
Parents' Review Article Archive

P.N.E.U. Notes.

Volume 11, 1900, pgs. 63-67

Edited by Miss FRANCES BLOGG, Sec., 26, Victoria Street, S.W.
To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 30 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print.


The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:--
Brussels.--Names may be sent pro tem., Madame de Goeij, 35 Rue du Moulin.
Croydon.--Names may be sent pro tem., P. Rands, Esq, Brighty Bensham Manor Road.
Guildford.--Names may be sent pro tem., to Mrs, Clarke Kennedy, Ewhurst Rectory, near Guildford.

Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or knowing friends there are asked to communicate with Miss Blogg.

BELGRAVIA--The first meeting of the session was held on Nov. 10th 1899, Enton Place by the kindness of Miss Wilkinson when Miss Helen Webb, M.R. gave an address on The Formation of Habit --A meeting also took place on Dec. 1st, at 16 Lennox Gardens by the kindness of Lady Lockwood at which Mr. M. E. Sadler lectured on Public Schools and the Government of the Empire.--The annual meeting of the Branch was held on Wednesday, Dec. 13th, at 50 Ennismore Gardens by kind permission of Mrs. Farror. Dr. Schofield gave a lecture on The Ethics of Child Culture, which was much appreciated. A most hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs. Cockburn at the conclusion of he meeting on her retirement from the post of Secretary.--A course of Christmas holiday Lectures illustrated by lantern slides will be given by Miss Fanny Johnson at 133 Queens Gate S.W. by kind permission of Miss Douglas on Jan. 9th, 11th,15th and 18th, at 11:30 am.:--Jan. 9th, How London Grew. Jan. 11th, How London was Built. Jan. 15th, The Regal City of Westminster. Jan. 18th, The People of London. Tickets for the course 5/- to be had from Mrs. Cockburn, 39 Elvaston Place.--A class for Cane Basket Making is also arranged for the holidays.--A Kindergarten class in Tite Street; a course of lessons in Brush drawing by Mrs. E. Cooke, in Eaton Place; courses of lessons in Singing (Tonic Sol-fa Method) by Miss Mills; classes in Drill, Gymnastics and Clubs by Miss Myers; a Ladies Reading Circle and Talks to Children's Nurses are arranged. Particulars of these classes may be had from the Hon. Secretary The Lady Helen Lacey, 29 Cavendish Road, N.W.

BIRKENHEAD--On Oct. 29th a drawing-room meeting was held by kind permission of Mrs. Rogers at 34 Devonshire Road, to which only ladies who were not already members of the P.N.E.U. were invited. Mrs. Steinthal addressed the meeting and ten new members joined the Branch at the close. On Oct. 24th, Mrs. Steinthal gave a most interesting address to the members on The Utilitarian Training of our Daughters, at Glanmore Claughton by kind permission of Mrs. Vacher. The November meeting was addressed by Mrs. Book on the subject of The Relation of Pupil and Teacher in Science, at the Grange, Claughton, by the kind permission of Mrs. Porter John Theodore Green Esq. in the chair. The audience, though small, was greatly interested in the subject. Two most delightful lectures have been given to the Childrens Natural History Club by Miss. Taylor (Southport), in St. Aidens College Hall by kind permission of Rev. E. Harding. On Nov. 4th the subject was Insect Industry Indoors (illustrated by beautiful lime-light slides); and on Dec. 2nd, Insects in the Garden. These lectures are greatly appreciated and eagerly looked forward to by the members of the Natural History Club. In all thirteen new members have joined this Branch since the opening meeting in October.

DOLTON--A meeting was held on Monday, Dec. 11th at South Bank by kind permission of Mrs. Scowcroft, when Mrs. Ratlow read a paper on Heredity. There was a good attendance, and the paper was heard with much interest, and was followed by a short discussion.

BRIGHTON--A large meeting was held on Nov 31st at Abinger House by kind permission of Lady Louise Leder, when Mrs. Josef Conn gave an address on Danish Health Exercises and Physical Culture, which was much appreciated. Seven new members joined after the meeting. A meeting was held on Dec. 7th when Dr. Helen Boyle gave an address on Abnormal Conditions of Mind, at 14 Kings Gardens by kind permission of Mrs. J. Colman. Jan 11th Miss Robinson on Birds of the South Downs, 3 p.m. at the Bird Museum. Feb 8th, at 330 Mrs. Steinthal on What to do with Girls after leaving School, at Rossmore Lodge, Hove, by kind invitation of Mrs. Gaitskell Burr.

EDINBURGH--On Tuesday, Dec 12th the third meeting of the season was held at 15 Royal Circus by the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Innes. George Smith Esq. M.A. Oxon. (Headmaster of Merchiston Castle School) read an excellent paper entitled, What a Boy Reads, which was full of suggestion, and which was followed by a discussion of much interest.--The next meeting takes place Friday, Jan 12th at 29 Charlotte Square when Dr. Helen Webb will lecture on Habit.

FOREST HILL--On Nov. 6th at 9 Honor Oak Road by kind permission of Miss Pound, The Ethical Value of the Fairy Tale was discussed by Mrs. Krocker, in a paper which displayed an extensive knowledge of folk and fairy lore, artistic appreciation of the subject, and great literary merit. Mrs. Krocker pointed out that though in fairy tales the moral did not intrude, it had ethical value. She illustrated this point by reference to several well-known stories, and dwelt at length on the beautiful Märchen of Snow White. Children do not realize horrors and therefore the cruel details of some fairy tales do not affect them, nor do the giants and monsters frighten them, because they take them as a matter of course. Humour also has its place in these tales, as well as in nonsense rhymes, where alliteration indirectly trains the childs ear and memory. There is a kind of fairy tale unknown in England, but well-known in Germany and France, in which both Deity and devil play their parts, and in which heaven and hell are both portrayed. These are not only interesting in themselves, but have a high literary importance, the Miracle and Mystery Plays of the Middle Ages having originated in them as well as the Modern Passion Play at Oberammergau. The intelligent study of fairy tales is interesting and stimulating.

Antediluvian animals have left their impression on them. Giants and dwarfs come perhaps from the same source. A short discussion followed, when some interesting points were raised. The meeting concluded by passing a vote of thanks to Mrs. Krocker, proposed by Mr. Brown, who remarked that fairy tales have an influence on the imagination of the youth, which in these days is liable to be swamped by scientific education.

GLASGOW.--The opening meeting of the session took place at Redlands, on Nov. 24th, when Mr. Alex. Mackenzie, M.A., gave a most interesting address on "The Moral Training of Children." He pointed out that a child is born with a conscience, as well as with reason and affection, and that an instructed conscience is generally right. Instruction and education differ, but the first foundation of all training is obedience. Great tact, patience and self-denying love are required in inculcating obedience, which should be unreasoning for the first year of life. Later on, reasons should be given. In case of disobedience, sharp measures must be sometimes adopted, but it is as great a mistake to use bribes as threats. After reference to Herbert Spencer's views on education, the lecturer pointed out that Lord Palmerston's dictum, "Children are born good," is certainly false as to impulses. The child should be taught to take an interest in others; to be absolutely truthful; to pay close attention, and to observe accurately every-day things. The parent's example is far more than speech. Keep high ideals before a child; tell him Bible stories before he can read; give the minute touches, but let each tale carry its own moral. An animated discussion, in which several ladies took part, followed this admirable paper.

HARROW.--There was a lecture give by Rev. Father Dolling, on Nov. 16th, at 3.30 p.m., to the Harrow branch, at the local Secretary's house, which was fairly well attended. The address was listened to throughout with marked attention. Its subject was, "Mens sana in cor fore sana." It was a striking, keenly interesting lecture, and the lecturer's quiet incisive method of delivery was especially impressive, and his remarks could not have failed to strike mental fire in his audience. Father Dolling said we were all working out somebody's salvation or somebody's damnation. The parents knows his child is only reproducing what he was himself. There is no gift like the gift of having children; it is the one our blessed Lord accentuates the most, for He gave thirty-three years to the creation of the Home. We can realize the relationship of the body to the soul if we can realise the Fall; when Adam practically, as it were, set himself upside down. We are tempted all through life, and we, like Adam, set ourselves upside down, when we let the lower half of us rule the mind instead of giving the soul the true preponderance of power. He added the mind must feed on other minds, if not on dead minds in books it must on living minds, and went on to say that the child should get a good mental digestion, that he should not be crammed with facts, but be taught to assimilate what he reads--to make it his own. All one's knowledge of the soul is through the body or the mind, and the wise mother should take care to study closely all that is meant by these two modern words--heredity and environment. In concluding, Father Dolling dwelt on the fact of the sacramental union between parent and child; the one Divine sacrament that never dies out; that never fails; that it is his mother's face that speaks to man of salvation in his last hour when he is dying.

HYDE PARK AND BAYSWATER.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. H. L. Franklin, 54 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park. At home Thursday mornings;--Jan 23rd, Mr. J. L. Paton, Headmaster of University College School, will lecture on "Boys and Newspapers," at 5.30, at 90, Lancaster Gate, by kind permission of Miss Strauss. Herbert Samuel, Esq., in the chair. Tea and coffee at 5. Feb. 13th, Mrs. Morley Fletcher "At Home," at 98, Harley Street, 8-11 p.m. Dr. Schorstein will lecture at 8.45, on "Some Signs of Overpressure." Dr. Morley Fletcher in the chair. March 27th, Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (Mary L. G. Petrie, B.A.) will lecture on "He that questioneth much shall learn much," at 5 p.m., at 33, Cavendish Square, by kind permission of Mrs. Symes Thompson, who will take the chair. Tea and coffee at 4.30. In May, Dr. Schofield has promised to speak. Brush-drawing lessons by Mr. Cooke, jun., Swedish drill lessons by a student of Madame Bergmau Osterberg's, and Handwork classes are arranged by this branch. Particulars from Mrs. Franklin.

IPSWICH.--On Nov. 16th, Miss Annie R. Evans (Certs. Hon. L.L.A.) lectured most eloquently on "How to show children the National Gallery." The bad weather prevented the attendance of country members; those present were unanimous in the expressions of their gratitude for the help afforded by the lecture. The lantern slides were very highly appreciated. The Rev. R. V. Barker took the chair.--Francis Ward, Esq., M.D., of Ipswich, gave a most practical and interesting lecture on "Physical Culture," to a good number of members, on Dec. 6th. At the close of the lecture the chairman (E. Packard, Esq.) asked if it were not possible for the lecture to be published in a cheap form and circulated in the town.--The general meeting to elect officers and committee took place on Dec. 16th. The report was read by the retiring secretary (Mrs. W. E. Fletcher). The President (Lady Farren) was in the chair.--Four "Talks to Children's Nurses" have been given during the past month, by Mrs. Mildred Sims, M.D., on subjects of vital importance and interest to nurses, e.g., "The Nurse--her Duties," "The Feeding of Children," "Childish Ailments." These talks have proved to be of great value to both mothers and nurses, and Mrs. Sims' kind help has been greatly appreciated.--President: Lady Farren, Vice-Presidents: The Lady Beatrice Pretyman, The Mayoress of Ipswich, Captain Pretyman, M.P., Mrs. E. P. Ridley. Committee: Mr. and Mrs. P. Bagenal, Rev. Y. Barrington, Mrs. F. G. Bond, H. Brown, Esq., M.D., Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cobbold, Mrs. Townshend Cobbold, Miss Flear, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher, W. F. Fryer, Esq., M.D., C. G. Havell, Esq., M.D., Mrs. Mostyn, Rev. J. Outram, Mrs. A. Pearce, Mrs. Tompson, Mrs. A. Turner, Mrs. Pierson Turner, Miss Kennett. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Bagenal. Hon. Treasurer: F. Bond, Esq.

LEEDS.--A drawing-room was held by kind permission of Mrs. Smithells, at North Grange Road, Headingley, on Dec. 6th, where Mrs. Miall read a paper on "Our Boys," which was followed by some discussion. The attendance was good considering the unfavourable weather.--The next meeting will be held on Feb. 20th, when arrangements have been made for members of the Leeds Branch to hear the first of a course of six lectures on "Charitable and Social Work," by Miss McN. Sharpley. The lecture will deal with the general aims and principles of charitable work, and particular reference will be made by the lecturer to the part suitable to young people in this connection.

READING.--The eighth annual general meeting of this Branch was held in the Abbey Hall, kindly lent by Messrs. Sutton and Sons, on Friday evening, Nov. 24th. There was a good attendance of members to hear a lecture by Mr. T. G. Rooper, M.A., H.M.I., entitled "Individualism in Education." Instead of the lecturer, however, came a telegram announcing the breakdown of the train which was bringing him. In this unexpected predicament, Dr. Gilford kindly offered to introduce a discussion on the subject of "Luxuries of Diet for Young Children." This proved a great success, no fewer than fifteen members joined in the discussion, or asked questions, to which Dr. Gilford ably replied. The report and financial statement for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1899, were read at this meeting. The membership showed a slight decrease, owing to removals, but there was a balance in hand, which compared favourably with an adverse balance a year ago.--Mr. Rooper has kindly promised to come to Reading on Feb. 23rd. The programme for 1900 is now being arranged, and promises to be full of interest.

St. John's Wood.--On Dec. 8th, Dr. Schofield read a most helpful paper on the "Springs of Character." Justice could not possibly be done to the lecture in a few words, but it is sincerely to be hoped that all members of the Union may have the privilege of hearing, or reading, a paper so full of thought and practical suggestion on so vital a subject. Mr. and Mrs. Husband very kindly offered hospitality, Mr. Husband acting as chairman.--Mr. White Wallis will lecture on "Ways of Impairing Eyesight" at the January meeting.

Richmond and Kww.--The Branch opened its session in October, when Mrs. Clement Parsons lectured on the "Principles and Objects of The Parents' National Educational Union," Mrs. Franklin attended, and encouraged us by her presence and a very practical speech.--On Nov. 16th, we had a lecture to members and their children, illustrated by lantern slides on "Our Friends the Birds." The lecture was given by Mrs, Lemon (Hon. Secretary, Society for the Protection of Birds), and the beautiful coloured slides were lent by the Society. Our children were much interested.--On Dec. 9th, we hope to listen to Miss Fanny Johnson, on "How to make London interesting to Children."

Wakefield and District.--A well-attended meeting of this Branch was held in the Technical and Art School, on Monday, Dec. 4th, when Mrs. Miall read a paper on "Our Boys."

Woodford and Wanstead.--A most interesting and successful meeting was held on Nov. 17th, at the Iron Room, Glebelands, by the kindness of the President (Mrs. Ann Fowler), when a paper was read by Miss Johnson, B.A., of Richmond High School, on "The Future of Our Girls." Miss Johnson's paper was received with much interest and appreciation by those present. Her wide comprehensive view of the many branches of public work now open to "Our Girls" were such as to appeal to all parents and teachers. Mrs. Whataker was in the chair, and opened the meeting with a few thoughtful remarks on the position of girls in the past and present.--The next lecture will be on Jan. 10th, by the Hon. the Rev. Canon Lyttleton, at Mrs. Eliot Howard's, Ardmore, Buckhurst Hill; subject, "Parents and Sons." It is hoped a holiday lecture will be arranged on "Birds." In March, Mrs. Dowson, L.R.C.P., has, in answer to many requests from members, kindly promised to give a lecture on "Punishment," date to be announced later.

Proofread by LNL, Nov. 2023