Our Work.
Volume 12, 1901, pgs. 68-69
[Aunt Mai: Emeline Petrie Steinthal, 1855-1921, was a sculptor, painter, and co-founder of the P.N.E.U. with Charlotte Mason. She was married to Francis Steinthal. They had four children.]
Dear Editor,
Will you allow me to thank my nieces and their mothers
for the many kind and loving letters received from them during this
month. They have increased and softened the pain of parting with them.
It is quite impossible to answer them without the aid of a secretary,
and I have a strong opinion that aunts must write their own letters to
their relations, and not depute an outsider to do it. I should like to
recommend my artists to subscribe to The Children's Quarterly, issued
by the Reading Branch. There is an excellent Art Club connected with
it, and many would be inspired to continue their drawings if they would
join it. It only costs 2$. 3d. for the year, post free, and can be
obtained from Mrs. Stanley Hayward Hazelwood, Reading, or from the
P.N.E.U. Office, 26 Victoria Street, London, S.W. The paper on the
painting of mistletoe in the last number is most helpful and
suggestive. Miss Hart Davis is the hon. sec. of this branch.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
Believe me, your ever loving
Aunt Mai.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
My Dear Children,
Since writing my first letter of thanks for letters
and loving messages, I have received such a lovely gold chain bracelet
from you, that my heart is full, and I must again thank you, one and
all, for your kind thought. I shall always wear it, and shall often
think of you, and love to be at work among you again. I trust that you
will always remember that I shall continue through life to be your
Aunt Mai.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
"Aunt Mai's Budget" and Art Club
We go to press sorrowfully this New Year, having lost the co-Editor whose collaboration has been so much to us since the foundation of the Parents' Review. It would be hard to estimate what "Aunt Mai" has done for the children; so stimulating, patient and loving a friend it will not be easy for them to find elsewhere. We can only say to them that we are very, very sorry for their loss, a loss which we fully share. "Aunt Mai," we know, feels the sadness of this separation more than any of us. She wrote only the other day that "life already looks colder and grayer" because of this break with the children.
But let us not think only of our loss. Let us think of the benefits we have received from your beloved "Aunt Mai." Some boys and girls, we believe, have been started on artistic careers by means of the Art Club, and all the members have perhaps received some true ideas on the subject of art--some canons of taste and principles of choice. These are things that will remain by them for life and make the world the richer.
Then let us consider "Aunt Mai's" side of the question. She has at this moment 213 studies to criticise--the contents of the last portfolio. Can we wonder that the work has become too much for her, when we think of this serious undertaking coming month by month into an already over-full life, spent in serving various causes and many persons? We think it will be some comfort to the children to know that, by lessening "Aunt Mai's" work at the present moment, they may save her from a serious breakdown in health. We believe that at some future day Mrs. Steinthal may find it possible to take up the children's Art Club, at any rate, once more. In the meantime, she has, I know, the heartfelt gratitude of the children, the members of the P.N.E.U. and the Editor of the Parents' Review.
We have another loss to deplore this New Year, and though there is an element of happiness in this loss--for we all congratulate Miss Frances Blogg on her approaching marriage with Mr. Gilbert Chesterton--yet we must regret the loss of a Secretary so indefatigable in her labours for the Parents' National Educational Union, and so steadfast in upholding its principles. We have much reason to be grateful to Miss Frances Blogg for five years of always sympathetic, kindly and enthusiastic work amongst us. It is a pleasure to know that her interest in the Union will not cease with her resignation of office.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Dear Miss Mason,
Will you please allow me a small amount of space in
which to express my thanks to the member of the P.N.E.U. for their kind
gift. What the sum is to purchase I have not yet decided, but certainly
something that shall last a life-time, and that shall be a constant
reminder of the happiness I have found in five years of work for the
P.N.E.U. My belief and interest in the Union does not cease with my
resignation of the Secretaryship, and I hope I may always be able to
help in one way or another. With very many thanks to all for their kind
thought, and for all their good wishes.
I am, yours affectionately,
Frances Blogg
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
The Annual Conference will be held on May 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th 1901. Any suggestions as to speakers and subjects for discussion, must be sent addressed to the Secretary, P.N.E.U. Office, before Jan. 31st. Further particulars as to arrangements will be notified in due course.
House of Education.--Next term begins Tuesday, January 15th.
Parents' Review School.--Members are asked to kindly remember that a term's notice is necessary before withdrawal from the school, otherwise the fees for the following year will fall due. Next term begins January 15th, but the date is not compulsory, as it is found impossible to fix a date which will suit all the members.
Proofread by LNL, May 2011