Our Work.
Volume 11, 1900, pgs. 57-58
House of Education.--The annual inspection took place on Dec. 7th, when the Students taught before Mr. T. G. Rooper, H.M.I., who heard the Mistresses lecture, inspected the handicrafts of the students and the Practising School children, and generally supervised the work of the college. He gave some valuable hints about criticism lessons. Next term begins Monday, January 15th. The present Senior Students leave us with prospects of happy work.
Parent's Review School.--Next term begins January 15th. Pupils may be admitted at any time, but answers to letters received during the holidays may be delayed.
Christmas Holiday Lectures.--Miss Fanny Johnson, formerly Headmistress of the Bolton High School, who has lectured to several Branches of the P.N.E.U. on "London," has arranged (by the kind permission of Miss Douglas) to give a short course of lectures, illustrated by lantern slide, at 133. Queen's Gate. The lectures will be given in the morning, at 11.30 a.m. Jan. 9th, "How London Grew"; Jan. 11th, "How London was Built"; Jan. 15th, "The Royal City of Westminster"; Jan. 18th, "The People of London." Tickets for the course, 5/- each (two from one family, 9/-), can be obtained from Miss Johnson, 27. Margaretta Terrace, Chelsea.
Lectures to Young People on "The Wonders of Creation," by Mr. Cecil Carus-Wilson, F.R.S.E., &c.--Owing to the success of the first course of lectures, and in accordance with the wishes of many who attended them, arrangements are being made for the delivery of four more lectures by Mr. Cecil Carus-Wilson during the month of February. The titles of the lectures are: -- (1) "The Earth as a Planet"; (2) "Limestone and Coral Reefs"; (3) "The Origin of Coal"; (4) "The Earth's Unstable Crust." The course will be delivered at the Hornbury Rooms, Notting Hill Gate, on Thursdays, at 5.15 p.m., and as the number of tickets issued will be limited to 350, those wishing to attend should apply early.
Our readers will be interested to know that our kind friend, Mrs. Winkworth (many will recollect a charming afternoon at Holly Lodge during the Conference week), has added to her great educational gifts to Newnham and other Women's Colleges that of a Hostel for the students of the Maria Grey Training College. Winkworth Hall, Brondesbury--which accommodates, we believe, about twenty students--is now in full working order, under the superintendence of Miss M. Case.
The Holiday Courses Committee of the Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland are glad to be able to state that the Courses at Lisieux and Tours in 1899 have been thoroughly successful. The Course at Lisieux, which town was visited for the first time, in place of Caen this year, was very largely attended, the number of students being 102, or 38 more than were at Caen in 1898. The Tours Course was attended by 26 members, being four more than in 1898. It has been decided to repeat the Courses at Lisieux and Tours in August 1900.
The preparations for the English Education Exhibition are now almost complete; it will be held at the Imperial Institute, from the 5th (not as previously announced, the 4th), to the 27th January, 1900. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has graciously consented to open the Exhibition on January 5th. The Exhibition will be arranged in the following Five Main Divisions:--(1) Education, as controlled by School Boards and Boards of Managers of Public Elementary Schools, together with Training Colleges for Teachers in Primary Schools. (2) Secondary Education, including (a) Boys' Preparatory Schools; (b) Private Schools, Girls and Boys; (c) Endowed and Proprietary Schools for Girls; (d) Endowed, Proprietary, Grammar and Public Schools for Boys; (e) Secondary Training Colleges. (3) Technical Education, with Schools of Art. (4) University and Higher Education. (5) Educational Institutions and other bodies, not falling under any of the above heads.
The House of Education is sending exhibits under Division E, Secondary Training Colleges. The P.N.E.U. will send exhibits as a society.
The exhibits are intended to represent the education of the present day, and also to illustrate the history and traditions of education. One great feature of the exhibition will be the number of specimens of the work of pupils and students, in art and in manual and artistic crafts, and also in ordinary literary training. Under the latter head will be comprised sets of ordinary exercises and note books and also examination papers, illustrative of the actual work done in the different schools and colleges represented. The exhibition will also include a number of portraits and busts of great historical and artistic interest, representing many of the great men and women who have been identified with educational progress, and also a number of antiquarian treasures from the Great Public Schools. Among other memorials of peculiar interest, may be mentioned the original moral philosophy papers shown up by Mr. Gladstone in the Schools at Oxford. The exhibition has been supported most warmly and generously by the great institutions of the country, and visitors may expect to enjoy the sight of a quite unique collection of objects of educational value and interest. The expert who desires to test and compare the work of our schools of every grade and type, will have the fullest materials on which to work, and the ordinary citizen, to whom a school note-book is anything but attractive, will be able to gratify his artistic interests, to glean some trifles of historical knowledge, and even to satisfy his curiosity by the spectacle of an educational Cinematograph.
Mrs. Clement Parsons will lecture on "Education as understood by the P.N.E.U.," on Wednesday, January 24th, at 3.30 p.m., Rev. T. W. Sharpe, Principal of Queen's College, in the Chair. Admission free.
Arrangements are being made by many educational bodies, for holding a series of meetings, conferences and lectures on educational subjects at the Imperial Institute, during the period of the exhibition.
One section of the exhibition will be devoted to the display of the works of educational publishers and commercial firms connected with education.
Mr. J. Fischer Williams, 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C., is Secretary to the Organizing Committee.
Proofread by LNL, Nov. 2023