P.N.E.U. Notes.
Volume 2, 1891/92, pgs. 959-960
PARENTS' EDUCATIONAL UNION OF NEW SOUTH WALES--President, the Most Rev. the Primate. Vice-Presidents, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Newcastle; the Rev. Dr. Steel; the Hon. J. P. Abbott, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goodlet. Council, the Rev. A. R. Bartlett, M.A.; Mrs. S.C. Brown; R. Chadwick, Esq., and Mrs. Chadwick; Rev. J. W. Debenham, M.A.; Mrs. J. C. Ellis; the Rev. J. Fordyce, M.A.; Mrs. Neville Griffiths; F. I. W. Harrison, Esq.; the Rev. H. L. Jackson, M.A., and Mrs. Jackson; the Rev. J. D. Langley and Mrs. Langley; the Rev. Walter Mathison, B.A.; the Rev. T. E. Owens Mell; the Rev. C. J. Prescott, B.A.; T. P. Reeve, Esq.; Mrs. G. E. C. Stiles; A. B. Weigall, Esq., M.A., and Mrs. Weigall.
N.B.--Communications to be addressed, for the present, to Rev. H. L. Jackson, M.A., St. James' Parsonage, Sydney.
1.--The Society shall be called "The Parents' Educational Union of New South Wales."
2.--The Central Principles, to which all Local Branches joining the Society shall pledge themselves, shall be:--
(1) That a religious basis of work be maintained.
(2) That adresses and other means be employed by the Union so as to deal with Education under the following heads: Physical, Mental, Moral, and Religious.
(3) That arrangements concerning Lectures, &c., be made with a view to the convenience of fathers as well as of mothers.
(4) That the work of the Union be arranged so as to help parents of all classes.
3.--That the objects of the Society shall be:--
(1) To assist parents to understand the best principles and methods of Education in all its aspects, and especially in those which concern the formation of habits and character.
(2) To create a better public opinion on the subject of the training of children, and, with this object, to collect and make known the best information and experience on the subject.
(3) To afford to parents opportunities for co-operation and consultation, so that the wisdom and experience of each may be made profitable for all.
(4) To stimulate their enthusiasm through the sympathy of numbers acting together.
(5) To secure greater unity and continuity of Education by harmonising home and school training.
1.--The Society shall consist of Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Members of a Central Council and Executive Committee, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary, and Local Branches.
2.--The following persons shall be Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Members of Council (See list.)
3.--The Executive Committee shall be empowered to add to the number of Vice-Presidents and Members of the Central Council. The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Council annually, but the members shall be eligible for re-election. Three members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.
4.--The Central Council, of which the Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and the Executive Committee shall be members, shall meet once a year to receive reports of work done and progress made in the past year, and to advise as to new departures, &c.
5.--The Executive Committee shall meet quarterly, or more often if summoned on urgent business, and shall make any needful by-laws.
6.--One member of each Local Branch shall represent it at the meeting of the Central Council as an ex-officio member.
7.--Branches of the Society shall be free to organise themselves and make their own by-laws, a copy of which shall be sent up to the Executive Committee of the Central Council.
8.--The Secretaries of the Branches shall prepare and send to the General Secretary, previous to the meeting of the Central Council, a report of work done in the Branch during the year.
1.--Ten shillings a year shall be the subscription of Members of the Central Council.
2.--An annual affiliation fee of ten shillings shall be paid by each Local Branch to the General Treasurer of the Society.
3.--Subscriptions and fees shall fall due on the 1st of January of each year; and shall be sent in to the Treasurer.
Subscriptions to the Central Fund are invited. (Draft)
[It is gratifying to find that the Parents' Education Union of New South Wales has adopted the Rules and Principles of the P.N.E.U. without any deviation whatever.--ED]
Typed Oct. 2013; Proofread by LNL, Oct. 2023