
Parents' Review Article Archive

Our Work.

Volume 10, 1899, pgs. 56-59

House of Education.--Next term begins Saturday, January 14th.

Meditations.--It will perhaps be more convenient to subscribers to pay their subscriptions for the whole year (3r.) to George Middleton, Ambleside, instead of term by term. Nos. 1-39 will be sent upon receipt of 1s. 6d. We hope our friends will get us some new subscribers, as at present the cost of printing the "Meditations" is not nearly defrayed.

Parents' Review School.--Next term begins January 16th.

Mothers' Educational Course.--We hope more new members will join the M.E.C. Those who do so write of the unfailing pleasure they take in the reading, and say how helpful they find it in their practical work with their children.
The period of preparation for each examination may be lengthened if desired, the half-year's reading extending over a year.

Natural History Club.--The special subject selected for this year is "The Stars," and a pamphlet containing the outlines for a course of study, with suggestions for children's work and list of useful books, will be issued to members at the commencement of the year. The subscription to the Club is 2s. 6d., payable to Miss. Blogg, 23, Victoria Street. Further detail on application.

Conference.--The annual conference will be held on May 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, 1899. Any suggestions as to speakers and subjects for discussion must be sent to the Secretary, 28, Victoria Street, before January 31st, for the consideration of the Conference Committee. Full particulars as to further arrangements will be notified in due course.

Proofread by LNL, Jun. 2020