Our Work.
Volume 3, 1892/93, pg. 799
1. Fésole Club.
2. The House of Education--Our first "batch" of students go out at Christmas, and we look forward to good work at their hands. We shall be prepared to receive a large number of students after Christmas. Some of our readers may be glad to know that, if they apply immediately, they may be able to secure Probationer-Students for two or three weeks of the Christmas holidays. (To the Secretary, House of Education, Ambleside.)
3. The Parents' Review--MSS. should be written on one side of the page only. Should not, as a rule, exceed 3000 words, and should bear, legibly written, the writer's name and address. (Letters and MSS. are divorced in our Editor's drawer.) They should be sent to the Editor of the Parents' Review, care of Messrs. Kegan Paul & Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C. May we say that MSS. sent to us by our readers are almost invariably valuable, as recording original thought or personal experience.
We are glad to be able to announce that "Seeds of Story" will be published in book-form in the spring. Such a work as this is more fertile in ideas, and therefore more educationally valuable than all the school "geographies" that ever were writ. In connection with this month's most interesting instalment, may we say we cannot rejoice that the naturally peaceful Japanese children should be taught to caper to the tune of "Yankee Doodle;" and surely it is a retrograde movement that children, born to a richer inheritance in power of productions and the course of artistic fitness, should be reduced to the crudities of colour and form as taught in the schools of the West; and that the lovely free sweep of the commonest Japanese art should be cramped into "chequers not less than a quarter of an inch square." Better that we should import Japanese teachers for our children for the early training which should issue in artistic taste and power.
The Parents' Review School.--The new term will begin in January.
The Mothers' Education Course.--The members will receive an Examination Paper in December.
Proofread by LNL, Aug. 2023