Our Work.
Volume 7, 1896, pg. 75
House of Education.--We are very happy in a new gift--a capital lantern, with lamp and arrangements from lime-light--a present from Mrs. Steinthal. We look forward with much pleasure to its use. [A magic lantern was an early slide projector.]
Parents' Review School--As Easter falls early this year, the examination papers will not be sent out until April 18th. The unfortunate and quite unforeseen occurrence of pressing business, as an executor, has greatly hindered the Examiner's work with the Christmas examination papers, hence their delay beyond the six weeks which the work of examination usually occupies. The papers are perhaps more than ever satisfactory this time, there is hardly a case in which the pupils are not making steady and intelligent progress. We would say one word of caution--the P.R.S. takes care of itself so far as all literary, historic, and generally intellectual subjects go, but there are a few more or less mechanical subjects, such as reading, writing, dictation, and arithmetic, which require the teachers' very special force, because the programme cannot provide for the thorough teaching of these subjects.
Natural History Club.--The Committee will be glad to receive names of new subscribers to Mr. Rowbotham's extremely interesting and useful Courses of Letters entitled "Junior Botany," "Junior Geology," and "Lessons from our Walks." Specimen letters may be had on application to--
Miss Blogg, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2021