How and Lady Why (Kingsley), 6/-
*Donovan (E. Lyall), 6/-
*We Two, (E. Lyall) 6/-
*In the Golden Days (E. Lyall), 6/-
*Won by Waiting, (E. Lyall) 6/-
*Knight Errant, (E. Lyall) 6/-
Last Days of Pompeii (Lytton), 3/6
Harold (Lytton), 3/6
Coming Race (Lytton),
*Misunderstood (Montgomery), 6/-
Thrown Together, (Montgomery), 6/-
Seaforth, (Montgomery), 6/-
Wild Mike, (Montgomery), 2/6
*John Halsfar (Muloch), 5/-
A Noble Life, (Muloch), 5/-
A Brave Lady, (Muloch), 5/-
The Unkind Word, (Muloch), 5/-
Prince and the Pauper (Twain), 7/6
Tom Sawyer, (Twain), 2/6
Huckleberry Finn, (Twain), 2/6
*Waverley Novels, 25 vols. 2/- each
*Unknown to History, and any others of Miss Yonge's, 6/- each
*St. Winifred's, 6/6
*Eric, 6/-
*Julian Home, 5/6
*Tom Brown, 3/6
Masterman Ready, 5/-
Little Savage, 5/-
*Old Jack, and any of Kingston's, 5/-
Any or all of Mrs. Marshall's, 5/- and 2/6 each
Any or all of Mrs. Walford's, 5/- each, some 2/6
Lil, 3/6
Penn, 3/6
Tip Cat, 3/6
*Old Kensington (Miss Thackeray), 6/-
Love Old Friends, (Miss Thackeray), 6/-
*Neighbours on the Green (Oliphant), 6/-
Vicar of Wakefield
*Don Quixote
Valentine Vox
Silvie and Bruno (L. Carrol), 7/6
Vice Versa, 2/6
A Fallen Tool, 2/6
*Whyte-Melville's Riding Recollections, 2/6
*Katerfelto, 2/6
Holmby House, 2/6
Queen's Maries, 2/6
Gladiators, 2/6
On the Edge of the Storm, 5/-
Mdlle. Mori, 5/-
Rose Garden, 5/-
Bimbi, 2/6
Kemeth: Rearguard of the Grand Army, 2/6
Hunting the Snark, 2/6
*Ingoldsby Legends, 2/6
Bab Ballads, 2/6
Happy Thoughts, 2/6
*Andersen's Fairy Tales, 5/-
*Grimm's Fairy Tales, 5/-
*All Erckmann-Chatrian's, 2/6 each, Atlanta, Monthly Packet, and Boy's Own Paper should be taken in.

*** The donor of the prize considers this the best list she has received. Would it not be well for all parents to make lists of books for the nursery, and for the children's bookshelves, with price and names of author and publisher?

"Light on our Lessons" (Ch. Miss. House, Salisbury Square, W.C.), 1s. 6d., is a little book full of most interesting reading for children, of all ages and brimful of suggestive ideas. A capital Christmas box.

Typed by Blossom Barden, Oct. 2013; Proofread by LNL, Jun. 2024