
Parents' Review Article Archive

Our Work.

Volume 7, 1896, pg. 754

House of Education.--Next term begins January 16th. Applications for entry should be sent to the Secretary as soon as possible. Ladies wishing for probationers during the Christmas holidays should apply as soon as possible.

Parents' Review School.--The examination papers will be sent out for Monday 14th.

Mothers' Educational Course.--The examination papers will be sent out on November 28th.

P.N.E.U. Library.--The complete catalogue is now ready, and can be had from the Secretary, price 4d., including postage. The catalogue not only contains the list of books at present in the Library, but Mr. Welton's valuable critical list of Educational works, and a preface by T. G. Rooper, Esq., H M.I.

Natural History Club.--The committee have decided, for next year, to discontinue the Geology course, and to substitute for the course--Lessons from our Walks--a series of letters, entitled: "Natural History Lessons in House, Garden, and Field." The Junior Botany course will be continued. The amount of annual subscription for this and the new Natural History course, will be 10/-. The matter comprised in each letter will, in future, be condensed into a smaller space, while the lessons will be amplified by the use of a reading book. Courses of letters already issued may also be had at the same reduced fee. Apply to the Secretary, P.N.E.U., 28, Victoria Street.

Proofread by LNL, Aug. 2020