P.N.E.U. Notes.
Volume 2, 1891/92, pg. 880
ALTRINCHAM BRANCH, Dec. 9th--Address on "Dress and Exercise for Children" by Miss Thomas.
BELGRAVE AND WESTMINSTER BRANCH.--The following meetings have been arranged for the Session 1891-92:--
Dec. 10. A paper was read by Miss Ellen [Helen] Webb on "The Formation of Habit." It was much appreciated. Meeting small on account of the heavy rain but very hearty and enthusiastic.
By kind permission of Mrs. Lockwood at 26, Lennox Gardens, S.W.
Jan. -- A discussion "Herbert Spencer's Essay on 'Education,'" to be opened by William Carr, Esq. Mrs. Walter Ward and the Rev. J. H. Ellison will also take part in the discussion.
By kind permission of Mrs. Clements Markham at 21, Eccleston Square, S.W.
Feb.-- A lecture by Dr. Hanfield Jones, F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Consulting Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, on "The Physical Education of Young People."
By kind permission of the Marchioness of Ripon, at 9, Chelsea Embankment, S.W.
Mar.--A paper will be read by Mrs. Ormiston Chant on "The Books our Children like and why."
By kind permission of Mrs. Perceval, at 24, Chester Square, S.W.
April.--A paper will be read by Miss Franks on "The Kindergarten as a System of Early Training."
By kind permission of the Rev. J. H. Ellison, 4, Warwick Square, S.W.
May.--A lecture will be given by A. H. Tubby, Esq., M.B, M.S. (Lond.), on "Heredity."
By kind permission of Mrs. Guy Pym, at 35, Granley Gardens, S.W.
June--A paper on "Rewards and Punishments" will be read by Mr. Edward Cumberland.
The Rev. Prebendary Eyton has promised to give a lecture on "The Religious Education of Young People," during the session.
Due notice will be given of the day and hour of each meeting.
All information may be obtained of the Hon. Sec., 63, St. George's Road, S.W., who will be glad to hear from any who desire to become members of the Society, and to join this Branch.
BRADFORD BRANCH, Saturday, Dec. 19th.--"Recitation for Children," by Arthur Burrell, M.A.
HAMPSTEAD AND ST. JOHN'S WOOD BRANCH, Dec. 17th.--"The Value of Natural History in the Training of Children," by the Rev. J. Kirkman.
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