
Parents' Review Article Archive

A Short List of Books on Educational Subjects with Brief Critical Notices of Each Book.

by James Welton, M.A.
Lecturer on Education, Yorkshire College, Leeds.
Volume 7, 1896, pgs. 262-275

[Rev. James Welton, 1854-1942, Professor of Education in the University of Leeds, wrote books on Logic, Education, Moral Training, and Grammar.]

[8vo. probably refers to the size of the book: Octavo. The page numbers probably means that's how many pages are in that book. Roman numerals might refer to how many pages are in the preface. Prices are also given, most are in shillings and pence, but a few are in francs.]

Books marked * are in the P.N.E.U. Library.


ADLER, FELIX, Ph.D., President of the Ethical Society of New York.
*Moral Instruction of Children. 8vo., pp. xiii., 270; E. Arnold, 1892; 6s. A systematic practical handbook to this important subject, not based on any definite religious system. Very valuable to parents and teachers.

BRYANT, MRS. SOPHIE, D.Sc., Head Mistress of the North London Collegiate School Girls.
*Educational Ends, or The Ideal of Personal Development, 8vo., pp. x., 292; Longmans & Co., 1887; 6s. A most valuable discussion of the ethical and logical ends of education, from the standpoint of philosophical idealism, concluding with the establishment of the ultimate unity of the two ends. This is one of the books which every thoughtful parent and teacher should read.
*Short Studies in Character. 8vo., pp. vi., 247; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1894; 3s. 6d. A series of essays on the essential features of a good character, and the process of its formation, regarded throughout from an educational standpoint. The book is simpler and less systematic than the same author's Educational Ends, to which it forms a good introduction.

GREY, MRS. W. [Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey]
*Last Words to Girls on Life in School and after School. Longmans, 3s. 6d. A good book, whose scope is sufficiently indicated by its title.

MACKENZIE, J.S., M.A., Professor of Philosophy at University College, Cardiff.
A Manual of Ethics. 8vo., pp. xxx., 355; Clive & Co., 1892; 6s. 6d. A clear and stimulating discussion, from the stand point of philosophical idealism, of the end of life and the characteristics of good conduct and character. Some knowledge of the theory of ethics must be regarded as essential to all educators, and no book is better adapted to supply this knowledge than Mr. Mackenzie's.

MUIRHEAD, J.H., M.A., Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Holloway College, Egham.
*Elements of Ethics. 8vo., pp. xi., 239; Murray, 1892; 3s. A book on similar lines to Professor Mackenzie's, and from a similar and from a similar standpoint, but briefer, and with less reference to the individual life.

*L'education morale des le Berceau. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 320; Paris: Alcain, 1887 5fr. A treatise on the development and training of character, based on a psychological study of the growth of the emotions and the will.

WILSON, ARCHDEACON, formerly Head Master of Clifton College.
Three Addresses to Girls at School. 8vo.; Rivingtons and Co.; 1s. 6d. Three excellent and stimulating addresses dealing with Education, High School Education for Girls, and Religion respectively.


COMPAYRÉ, G., Recteur de l' Académie de Portiers, formerly Professor in the Normal School of Fontenoy-aux-Roses.
L'évolution intellectuelle et morale de l' enfant. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 371; Hachete, 1893; 10fr. The best sympathetic treatise on child psychology.
*Psychology applied to Education. 8vo., pp. ix., 216; Isbister & Co., 1893; 3s. 6d. A valuable treatise on educational method deduced from psychology, translated by Dr. W. H. Payne.

LANGE, DR. KARL; Translated by the Herbart Club of America; edited by Dr. de Garmo.
*Apperception: a monograph on psychology and pedagogy. 8vo., pp. ix., 279; Isbister & Co., [1879] 1893; 3s. 6d. By far the best and most philosophical book in English on the application of psychology to education. It is simply indispensable to every one engaged in the training and teaching of children.

MARION, HENRI, Professor of Philosophy at Paris.
Lecons de psychologie appliquée à l' éducation. 8vo., pp. 538; Paris: Colin et Cie., 1882; 4fr. 50c. A very valuable book, and much fuller than any English work on the subject.

MORGAN, C. LLOYD, Principal of University College, Bristol.
Psychology for Teachers. 8vo., pp. x., 251; E. Arnold, 1894; 3s. 6d. A simple, interesting, and stimulating book, of considerable value.

*First Three Years of Childhood. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 294; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1885; 4s. 6d. A translation, by Miss A. M. Christies, of this valuable systematic treatise on infant psychology, with an introduction by Professor Sully. The Work is illustrated by anecdotes, for whose accuracy the author vouches.
*L'enfant de trois à sept ans. 8vo.; Paris: Alcain, 1892; 5fr. A continuation of the subject of the preceding work, treated in a similar manner.

PREYER, W., Professor of Psychology in Jena; Translated by H. W. Brown.
Mental Development in the Child. 8vo., pp. xxvi., 170; E. Arnold, 1894; 4s. 6d. A clear and simple statement of the most important factors of child development up to the age of five years. The book is specially written to aid mothers in observing and understanding the growth of mental power in the child, and a study of it will save them from many mistakes. It should be read by every thoughtful parent and teacher.
The Mind of the Child: Part I. The Senses and the Will. 8vo., pp. xxvi., 346; E. Arnold, 1888; 6s.
The Mind of the Child: Part II. The Development of the Intellect. 8vo., pp. xli., 317; E. Arnold, 1888; 6s. These two volumes form a translation of Professor Preyer's Die Seele des Kindes (The Mind of the Child). This work is fuller than that on Mental Development, and contains many of the date from which the conclusions of the latter are drawn. It is nearly entirely concerned with the first three years of life, and contains an account of many observations made by Professor Preyer, chiefly on his own children. It supplements and fills out the Mental Development, and, together with it, forms a reliable guide to the parent or teacher in interpreting the indications of child development.

RADESTOCK, DR. PAUL; Translated by F. A. Caspari.
*Habit in Education [Habit and its importance in education]. 8vo., pp. v., 117; Isbister & Co., 1882; 2s. 6d. A psychological study of habit, enriched by quotations from the writings of many authorities on psychology and physiology.

ROOPER, T. G., M.A., one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools.
A Pot of Green Feathers. 12mo., pp. 46; E. Arnold, 1892; 1s. A charming little monograph on apperception, or the process of the growth and organization of knowledge, at once philosophical and simple.

SULLY, JAS., M.A., LL. D., Professor of Philosophy at University College, London.
Studies of Childhood 8vo., pp. viii., 527. Longmans and Co., 1895; 10s. 6d An invaluable book to parents and teachers. In it the author deals in a very interesting manner with the most important aspects of child development, and illustrates by examples which have largely fallen under his own observation. Many reproductions of children's drawings afford amusement as well as instruction. The value of the book is practical as well as theoretical, for no one can read it without gathering valuable hints and suggestions as to how to aid and direct the development of children.

TRACY, FREDERICK, B.A., Ph.D., Lecturer in Philosophy in the University of Toronto.
*The Psychology of Childhood. 8vo., pp. xiii., 170; Isbister & Co., 1895; 3s. 6d. A brief but accurate, systematic, and complete, treatise on the development of the child during the first two years of life. The chapter on the growth of language is especially valuable and interesting.


FARRAR, DEAN, formerly Head Master of Marlborough College.
Essays on a Liberal Education. 8vo., pp. viii., 384; Macmillan & Co., 1867. Nine very valuable essays by various writers, including, among others, Professor H. Sidgwick, the late Professor Seeley, Archdeacon Wilson, and Dean Farrar, and edited by the last named. It is now, unfortunately, out of print, but can occasionally be met with second-hand.

*Introduction to Herbart's Science and Practice of Education. 8vo., pp. xii., 193; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1895; 3s. 6d. A clear statement of the essential features of Herbartian principles, written as an introduction to Herbart's Science of Education, which purpose it admirably fulfils.

FITCH, J. G., M.A., LL.D., formerly H.M. Senior Inspector of Schools.
*Lectures on Teaching. 8vo., pp. xvii., 436; Cambridge University Press, 1880; 5s. A thoughtful and suggestive book on the practical work of the teacher.

FOUILLÉE, A.; translated by W. J. Greenstreet, M.A.
Education from a National Standpoint. 8vo., pp. xvi., 332; E. Arnold, 1892; 7s. 6d. A very valuable discussion of the fundamental principles of education, and an able and eloquent advocacy of the claims of literature to the chief place in the curriculum.

DE GARMO, CHAS., Ph. D., President of Swarthmore College, Pa.
*Essentials of Method. 8vo., pp. 133; Isbister and Co., 1893; 2s. 6d. A clear exposition of educational method, based on Herbartian principles.
Herbart and the Herbartians. 8vo., pp. ix., 268; Heinemann, 1895; 5s. A descriptive and instructive discussion of Herbartian pronciples, and their application to the needs of English-speaking peoples. It contains a valuable bibliography of Herbartian literature.

GUYAU, J. M.; translated by W. J. Greenstreet, M.A.
Education and Heredity. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 306; W. Scott, 1891; 3s. 6d. An eloquent and valuable book by one of the most remarkable of recent French philosophers and poets, with an introduction by Mr. G. F. Stout. It treats education from the point of view of the development of the race, and is full of suggestiveness. It may be regarded as a prolegomena to M. Fouillée's Education from a National Standpoint.

HERBART, J. F., formerly Professor of Philosophy in the University of Göttingen.
*The Science of Education. 8vo., pp. xvi., 268; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1892; 3s. 6d. This book is a translation by Mr. and Mrs. Felkin of Herbart's Aesthetische Darstellung der Welt and Allgemeine Pädagogik, first published in 1804 and Allemeine Pädagik, first published in 1804 and 1806 respectively; with a brief introduction, giving an analysis of the chief doctrines contained in those works of the great German philosopher, psychologist, and educator. It is a work on the theory of education of the first importance and very highest value, but of no inconsiderable difficulty. The translators' Introduction to Herbart's Education should be used as a guide in studying Herbart himself.

HOLMAN, H., M.A., one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools. [Henry Holman, 1860-1920]
*An Introduction to Education, 8vo., pp. xii., 536; Isbister and Co., 1896; 6s. A clear systematic discussion of the fundamental principles of education and their psychological foundations, containing much valuable and suggestive matter.

*Notions de Pédagogie, 12mo., pp. 299; Delalain, Paris, 1886; 2fr. A brief but pregnant synopsis of the essentials of educational theory. It contains a useful bibliography of French books on education.

*Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1692), edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Rev. R. H. Quick. 8vo., pp. lxiv., 240; Cambridge University Press, 1880; 3s. 6d. A standard work, portions of which are still of value amidst a good deal that is misleading and even false. Mr. Quick's introduction and notes are very good and helpful.

McMURRY, CHARLES A., Ph.D.; Normal College, Illinois.
The Elements of General Method, 12mo., pp. 201; Public School Publishing Company, Bloomington, Illinois, 1892; 75 cents. A clear and interesting exposition of the main outlines of Herbartian doctrine.

PARKER, FRANCIS W.; reported by Lelia E. Patridge.
Notes of Talks on Teaching, 12mo., pp. xxi., 182 [Kellog, New York]; E. Arnold, 1891; 5s. 6d. A valuable book of method on Froebelian and Herbartian lines.

The Quincy Methods, 12mo., pp. 686 [Kellog, New York]; E. Arnold, 1892; 8s. A set of practical illustrations of Parker's Talks on Teaching.

PAYNE, JOSEPH, formerly Professor of Education in the College of Preceptors.
*Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Science and Art of Teaching, 8vo. pp. viii., 386; Longmans & Co., 1883; 10s. 6d. Contains some very valuable matter on the theory and practice of education. The lecture on "The Curriculum of Modern Education" is a vigorous and able criticism of the position taken by Mr. H. Spencer in his Education.

PAYNE, WILLIAM H. L., Ph.D.; President of Peabody Normal College, U.S.A.
Contributions to the Science of Education, 8vo., pp. xiv., 358; Blackie & Son, 1887; 4s. 6d. A set of seventeen essays on educational topics, several of which are of high value, and all of which contain vigorous expression of clear thought.

PESTALOZZI, J. H.; translated by F. E. Turner, edited with introduction by E. Cooke.
*How Gertrude teaches her Children, 8vo., pp. li. 256; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1894; 3s. 6d. A translation of Pestalozzi's letters to Gessner (published in 1800), intended, in Pestalozzi's own words, to give "as clear an insight as possible" into his theory of education. They form the most systematic attempt ever made by Pestalozzi to enunciate his doctrine. The introduction by Mr. Cooke is a somewhat uncritical defence of Pestalozzi against all unfavourable criticism.

PUTNAM, DANIEL, A.M., Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy in the Michigan State Normal School.
A Manual of Pedagogics, 8vo., pp. 330; [Silver, Burdett and Co., New York]; Gay & Bird, 1895; 7s. 6d. A very good systematic treatise on the fundamental principles of education and their psychological foundation, concluding with a brief summary of the chief results of child study. At the end of each chapter are references--mainly to American works--for further reading.

*Levana; or The Doctrine of Education, 8vo., pp. xliv., 413; Bohn's Series of Translations, Bell & Co., 1876, 3s. 6d. A complete translation of Richter's beautiful "Fragments" on Education, addressed primarily to mothers (published in 1806), preceded by an autobiography of the author. The work is full of wise thoughts and suggestions.
*Levana; or The Doctrine of Education; adapted by S. Wood. 8vo., pp. vii., 110; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1887; 3s. An adaptation and abbreviation of Richter's great book, much simplified. It is really a selection of Richter's most pregnant sayings, with connecting and explanatory remarks.

ROSENKRANZ, J. K. F., formerly Professor of Philosophy at Königsberg; translated by Anna C. Brackett.
The Philosophy of Education, 8vo., pp. xxviii., 286, E. Arnold, 1890; 6s. A shortened translation of a difficult but most philosophical and valuable discussion of educational theory, from the standpoint of Hegelian philosophy. The original work was published in 1848.

ROSMINI, ANTONIO SERBATI; translated by Mrs. William Gray.
The Ruling Principle of Method applied to Education, 8vo., xxv., 363; Isbister & Co., 1889; 5s. A translation of the incomplete work of a great Italian psychologist. It treats in detail of the development of the child from birth till about the seventh year, and is of great value.

Émile, 8vo., pp. 565; Garnier, Paris, 3fr, 50c., 1st edition, 1762.
Émile; translated by Dr. W. H. Payne, 8vo., Isbister and Co., 1894; 6s.
*Émile; extracts by Jules Steeg, translated by Eleanor Worthington, 8vo., pp. 157; Isbister & Co., 1889; 3s. 6d. Amongst much that is wild, impracticable, and false, Émile is full of suggestions, of beautiful sayings, and of noble thoughts. It is one of the most stimulating and inspiring books ever written on education. The extracts selected by Steeg are those passages which are of the greatest and most permanent importance. For a fuller study, Dr. Payne's edition is the most useful for English readers.

Education, 8vo., pp. 180; Williams & Norgate, 1861; 2s. 6d. Four chapters dealing with the selection of subjects of instruction, intellectual, moral, and physical education respectively. Those on intellectual and physical culture are very suggestive and valuable, but those on "What knowledge is of most worth," and "Moral Education" should be read with great discrimination and care, as the views they embody by no means meet with the general concurrence of educational experts. Powerful criticisms of Mr. Spencer's fundamental position will be found in M. Fouillée's Education from a National Standpoint, in one of Mr. Joseph Payne's essays, and in one of Dr. W. H. Payne's Contribution to the Science of Education.

Philosophy of Education, 12mo., pp. 331; [Kellog, New York]; E. Arnold; 6s. This is a reprint of an old (first published 1856) but thoroughly sound and very suggestive work on the principles and practice of education. It is edited and annotated by E. E. Sheib, Ph.D., Principal of the Louisiana State Normal School.

THRING, REV. EDWARD, M.A., late Head Master of Uppingham School.
Theory and Practice of Education, 8vo., pp. xiv., 264; Cambridge University Press, 1883; 4s. 6d. A most suggestive and stimulating book on teaching, invaluable to all engaged in education.


Froebel and Education by Self-activity, 8vo., pp. viii., 209; Heinemenn, 1893; 5s. The best general account of the educational principles of Froebel and the mode of their application.

BÜLOW, BARONESS MARENHOLTZ; translated by Alice M. Christie.
*Child and Child Nature, 8vo., pp. xii., 186; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. (1879) 1893; 3s. A psychological discussion of child nature, followed by a clear and valuable exposition of Froebel's principles, and their application specially to the training of young children.
*Hand Work and Head Work, 8vo., pp. xii., 144; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1883; 3s. A practical application of Froebel's principles, especially in the Kindergarten.

FROEBEL, FRIEDRICH; translated by W. N. Hailmann, M.A.
The Education of Man, 8vo., pp. xxv., 332; E. Arnold, 1892; 6s. A translation of Froebel's great work (published 1826) into as clear English as the character of the original permits.

*The Student's Froebel, Part I., Theoretical, 8vo., pp. xvi., 112; Part II., Practical, pp. 143; Isbister, 1894; each part 2s. 6d. The First Part is an abbreviation of Froebel's Education of Man, consisting of translations of the more important portions, with connecting passages. The Second Part consists of somewhat brief passages, adapted from various writings of Froebel, dealing with the method of conducting early education on Kindergarten lines, with elucidatory comments by the Editor.

LYSCHINSKA, MARY J., Superintendent of Infant Schools under the School Board for London.
*The Kindergarten Principle, Sq.4to., pp. 173 + 4 plates; Isbister [1880]], 1889; 4s. 6d. A practical handbook of Kindergarten occupations, illustrated by diagrams, intended primarily for schools, but easily applicable to family education.

*Education in the Home, the Kindergarten, and the Primary School, 8vo., pp. viii., 224; Swan, Sonnenschein and Co., 1887; 3s. A very good book by one of the leading American authorities on Froebel's system of education.

SHIREFF, EMILY, President of the Froebel Society.
*The Kindergarten at Home, 8vo., pp. xvi., 201; Allen [1876], 1894; 3s. 6d. By far the best, simplest, and most helpful, mothers' handbook of Kindergarten principles and practice. It contains several plates of illustrative diagrams.

*The Paradise of Childhood. 4to., pp. iv., 99 + 76 plates; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1887; 10s. 6d. The most thorough practical handbook to Kindergarten gifts and occupations. The plates supply an almost inexhaustible store of direction and suggestion.


ABBOTT, REV. EDWIN, D.D., formerly Head Master of the City of London School.
*Hints on Home Teaching, 8vo., pp. xii., 225; Seeley, 1883; 3s. This plain and practical book, by the famous head master of the City of London School, is full of the most helpful directions as to the best methods of teaching at home the ordinary subjects of education. There are also valuable and suggestive chapters on Moral Training, Religious Instruction, and Home Influence.

Practical Education, 1800. This valuable book is out of print, but can be occasionally picked up second-hand. To parents it is a rich mine.

*Lettres de famille sur l'education, 8vo., 2 vols., pp. 372, 374; Paris: Didier et Cie, 1861; 7 fr. This is a classical French work on the home education of girls, and contains much of interest and of value.

Notes on the Early Training of Children, 8vo., pp. 128; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1884; 1s. 6d. A sound and practical book on home training, dealing with the subject largely from the moral point of view. The chapters on reverence and rewards and punishments are particularly good.

*Home Education, 8vo., pp. xi., 369; Kegan Paul, 1886; 6s. A series of very valuable lectures, dealing in a practical manner with all the main problems, moral and mental, of home education. The lectures on habit, and on the home education of the school boy and school girl are specially important.

*L'éducation progressive, 8vo., 2 vols., pp. 347, 572; Paris: Garnier, 1836-8; 7fr. A very valuable, thorough, and suggestive treatise on the education of children from infancy to youth, with special reference to home education. The earliest years are dealt with one by one in great detail, and the subject is continued with boys till the fourteenth year, with girls to womanhood.

PESTALOZZI, J. H.--Translated by Eva Channing.
*Leonard and Gertrude, 8vo., pp. 181; Isbister & Co., 1889; 3s. 6d. An abridged translation, including all that is of permanent value in Pestalozzi's best known work, published in 1781. It contains many suggestive hints to mothers in dealing with their children.

Home Education, 8vo., pp. viii., 379; 1838. A classical work on the subject, now unfortunately out of print, but occasionally to be met with second-hand. It is of considerable value.


COMPAYRÉ, G., Recteur de l'Académie de Poitiers, formerly Professor in the Normal School of Fontenoy-aux-Roses; translated by Dr. W. H. Payne.
*History of Pedagogy, 8vo., pp. xxii., 598; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1888; 6s. The best general History of Education in English.

DE GUIMPS, ROGER; translated by J. Russell, B.A.
*Pestalozzi: his life and works, 8vo., pp. x. 438; Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1888; 6s. The best account of Pestalozzi, with a portrait and an introduction by the Rev. R. H. Quick. Several of Pestalozzi's most important letters are reproduced in full.

PAYNE, JOSEPH, formerly Professor of Education in the College of Preceptors.
*Lectures on the History of Education, 8vo., pp. 313; Longmans, 1892; 10s. Thirteen lectures on leading educators, of which ten deals with European writers since the revival of learning; illustrated with portraits. The volume also contains Mr. Payne's interesting monographs--A Visit to German Schools.

QUICK, REV. R. H., M.A., formerly Assistant Master at Harrow, and Lecturer on the History of Education at Cambridge.
*Essays on Educational Reformers, 8vo., pp. xxviii., 560; Longmans & Co., [1868], 1890; 3s. 6d. A series of interesting essays on some of the best known advocates of educational reform, but without any great philosophical depth.

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