P.N.E.U. Notes.
Volume 7, 1896, pg. 560
Edited by Miss Frances Blogg, Sec., 28 Victoria Street, S.W.
To whom Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print.
The Library Committee acknowledge, with many thanks, the gift of two copies of "The Manual of Hygiene" from Mrs. White Wallis.
Hyde Park and Bayswater.--Hon. Sec. Mrs. Franklin, 9, Pembridge Gardens, W. (at home Thursday mornings). October 20th: Miss Laurence, of Wimbledon House School, Brighton, will read a paper on the "Educational advantages of Games," at 37, Cavendish Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Betts), Miss Helen Webb, M.B., in the chair. The following classes have been arranged:--French classes for school boys and girls, conducted by Mdlle. Duriaux, on Mondays and Thursdays, 5.30-6.15, and morning classes by one of her trained teachers. French games for children, [age] 5-10, on Tuesdays, 3.45-4.45. Swedish Drill by Miss Armstrong (for five years teacher at Madame Bergman Ostenberg's Gymnasium), Thursdays, 3.45-4.45. German (Gouin method), conducted by Madame Adriani Hahn, for beginners, Tuesday and Fridays, 4-5. Brush-drawing, conducted by Miss Prentice, Tuesdays, 2.30-3.30. Hockey for girls over twelve, Mondays and Wednesdays, 2.30-3.30. Particulars as to fees, &c., from Mrs. Franklin. The reading circle will meet on October 13th; names should be sent in at once.
New Branches.
Arrangements are being made to start Branches of the P.N.E.U. in the
following places during the coming season:--
Richmond and Kew.--Hon. Sec., pro tem., Miss Scott, the Old Palace.
Derby.--Hon. Sec., pro tem., Mrs. Johnson, Little Over Hill.
Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Blogg.
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Natural History Club.--The Committee hope that P.N.E.U. Members and their children will make collections for the November Exhibition.
It is considered that the futherance of a reverent love of Nature is not enhanced by collections which involve the taking of life. Stuffed animals and birds, butterflies, birds' eggs, etc., will not be shown this year. Any other Natural History objects, Nature Note-books, drawings of flowers, insects, animals, birds' feathers, dried flowers, fossils, etc., will by gladly welcomed. Also such exhibits as clay or wax maps, which help towards the knowledge of actual surroundings, are of great interest. The report of last year's Exhibition is now out of print, but intending exhibitors can see a copy on application to Miss Blogg, 28, Victoria Street, S.W.
Proofread by LNL, Oct. 2020