Our Work.
Volume 10, 1899, pg. 127
Meditations.--No Meditations will be issued this year, as there are not a sufficient number of subscribers.
Natural History Club.--The special subject selected for this year is "The Stars," and a pamphlet containing outlines for a course of study, with suggestions for children's work and list of useful books, will be issued to members at the commencement of the year. The subscription to the Club is 2s. 6d., payable to Miss Blogg, 28, Victoria Street. Further details on application.
Conference.--The annual conference will be held on May 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, 1899. Any suggestions as to speakers and subjects for discussion must be sent to the Secretary, 28, Victoria Street, for the consideration of the Conference Committee. Full particulars as to further arrangements will be notified in due course.
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We have received the Examiner's (T. G. Rooper, Esq., H.M.I.) Report on the examination in Practical Teaching, and in the History, Theory and Methods of Teaching, of the students who left at Christmas, 1898. He says: "I send the results of my examinations herewith. I am very much pleased with all the work, both practical and theoretical. The answers showed much interest in the science of teaching, and many of them were interesting and suggestive. I am sure the students who are leaving enter upon their new occupations thoroughly well fitted for them."
Class List.
Class I.
R. A. Pennethorne . . . 540
E. C. Allen . . . 424
L. M. Gore . . . 364
E. M. Wilkinson . . . 347
E. Armitage . . . 341
E. Wingate . . . 332
E. Bevis . . . 322
Class II.
M. Butler . . . 301
L. Magill . . . 305
M. Gayford . . . 288
M. Ambler . . . 283
R. Graves . . . 281
Class III.
G. Mackenzie . . . 268
F. Armitage . . . 260
E. O. Williams . . . 257
H. Stubbs . . . 246
K. I. Ross obtained her certificate (second class) in the summer of 1898. The following students have obtained the certificate of the National Health Society at the end of the first year of training:--E. M. Spearman (distinction), M. Hughes Jones, A. M. Nield, D. Nesbitt, D. Tetley, B. S. Wingate, M. D. Ryan, L. C. D. Faunce, M. F. Evans, M. L. Strachan. L. M. Conder.
Proofread by LNL, Jun. 2020