
Parents' Review Article Archive

The Queen's Long Reign. *

Volume 8, 1897/8, pgs. 396-398


We, the children of England, wish you a happy jubilee year. There is scarcely any country in Europe where you are not loved by noble and peasant, and surely then the love given you by your own people should be doubly great. We love you because you are not as Queen Elizabeth, haughty and proud, or as Anne, obstinate. You are our Queen by right of descent; you were made so when you had scarcely left your childhood, and yet from the first you governed so well, and were so kind to everybody, even to little children, that everyone loves you. Instead of giving you grand presents, such as were given to the other Queen, all your people know it would please you far more to give money to hospitals and objects which will make others more happy; for you have passed through more pain and suffering than most of your subjects, and can sympathize with the poorest of them. The greatest wish of our hearts is to see you, and tell you how much we love you. The thing we love most to sing, for we all mean it, is "God save the Queen."

          (Grace E. L. Lawrence.)


We, the child of England, are writing to you now because you have reigned longer than any other King or Queen has ever reigned before.

We love you because you have obeyed the words, "I will be good," which you said when a child, and done your duty here on earth faithfully and well.

Also, because you have kept the two parties in each of the Houses of Parliament in peace and concord.

During your reign England has become very great, and has many colonies in other lands; but all the other peoples under the British rule love and honour their Queen.

We love you as well because you have learnt Hindustani in your old age, so that you could write with your own hand to your black subjects in India.

Also, because you are so fond of animals, and have so many pets of all descriptions.

We now end by saying that we trust you will go on doing your duty, as you always have done, and we hope that England will remain great and prosperous.

We are, your most loving and obedient subjects,
          (Cicely P. Foster.)


On the occasion of your Diamond Jubilee, we wish to congratulate you on your long and prosperous reign, to wish you all best wishes, and to tell you why we love you. You have taken such a large interest in the hospitals, in the sick people and wounded soldiers. You have been so good where there were accidents, and done all you could to relieve them. You have always tried to keep at peace with other nations, so as to make England the most powerful nation in the world. You have always tried to do what your advisers thought best (even though you did not advise it yourself) for the good of the nation.

You have always helped and encouraged all sciences and arts, and we know that telegraphy, photography, and literature have made great strides in your reign, and it has always been your great wish to encourage all concerned in everything, and everyone who has done anything to elevate the people as a nation.

I hope that you will have a very bright day for your Jubilee celebrations, and that everything will pass off happily, without accident, for we know that there will be many thousands of people watching the procession.

From all your devoted and loyal subjects,
          (Stella Ridley.)


We, the children of England, wish to tell you how glad we are that this year you, our beloved Queen, will have reigned longer than any other King or Queen of England.

We have so many reasons to make us love your happy reign; these are a few of them--

1. That you have always thought of the good of your country before your own wishes.
2. That, if right, you have carried out as far as possible the wishes of Parliament.
3. That you have always tried to study the wants of the nation.
4. That those countries which England has conquered, you have tried in every way to teach them Christianity and to civilize them.
5. That you realize how terrible war is, and never allow it unless it is right.

These are only a few, most gracious Majesty, of the many reasons that we have to love you.

Now, hoping that you, our beloved Queen of England, will continue your reign in peace and prosperity,

We are, your loyal and humble subjects,
          (Loveday M. Venning.)



Now, on the occasion of your Diamond Jubilee, we are writing an address, to thank you for all the good you have done in your reign. You have always been kind to the wounded soldiers and people in trouble. You have been good and just to everybody, and always tried to be peaceful with all nations, so that England might always be the most powerful country in the world; and this year to help the famine in India you have sent £1,000. You have always encouraged Christianity, and tried to do right in everything, and when you were a little girl you said, "I will be good," and you have always kept your promise. You always used to visit the hospitals in London, and speak to the sick. You helped a great deal in the Exhibition which Prince Albert instituted to try and unite all nations, and which, though it did not quite succeed, did a great deal towards it. We all wish you may live many years longer.

From all your devoted and loyal little subjects,
          (Jasper Nicholas Ridley.)

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* We cannot give better evidence of the loyalty of the Union than by publishing two or three letters from P.N.E.U. children, unprompted and unprepared, being answers to the following question in the Parents' Review School Examination:--Write an address to the Queen from the children of England, mentioning all the reasons you can think of why we love her.

Proofread by LNL, Jul. 2020