P. N. E. U. Notes.
Volume 3, 1892/93, pg. 800
Hampstead and St. John's Wood Branch--Session 1892-93. Oct. 24, "The Raw Material," by A. T. Schofield, Esq., M.D. Nov. 14, "The Care of the Senses of Children," by H. Macnaughton Jones, Esq., M. D. Dec. 12, "Our Sins against Children," by Rev. E.A. Stuart, M.A. Jan 16, "The Education of Girls, with special reference to Sir James Crichton Browne's Oration on Sex," by T.G. Rooper, Esq., H.M.I. Feb., Public Meeting (Speakers to be announced later). March, "Time in Childhood," by Mrs. Ayrton. April, "The Musical Education of the Future: Keyboard Notation," by Miss Eva Young. May, "Hand and Eye Culture," by Mrs. Francis Steinthal. June, "The Hygiene of Handwriting," by John Jackson, Esq., F.E.I.S.
The first meeting on the Hampstead Branch for the current session was held on Monday, 24th October, when an admirable paper was read by Dr. A.T. Schofield on "The Raw Material," in other words on the child's nature physically and mentally before the educator has begun his work. There was a good audience in which we saw many new faces, and an interesting discussion followed led by Rev. Morris Joseph, who presided. We have again to thank the Misses Locker for their kind invitation to use their large schoolroom for our meetings. On November 14 Dr. Macnaughton Jones will read a paper on "The Care of Children's Eyes"; and on December 12 the Rev. E.A. Stuart, Vicar of St. James', Holloway, will give an address on "Religious Training."
SUBJECT FOR DECEMBER: "The Corner of a Room." By this subject is not intended a full "interior," which is often difficult in perspective and complicated in composition, but simply one corner of any room, with the furniture in it, as it appears from a distance of not less than ten or twelve feet. The best point of view will be right across the room; the nearer you are to the objects you are drawing, in this exercise, the more difficult your arrangement will be. Begin by making a pencil sketch of the effect, as described in the Fésole Club Paper in last month's Parents' Review. This sketch must be sent with the coloured drawing, by the end of the year, to W. G. Collingwood, Coniston, Lancashire.
Proofread by LNL, Aug. 2023