P. N. E. U. Notes.
Volume 3, 1892/93, pg. 561
Fésole Club--The half-year begins in September, subscription half-guinea. Subject for this month as for September 1891. Drawings to be sent in by the end of the month to W. G. Collingwood, Lanehead, Coniston, Lancashire.
The objects of the Parents' Review School are to help parents whose children are taught at home by mother or governess.
This help is given in the following ways:--
"Preliminary questions" are sent to a mother framed to ascertain the physical and mental development as well as the attainments of each child. Upon the answers to these the children are classified, and a programme of work for a term is sent for the children in each class, together with time-tables, "suggestions" as to method of teaching and books to be used, and the "Rules" of the School. At the end of the term the children's work is tested by a little examination.
(There is not examination at the close of the summer term.)
The fees for this kind of supervision are: 1 guinea a year for a family of children under ten years of age, 3 guineas where there are children over ten, because of the greater amount of clerical work, which must be done by highly-qualified teachers. The experience of two terms shows extremely satisfactory results. The children enjoy the stimulus from with-out, which relieves the tedium of the home schoolroom, while the governess (or mother) finds it satisfactory to have set work to be accomplished in a given time, and to receive suggestions as to methods and books.
Proofread by LNL, Aug. 2023