
Parents' Review Article Archive

Our Work.

Edited by Miss F. Blogg.
Volume 10, 1899, pg. 680

Miss F. Blogg, Secretary, P.N.E.U., Central Office, having been ordered a long holiday, her place will be filled until 15th December by Miss J. M. Russell.

Lectures to Young People.--It is anticipated, from the promise of support received, that the course of lectures to young people which Mr. Cecil Carus-Wilson is to deliver at the Horbury Rooms, Notting Hill Gate, during this month and next, will be a great success. The titles of the lectures are (1) "The Wonders of Rain"; (2) "Ice and Glaciers"; (3) "The Mighty Ocean"; (4) "Volcanoes and Geysers." All these lectures are fully illustrated by specially selected photographic lantern slides, and some by experiments and specimens; the aim being to interest and entertain children by drawing their attention, in simple and popular language, to the natural phenomena which surround them, and upon which the studies of geography, geology and physiology are based. As the number of tickets to be issued is limited to 400, those wishing to attend should apply early. Full particulars are given in the advertisement of page i. of this month's Parents' Review.

Proofread by LNL, May 2020