
Parents' Review Article Archive

P.N.E.U. Notes.

Volume 2, 1891/92, pg. 800


1. A Prize of One Guinea is offered for the best Essay on "How to develop in Children an observant love of Nature." 2000 words.
2. Mrs. Schutz offers Ruskin's "Sesame and Lilies" to the boy or girl under fourteen years of age who gives the best account, in two sheets of foolscap, of the book he or she likes best.
Both competitions to be sent to Editor, care of Publishers, by the end of January.
3. The two or three competitions sent in for Mrs. A. Priestman's prize do not fulfil the conditions. The probability is that "Evenings at Home" belong to the past generation. This prize will be offered for another competition next month.
4. Mr. Colin Somervell divides his prize between "E.E.C." and "A.L. Tannie." "Both excellent; for method and exact following of conditions the former is ahead, for felicity and sympathetic impulse the second is ahead."

P.N.E.U. Notes:

SHEFFIELD.--Mr. Rooper read, by desire, for the second time before the Sheffield Branch, the paper on "Reverence," which our readers may remember. Mrs. Blakeney presided.
HAMPSTEAD AND ST. JOHN'S WOOD BRANCH.--The opening meeting was held on November 19, as announced, at the High School, and a good report appeared in the "Times." Dr. Abbott was unfortunately too ill to preside, and the chair was taken by Mr. E. Kell Blyth. Mr. Diggles's address was admirable and exactly suited to the society, on the "Responsibilities of Parents," dwelling on the tendency that there now is for parents in all classes of society to shirk the performance of their duties themselves and to hand them over to others. The speakers who followed--Rev. Morris Joseph, Dr. Eady, Mr. John T. Taylor, Mrs. Ross, and Miss Helen Webb, M.B.--all kept well to the point.--Sec., Miss C. Playne.

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