P.N.E.U. Notes.
Volume 7, 1896, pgs. 318-320
Edited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28, Victoria Street, S.W.
To whom Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectus or other papers they may print.
The Library Committee acknowledge, with many thanks, the gift of the
following books by their authors:--
"New Life: Its Genesis and Culture." H. O'Neill and Edith Barnett.
"Clay Modelling." Mrs. Steinthal
"Exercises for the study of French" (Brandon & Duriaux). Mdlle.
Also of the following:--
"Lessons in Botany" (Asa Gray), from Sir Thomas Dyke Acland.
"Lectures on Teaching" (T. G. Fitch, M.A.); "The Child's Bible." Mr.
"Introduction to Herbart's Science of Education" (H. M. and E. Felkin).
Ascham's "Scholemaster." Miss Blogg.
Rousseau's "Émile" and "Les Confessions"; "L'éducation
progressive," 2 vols. (Madame Neckar de Saussure); "Lettres de famille
sur l'éducation," 2 vols. (Guizot); "Notions de
Pédagogie" (Joly); "L'éducation morale" and
"L'enfant de trois à sept ans" (Pérez); "Leçons de
psychologie" (Marion). Mr. Perrin.
The following books have been purchased for the Library:--
"The Science of Education." Herbart (translated by H. M. and E.
"First Three years of Childhood." Perez (Introduction by Prof. Sully).
De Guimp's "Life of Pestalozzi." Translated by J. Russell, B.A.
Compayré's "History of Pedagogy." Translated by W. H. Payne,
"Handwork and Headwork." Baroness Marcuholtz-Bülow.
"Education in the Home, The Kindergarten, and the Primary School."
Elizabeth Peabody.
Richter's "Levana." Susan Wood.
"Leonard and Gertrude." Pestalozzi (translated by Eva Channing).
"The Kindergarten Principle." M. Lyschinska.
Rousseau's "Émile." Translated by E. Worthington.
"Psychology applied to Education." Compayré (translated by W.
Lange's "Apperception." Edited by C. de Garmo.
"An Introduction to Education." Holman.
"Student's Froebel" Part I. Herford.
"The Essentials of Method." C. de Garmo.
"Habit." Capari (Introduction by Stanley Hall).
Rosmini's "Method in Education." Translated by Maria Grey.
"Psychology of Childhood." Tracy.
"Elements of Ethics." Muirhead.
Belgravia.--On April 29th a delightful lecture was given by Dr. Schofield on "The Formation of Character in Children," at 18, Rutland Gate (by kind permission of Mrs. Henderson). Those present felt they had received several useful and suggestive hints as to the management of their children, and general regret was expressed that, on account of so many of the members not yet having returned to town, the attendance was not as large as usual. A course of lectures on English Literature (1670-1700) is being given on Wednesday and Friday mornings. French classes (Gouin Method) for children from 6 to 10 years of age are being held at 21, Hyde Park Gate (by kind permission of Hon. Mrs. Muir Mackenzie) on Tuesdays and Fridays. Preparatory and advanced classes are held by Mdlle. Forckel at 152, Ebury Street. Classes for young children are held at 39, Graham Street. Brush-work on Wednesdays. Modelling and Basket work on Tuesdays, and Elementary Singing on Wednesdays, Fortnightly classes for ladies for the practice of concerted music are held on Friday afternoons.
Hyde Park and Bayswater.--(Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. Franklin, 9, Pembridge Gardens. At home on Thursday mornings). On May 6th Mrs. Steinthal gave a lecture at 33, Cavendish Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Symes Thompson), on "Children's work in connection with the Budget," E. Symes Thompson, Esq., M.D., in the chair. Mrs. Steinthal explained the educational idea underlying each competition arranged by her in the [Aunt Mai's] Budget, and displayed some of the children's needlework, drawings, and illustrations sent in to her. She also gave a few practical hints on the teaching of Design. The out-door Natural History lessons are being given by Miss E. Whitley, B.Sc. (Mr. Rowbotham good auspices, between 20 and 30 children having joined. Miss R. Leney (Senior Student of the House of Education, June, 1895) will give a demonstration lecture on "The Teaching of Reading and Spelling" (as recommended by Miss Mason in "Home Education"), on June 8th, at 5 p.m., at 13, Campden Hill Gardens. Any member who has not received an invitation for the Conversazione on June 11th, is asked to communicate with Mrs. Franklin.
Clapham.--A drawing room meeting was held on Monday, May 4th, at 8 p.m., at 15, Victoria Road (by kind invitation of Mrs. Mackenzie Evans). A most interesting paper on Slöyd was read by Miss Edith Pace, and gave rise to an animated discussion, in the course of which Mr. Wells, Principal of the Battersea Institute, made some able remarks. The Rev. H. Hughes, Vicar of St. Matthew's, took the chair.
Woodford and Wanstead.--On May 1st, Mrs. Emil Behnke read a most interesting paper on "Voice Production," with special relation to the use of the child's voice, illustrated with diagrams. There was a large attendance, and the lecture was most interesting and instructive.
Three meetings were held in May to study "Home Education," in the Iron Room at Glebelands (by the kindness of Mrs. Henry Fowler).
Dulwich.--A lecture to children on "Seeds and Seedlings" was given on May 6th, at 5p.m., at the Dulwich High School for girls, by kind permission of the Head Mistress, Miss Cooper. Mr. A. Howell kindly acted as chairman. The lecturer was Miss M. Simpson of Leeds, Extension Lecturer, Victoria University, who, from beginning to end, kept the children interested in the subject which she illustrated with specimens and lantern slides. It was a most delightful lecture and it is hoped that Miss Simpson will lecture again. About 140 were present, children of course predominating.
Wimbledom.--It is proposed to hold a drawing room towards the end of June, at Cottenham House by kind permission of Lady Thompson, with a view to establishing a branch in this neighbourhood. Dr. Schofield has promised to speak on this occasion. Members who have friends living at Wimbledom are earnestly requested to make this known to them.
Hastings and St. Leonards.--There will be no further meetings of this branch until October next. (Hon. Sec. Mrs. Venables, St. Bernard's Lodge, St. Leonards).
Eastbourne.--Two lectures were held in May, one by Charles Roberts, Esq., the other by Miss Helen Webb, M.B., on "Heredity." The June lecture will be given by Miss Barnett. The Secretary regrets that the Botany Lecture is unavoidably postponed.
Sheffield.--Two additional meetings of this branch have been arranged. One was held in May on "School Games and Bicycling," and the other will probably be given in July on "Obedience," by T. G. Rooper, Esq., H.M.I. The Union has lost the valuable assistance of the Hon. Sec., Miss Walmsley, who has been associated with this branch since 1892, owing to her removal from the town.
Oxton, Cheshire.--On Thursday, March 5th, a preliminary meeting was held at Lingdale (by kind permission of Mrs. Jaeger). Miss Mason, who had been speaking at other meetings in the neighbourhood, addressed the assembled ladies on the origin, work, and aims of the P.N.E.U. [read it here] The cause excited considerable enthusiasm. At the close of the meeting it was agreed by those present to make the Union as widely known as possible among their friends, prepatory to organising a branch and electing officers in the autumn.
Edinburgh.--The last meeting of the session was held (by kind invitation of Mrs. Freeland Barbour), at 4, Charlotte Square, on Tuesday, May 5th, when Mr. J. Arthur Thompson read a paper of exceptional interest on "The Study of Natural History as an Educational Discipline." There was a very good audience. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Cunningham Craig, Hon. Organizing Secretary of the Scottish Mothers' Union, spoke of the objects of that Society, and expressed a hope that there might be co-operation between the S.M.U. and P.N.E.U.
Proofread by LNL, Nov. 2020