Parents's National Educational Union Library.
Volume 7, 1896, pgs. 232-233
THE EDUCATION LIBRARY, Edited by Sir. Philip Magnus:
1. No 1. Industrial Education by Sir. Philip Magnus [publisher: Kegan Paul]
2. No. 2. History of Educational Theories by Oscar Browning [publisher: Kegan Paul]
3. No 3. School Management by Joseph Landon [publisher: Kegan Paul]
4. No 4. Old Greek Education by Rev. Prof. John Pentland Mahaffy [publisher: Kegan Paul]
5. Practical Education by Charles Godfrey Leland
6. Essays on Educational Reformers by Rev. Robert Hebert Quick [publisher: Longmans]
7. Educational Ends by Sophie Bryant, B. SC.
8. Home Education by Charlotte M. Mason [publisher: Kegan Paul]
9. Hints on Home Teaching by Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, D.D. [publisher: Seeley]
10. Early Education by William Henry Bainbrigge
11. School and Home by T.G. Houston, M.A. [publisher: Mayne & Boyd]
12. On Teaching: Its End and Means by Henry Calderwood [publisher: Macmillan]
13. Hints on Child Training by W.C. Trumbull, D.D. [publisher: Hodder & Stoughton]
14. How Gertrude teaches her Children by Pestalozzi
15. Education of Girls by William Ballantyne Hodgson, D.D. [publisher: Kegan Paul]
16. Some Thoughts on Education by John Locke, edited by Robert H. Quick [publisher: Cam. University Press]
17. Principles of Education, 2 Vols. by Miss Elizabeth Missing Sewell [publisher: Longmans]
18. The Works of Joseph Payne, 2 Vols. by Joseph Payne [publisher: Longmans]
19. Strictures on Modern Education 2 Vols. by Hannah More [publisher: Cadell]
20. Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon, edited William Aldis Wright [publisher: Cam. University Press]
21. Outlines of Pedagogics by Wilhelm Rein [publisher: Sonnenschein]
22. Levana (Levana oder Erziehlehre) by Jean Paul Richter [publisher: Bohn]
23. Free Method in Elementary Schools by A. Roche [publisher: Roche]
24. Habit by Stanley Hall [publisher: Heath, Boston]
1. Primer of Psychology by George Trumbull Ladd [publisher: Longmans]
2. Handbook of Psychology by James Sully
3. Outlines of Psychology by Harald Høffding [publisher: Macmillan]
4. Elements of Psychology by James Mark Baldwin [publisher: Macmillan]
5. First Book of Psychology by William James [publisher: Macmillan]
6. Education of the Feelings by Mrs. Charles Bray [publisher: Longmans]
7. Elements of Morality by Mrs. Charles Bray [publisher: Longmans]
8. The Christian Ethic by William Angus Knight, L.L.D [publisher: Murray]
9. The Moral Ideal by Miss Julia Wedgwood [publisher: Trübner]
10. Springs of Conduct by Prof. Lloyd Morgan [publisher: E. Arnold]
11. Introduction to Study of Ethics by Stanton Coit [publisher: Sonnenschein]
12. Ethical Teaching of Froebel by Mary J. Lyschinska. and Therese G. Montefiore [publisher: Kegan Paul]
13. Short Studies in Character by Sophie Bryant, B. SC. [publisher: Longmans]
14. Moral Training by Emily A. Shirreff
15. Mental Physiology by William Benjamin Carpenter [publisher: Kegan Paul]
1. Religion in Boyhood by Rev. Ernest B. Layard [publisher: Methuen]
2. Clews to Holy Writ by Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (Mary Louisa Georgina Petrie) [publisher: Hodder & Stoughton]
3. Progressive Revelation by Miss Emma Marie Caillard [publisher: Murray]
4. Foundations of Belief by Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour [publisher: Longmans]
5. Lessons on the Life of our Lord by Eugene Stock [publisher: Church of England Sunday School Inst.]
6. Lessons on the Acts by Eugene Stock [publisher: Church of England Sunday School Inst.]
7. The Message of Israel by Miss Julia Wedgwood [publisher: Isbister]
8. Life and Times of Isaiah by Prof. Archibald Henry Sayce [publisher: Religious Tract Society]
9. Bible History for Children by Lady Alicia Georgette Kennett-Barrington [publisher: Nisbet]
10. Chapter and Verse by Lucy M. Soulsby [publisher: Parker, Oxford]
11. The Hibbert Lectures by Claude J. Montefiore [publisher: Williams & Norgate]
12. The Clergy and the Catechism by Rev. Spencer Jones [publisher: Skeffington]
13. Hymns for Little Children by Mrs. Cecil Frances Alexander [publisher: Masters]
14. Lessons on the Church Catechism by Rev. Canon Evan Daniel [publisher: National Society]
1. Personal and Domestic Hygiene by Dr. Alfred Taylor Schofield [publisher: Allman]
2. Hygiene Under Difficulties by Eliza Priestley
3. Health at School by Dr. Clement Dukes [publisher: Rivington]
4. Health Cultures by Dr. Gustav Jaeger [publisher: Jaeger]
5. Physiology for Schools by Dr. Alfred Taylor Schofield [publisher: Cassell]
6. Human Physiology by Ernest Albert Parkyn [publisher: Allman]
7. The Human Body by Dr. Owen Lankester [publisher: Allman]
8. Food and Feeding by Sir Henry Thompson [publisher: Warne & Co.]
9. Food and Nutrition by Thomas Twining [publisher: David Bogue]
10. Household Economy by G. W. Bacon [publisher: Ivison, New York]
11. A Book for every Woman by Jane Walker, M.D.
12. Physiology of the Senses by John Gray M'Kendrick and William Snodgrass [publisher: Murray]
13. The Brain as an Organ of Mind by Dr. H. Charlton Bastian [publisher: Kegan Paul]
14. Aids to the Sick and Wounded by Moffitt, M.D. [publisher: Chas. Griffin]
15. Children by G. W. Bacon [publisher: G. W. Bacon]
16. A Plea for a Simpler Life by Dr. George Skene Keith [publisher: A. & C. Black]
17. School Diet by Dr. Clement Dukes [publisher: Percival]
1. Child, and Child Nature by Baroness Màrenholtz [publisher: Sonnenschein]
2. A Study of Child Nature by Elizabeth Harrison (Bülow)
3. Studies of Childhood by Prof. Sully [publisher: Longmans]
4. On Children by Anthony Wilson Thorold [publisher: Isbister]
5. Moral Instruction of Children by Dr. Felix Adler
6. Care of Infants by Miss Sophia Jex-Blake, M.D. [publisher: Macmillan]
7. Mentally Deficient Children by George Edward Shuttleworth, M.D.
8. Kindergarten Practice by Robinson [publisher: Simpkin Marshall]
9. The Kindergarten at Home by Emily A. Shirreff [publisher: Joseph Hughes]
10. The Kindergarten by Emily A. Shireff [publisher: Sonnenschein]
11. Letters of Froebel edited, Mme. Michaelis [publisher: Sonnenschein]
12. Froebel's Autobiography translated Mme. Michaelis [publisher: Sonnenschein]
13. Republic of Childhood, Froebel's Gifts by Kate Douglas Wiggin [publisher: Gay & Bird]
14. Students' Froebel by William Henry Herford, B.A. [publisher: Isbister]
15. Mothers' Songs, Games and Stories by Frances and Emily Lord [publisher: William Rice]
16. Songs and Games for the Kindergarten by Tisdale and Gilbert [publisher: Curwen & Sons]
17. Saltaire Kindergarten Games by Lois Bates [publisher: Curwen & Sons]
18. Saltaire Action Songs by Lois Bates [publisher: Curwen & Sons]
19. Medley of Songs to Popular Tunes by Mrs. Scoggins [publisher: Curwen & Sons]
20. Song Stories for the Kindergarten by Mildred and Patty Hill [publisher: Clayton Sunny, Chicago]
1. The Earth and Early Explorers by Miss Nancy d'Anvers (Nancy Bell) [publisher: G. Philip]
2. The Life Story of our Earth by Miss Nancy d'Anvers (Nancy Bell) [publisher: G. Philip]
3. The Story of Early Man by Miss Nancy d'Anvers (Nancy Bell) [publisher: G. Philip]
4. Lowly Water Animals by Miss Nancy d'Anvers (Nancy Bell) [publisher: G. Philip]
5. Mammals of Land and Sea by Mrs. (Nancy) Arthur George Bell [publisher: G. Philip]
6. Vegetable Life and its Lowest Forms by Mrs. (Nancy) Arthur George Bell [publisher: G. Philip]
7. First Book of Botany by Eliza Ann Youmans [publisher: Kegan Paul]
8. Playing at Botany by Phoebe Allen [publisher: Hatchards]
9. Chapters on Modern Botany by Patrick Geddes [publisher: Murray]
10. The Country, Month by Month, 12 parts by Jean Allan Owen and George Simonds Boulger [publisher: Bliss, Sands & Foster]
11. Leaves and Flowers by Mary A. Spear [publisher: Heath, Boston]
12. The Forest Trees of Great Britain by Rev. Charles Alexander Johns [publisher: S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]
13. British Birds by Rev. Charles Alexander Johns [publisher: S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]
14. Our Country's Birds by William John Gordon [publisher: Simpkin Marshall]
15. Fairy Land of Science by Arabella Buckley [publisher: Stanford]
16. Winners in Life's Race by Arabella Buckley [publisher: Stanford]
17. Life and Her Children by Arabella Buckley [publisher: Stanford]
18. Nature and Her Servants by Rev. Theodore Wood [publisher: S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]
19. First Year of Scientific Knowledge by Paul Bert [publisher: Relfe]
20. Wild Nature Won by Kindness by Mrs. Brightwen [publisher: Fisher Unwin]
21. More about Wild Nature by Mrs. Eliza Brightwen [publisher: Fisher Unwin]
22. Inmates of My House and Garden by Mrs. Eliza Brightwen [publisher: Fisher Unwin]
23. Beauties of Nature by Rt. Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bt. [publisher: Macmillan]
24. Workers Without Wage by Miss Edith Carrington [publisher: Griffith and Farran]
25. Handbook of London Geological Field Class by Harry Govier Seeley [publisher: Philip]
26. Handbook of Nat. Hist. Club edited by Lady I. Margesson [publisher: Philip]
27. Handbook of Mosses by James Eustace Bagnall [publisher: Sonnenschein]
28. British Fossils by J. W. Williams [publisher: Sonnenschein]
29. British Butterflies, Moths, &c. by William Forsell Kirby [publisher: Sonnenschein]
30. Beetles, Butterflies and other Insects by August Wilhelm Kappel and William Egmont Kirby [publisher: Cassell]
31. British Butterflies by William Stephen Coleman [publisher: Routledge]
32. British Fishes by Frank Buckland [publisher: S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]
33. Pond Life and Insects by Edward Albert Butler [publisher: Sonnenschein]
34. Fresh & Salt Water Aquarium by Rev. John George Wood [publisher: Routledge]
35. Introduction to the Study of Zoology by B. Lindsay [publisher: Sonnenschein]
36. Land and Fresh Water Shells by Joseph W. Williams, John W. Taylor and W. Denison Roebuck [publisher: Sonnenschein]
37. Outlines of Field Geology by Archibald Geikie [publisher: Macmillan]
38. Manual of Geology by Joseph Beete Jukes [publisher: A. & C. Black]
39. Physiography by Thomas Henry Huxley [publisher: Macmillan]
40. Links in a Long Chain by Mrs. Bell [publisher: Philip & Son]
41. Object Lessons from Nature by Louis Compton Miall, F.R.S. [publisher: Cassell]
1. Report of Women Workers' Conference [publisher: Bell]
2. Mothers in Council, 2 Vols. by Charlotte Mary Yonge [publisher: Wells Gardner]
3. Mothers and Sons by Rev. The Hon. Edward Lyttleton [publisher: Macmillan]
4. Womankind by Charlotte Mary Yonge [publisher: Smith & Innes]
5. Duties of Women by Frances Power Cobbe [publisher: Williams & Norgate]
6. Last Words to Girls by Maria E. Grey [publisher: Longmans]
7. Stray Thoughts for Teachers by Lucy E. Soulsby [publisher: Parker]
8. Stray Thoughts for Girls by Lucy E. Soulsby [publisher: Parker]
9. The Use of Life by Sir John Lubbock [publisher: Macmillan]
10. Temperance Lesson Book by Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson [publisher: NNational Temperance Publication Depot]
11. Home Work for Willing Hands by Mrs. Eliza Brightwen [publisher: Fisher Unwin]
12. Essays and Addresses by Arthur James Balfour [publisher: Douglas]
13. English Institutions by Philip Vernon Smith [publisher: Rivington]
14. Great Public Schools
15. Heroes of Science by Matthew Moncrieff Pattison Muir [publisher: S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]
16. Manual of Object Lessons by Thomas Godolphin Rooper [publisher: Sonnenschein]
17. Art of Teaching Languages by Francois Gouin [publisher: Philip]
18. First Lessons in French by Francois Gouin [publisher: Philip]
19. Fresh Light from Ancient Monuments by Archibald Henry Sayce [publisher: Religious Tract Society]
20. Théâtre de la Jeunesse by Mrs. Hugh (Florence) Bell [publisher: Longmans]
21. Petit Théâtre des Enfants by Mrs. Hugh (Florence) Bell [publisher: Longmans]
22. French Without Tears by Mrs. (Florence) Hugh Bell [publisher: Longmans]
23. Primer on Browning by Mrs. C. V. Parsons (nee Florence Mary Wilson?)
24. Tales from Westminster Abbey by Mrs. (Millicent) Frewen Lord [publisher: Sampson Low]
25. Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral by Mrs. (Millicent) Frewen Lord [publisher: Sampson Low]
26. Gymnastic Exercises by Dr. Mathias Roth [publisher: Myers]
27. Home Geography by George Phillips Bevan [publisher: Sonnenschein]
28. Science and Art of Arithmetic by Adolf Sonnenschein & H. A. Nesbitt [publisher: Sonnenschein]
29. Systematic Cutting-out by Mrs. Brant [publisher: Sonnenschein]
30. The Musician, 3 parts by Ridley Prentice [publisher: Sonnenschein]
31. Teacher's Guide to Child Pianist Grade 1 by Mrs. Spencer Curwen [publisher: Curwen]
32. Teacher's Guide to Child Pianist Grade 2 by Mrs. Spencer Curwen [publisher: Curwen]
33. Eight Books of Exercises to do by Mrs. Spencer Curwen [publisher: Curwen]
34. Students' Text Book of History by Dorothea Beale [publisher: Bell & Daldy]
35. Chronological Maps by Dorothea Beale [publisher: Bell & Daldy]
36. English Method of Teaching to Read by Adolf Sonnenschein and John Meiklejohn [publisher: Macmillan]
37. Theory and Practice of Handwriting by John Jackson [publisher: Sampson Low]
38. Historical Reader, 3 parts [publisher: Longmans]
39. Milton's Paradise Lost by Macmillan [publisher: Macmillan]
40. Brushwork by Mrs. Rowland Hill [publisher: Newmann]
41. Brushwork by Mrs. Steinthal and Miss Leach [publisher: Arnold, Leeds]
42. Brushwork by Miss Elizabeth Corbet "Lolly" Yeats [publisher: Philip]
43. Original Readings & Recitations by H. Childe-Pemberton [publisher: Ward Lock]
44. History of London by Walter Besant [publisher: Longmans]
45. An Introduction to Political Economy by Richard Theodore Ely, P.H. D. [publisher: Swan Sonnenschein]
46. Plain Needlework and Knitting by Brietzcke and Rooper [publisher: Swan Sonnenschein]
47. Exercises in English Word Formation by Frank Ritchie [publisher: Swan Sonnenschein]
48. A. B. C. Arithmetic by Sonnenschein & Nesbitt [publisher: Swan Sonnenschein]
49. A. B. C. Exercises by Sonnenschein & Nesbitt [publisher: Swan Sonnenschein]
50. School Management by Joseph Landon [publisher: Kegan Paul]
51. How Dante Climbed the Mountain by Miss Rose E. Selfe [publisher: Cassell]
52. School Geography by Alfred Kirchhoff & Adolf Sonnenschein [publisher: Sonnenschein]
No. Title of Book by Author [publisher: Publisher] -- Price Published -- (Postage)
1. Tennyson for the Young by Rev. Canon Alfred Ainger [publisher: Macmillan] Is. (2d.)
2. Elocution for Children by Foster [publisher: Sonnenschein] Is. 6d. (3d.)
3. Child's Garden of Verse by Robert Louis Stevenson [publisher: Longmans] 4s. 6d. (3d.)
4. The Story Hour by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin [publisher: Gay & Bird] 2s. 6d. (4 1/2d.)
5. The Story of Patsy by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin [publisher: Gay & Bird] Is. 6d. (3d.)
6. The Birds' Xmas Carol by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin [publisher: Gay & Bird] Is. 6d. (3d.)
7. Timothy's Quest by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin [publisher: Gay & Bird] 2s. 6d. (4 1/2d.)
8. Barbara's Brothers by Miss Evelyn Ward Everett-Green [publisher: Religious Tract Society] 5s. (4 1/2d.)
9. Marcus Stafford's Charge by Miss Evelyn Ward Everett-Green [publisher: Religious Tract Society] 3s. 6d. (4 1/2d.)
10. Fir Tree Farm by Miss Evelyn Ward Everett-Green [publisher: Religious Tract Society] 5s. (4 1/2d.)
11. Mrs. Romaine's Household by Miss Evelyn Ward Everett-Green [publisher: Oliphant, Edin.] 3s. 6d. (4 1/2d.)
12. Aunt Mai's Annual by Mrs. Steinthal [publisher: Constable] 3s. 6d. (4 1/2d.)
13. A Song, Please by Hutchins Lewis [publisher: Curwen] 2s. (3d.)
14. Songs for Little Singers by Henry King Lewis [publisher: Simpkin] 2s. 6d. (3d.)
15. The Golden Boat Songs by Mrs. Ormiston Chant [publisher: Curwen] (3d.)
16. Original Songs, Games, Etc. by Wilhelmina Rooper [publisher: Newmann] Is.
17. Circular Tablet (game) by T. E. Lawrence [publisher: Philip] 2s. 6d.
18. Finger Plays by Emilie Poulsson [publisher: Curwen] 2s. (3d.)