The Education of a Royal Princess.
Volume 12, 1901, pgs. 467-474
From a Memoir published at the date of the Coronation
Possibly taken from the book, Anecdotes, Personal Traits, and Character Sketches of Victoria the First, by "A Lady"
(Continued from pg. 304.)
From a Memoir issued at the date of the Coronation.The Coronation
"The gorgeous and imposing ceremonial upon which the eyes of the whole nation had been fixed in eager anticipation for many weeks, was at length enacted on the 28th of June, 1838; and never, perhaps, has England known a blither jubilee than that which witnessed the voluntary and solemn ratification of the compact, which has been for the past year understood and acted upon between the Sovereign and her people.
The sun broke forcibly through the heavy clouds with which the atmosphere had been for some days portentously laden, to hail the glad occasion; and as the bright procession passed in all the pomp of state appertaining to the 'fair vestal throned by the West,' all that dazzled the eyes and took the senses captive in the splendour of the pageant, was as nothing in degree to the moral interest with which the spectacle was clothed; for who could behold unmoved, the young and lovely representative of a long line of kings, whom Providence had called at so early an age to wield the scepter of earth's mightiest empire, visibly affected by the mingled emotions which such a scene was calculated to inspire, and touched even to tears while receiving the enthusiastic homage of her people?
The limits of this work forbid any lengthened detail of the observances of the day; suffice it to say that the great metropolis, crowded beyond any former precedent, poured forth her million, not only to mingle in the various amusements especially provided for their gratification, but to join heart and voice in the common assent to that allegiance which we, as the subjects of our fair young Sovereign, may be said to have on that day more specially vowed; whilst her Majesty's oath to administer her government according to law, justice, and mercy, was solemnly registered before God and her assembled people. Throughout the whole line of route, ample accommodations had been provided for all who chose to view the procession apart from the crowd, and erections of the most elegant and fanciful description occupied every inch of ground which could be lawfully appropriated, whilst the independence of British spirit thronged the footpaths with a dense mass of human beings, amongst whom the weaker sex bore their full share; indeed, so quiet, so orderly, so good-humoured were the crowd, so full of those finer emotions which tend to soften and humanize the heart, that the most delicate female might have moved amongst them without fear.
"The procession began to form in St. James's Park at nine o'clock; and precisely at ten a royal salute announced that her Majesty had entered the state carriage. Nothing could exceed the magnificence and beauty of the pageant when all was in motion, and especially when viewed from any point which commanded a lengthened sweep of the whole. First came a squadron of the Life Guards, then the carriages of the resident ministers from the lesser European states, which passed in tolerably quick succession; in a somewhat slower and more stately style followed those of the ambassadors extraordinary, sent purposely to grace the occasion, and present the congratulations of their respective sovereigns.
Ahmed Fethij Pacha, ambassador extraordinary from the Sultan, was detained by serious indisposition on his road to England, and has not yet reached our shores; his absence was the source of considerable disappointment, as the multitude had naturally looked for an unusual display of magnificence in the equipage of this representative of the great eastern potentate; Marshal Soult, the ambassador from the King of the French, led the way; and was followed by the Duke de Palmella, the ambassador from the Queen of Portugal; Count Lowenhjelm, from the King of Sweden; the Marquis de Brignole, from the King of Sardinia; Count Alten, from the King of Hanover; the Prince de Putbus, from the King of Prussia; the Marquis de Miraflores, from the Queen of Spain; the Baron de Capellen, from the King of the Netherlands; the Prince Schwartzenburgh, from the Emperor of Austria; the Court Strogonoff, from the Emperor of Russia; the Prince de Ligne, from the King of the Belgians; and the Count de Ludolf, from the King of the Two Sicilies. The very splendid and tasteful display made by these high personages, who exhibited one, two, or three carriages each, many of them drawn by six horses, beautifully caparisoned, formed a highly attractive part of the procession; the equipages of the Prussian, Belgian, and Hanoverian ambassadors being particularly distinguished for their richness and elegance. Amongst them all, however, that of Marshal Soult was pre-eminently admired; it was at once rich, chaste, and beautiful; magnificent, but not in the slightest degree gorgeous. To the honour of the British people be it recorded, that the gallant Marshal was loudly cheered throughout the whole route, which compliment he acknowledged with a good-humoured frankness that gave great pleasure. The resident Turkish, French, Russian and Austrian ambassadors completed this portion of the cavalcade.
A mounted band in their splendid uniforms, with a detachment of Life Guards, preceded the different members of the royal family, namely the Duchess of Kent, the Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Duke of Sussex, who were all received with expressions of affectionate loyalty; but upon the Duchess of Kent was poured forth a warmth of welcome which eloquently spoke the country's gratitude for the beautiful offering with which she had presented it--an offering about to be solemnly dedicated to the public service in its youthful and spotless purity. Each of these royal personages was attended by a proper escort of Life Guards.
Another military band opened the next detachment of the procession, which consisted of the Queen's bargemaster and forty-eight watermen on foot, succeeded by twelve of the royal carriages, each drawn by six superb horses, conveying the officers and ladies of her Majesty's household, and followed by another squadron of Life Guards. A third band preceded the military staff on horseback, the royal huntsmen, yeomen, prickers and foresters; six of her Majesty's horses with rich trappings, each led by two grooms; these noble animals attracted a large share of the popular applause. Then followed the marshalmen and yeomen of the guard, in ranks, four and four; who, in their fantastic costume and carrying their antique halberds, formed a very picturesque portion of the varied scene.
At length came the State Coach in its ponderous splendour, drawn by eight of the most superb horses the world can produce, each horse attended by a yeoman of the guard, and two footmen at each door of the carriage; within it the young and interesting Monarch occupied the back seat in isolated state, whilst on the opposite side rode the Duchess of Sutherland and the Earl of Albemarle. The Duke of Buccleuch, captain-general of the royal archers, on horseback, attended by his two footmen, immediately followed the royal carriage, and a squadron of Life Guards closed the magnificent cortège.
"In this order of procession her Majesty and her train wound their way from Buckingham Palace, up Constitution Hill, along Piccadilly, down St. James's Street, Pall Mall, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, Whitehall, Parliament Street, through the Church-yard, to the great western entrance of Westminster Abbey. At every point of the route the first glimpse obtained by her ardently expectant subjects of their 'peerless sovereign Queen,' graced with the bloom of youth, and decked with the splendour of royalty, was the signal for one loud, long, fervent, enthusiastic cheer, which made the welkin [heavens] re-echo to the joyful sound. This heart-thrilling welcome was renewed and was repeated--peal after peal of applauding huzzas came thundering upon the ear--shout followed shout, and acclamation burst after acclamation, until the music of the military bands and the discharges of the artillery were completely drowned in the roar of popular delight.
And thus, amidst smiles, and cheers, and blessings, and the perpetual waving of hats and handkerchiefs, passed Queen Victoria from Buckingham Palace to the venerable Abbey, within the walls of which her covenant with her people was to receive its solemn consummation. The gorgeous vehicle which conveyed her moved slowly forward, bearing her from the thousands and tens of thousands who fondly greeted her fair face on one spot, only to be greeted by other thousands and tens of thousands on every spot she traversed.
The deep emotion evinced by the Queen on witnessing the cordiality of her reception, no doubt tended to heighten the enthusiasm of the spectators. There was a sympathy between the Sovereign and her people acting and re-acting upon each other. It was indeed a most affecting and mysterious sight for all capable of serious reflection, to behold so young and beautiful a creature, upon her first entry into life, destined to become the mainspring of that vast machine of government by which the destinies of the British Empire are regulated; and there was something inexpressibly touching in the contrast between the apparent frailty of the instrument, and the mighty task which Providence has assigned to it. Her youth, innocence, and gentleness, seemed moreover a beneficent pledge that in her days peace and joy and love should abound.
Her Majesty was evidently impressed with the solemnity of the service about to be performed, and the importance of the ceremony in which she was to act the most conspicuous part. She looked pale and agitated, her lip occasionally quivered, and she was at times affected almost to tears as the affectionate outburst of the myriads that thronged her path rose upon her ear, and their anxious but respectful gaze met her observant eye. She continued, however, to acknowledge the popular greetings by incessantly bowing with grace and graciousness to either side of the carriage; a sweet smile frequently illuminated her countenance, imparting to it even in the midst of her tremulous diffidence, a joyous tenderness, which youth along can command, and a female only can give expression to.
The royal carriage was delayed for a considerable time opposite to Marlborough House by the breaking of the traces; and again in Whitehall, near to the Admiralty, some irregularity in the procession caused a stoppage of a few minutes, to the high gratification of those who were fortunately in the neighbourhood at the time. As the procession advanced towards the Horse Guards, her Majesty's attention was arrested by some policemen, who were making more use of their truncheons than the circumstances seemed to require; the Queen evidently remarked it with pain, and spoke to Lord Albemarle, apparently to desire that less severity should be used; the disorder, however, proving but momentary, no step was taken in consequence of her Majesty's benevolent interference. This anecdote is in perfect accordance with another that occurred earlier in the morning. A short time before her Majesty entered her carriage, it was observed to her that she must undergo a great deal of fatigue before the proceedings of the day were terminated, to which she replied, 'That the greatest anxiety she experienced was that no accident might occur' to mar the enjoyment of the day.
"At half-past eleven her Majesty alighted at the west door of the abbey, where she was received by the great officers of state, the noblemen bearing the regalia, and the bishops carrying the patina, the chalice and the Bible. Her Majesty immediately repaired to her robing chamber, whilst the ladies and officers of the royal household, and of the households of the princes and princesses to whom no duties were assigned, together with the ambassadors, passed to the places prepared for them.
"Her Majesty having been robed, advanced up the nave into the choir, the choisters in the orchestra singing the anthem, 'I was glad when they said unto me, we will go into the house of the Lord,' &c. The Dean* and Prebendaries of Westminster led the procession, and were followed by some of the great officers of state and of the household; the Archbishops of Canterbury, York, and Armagh; the Royal Duchesses of Cambridge, Kent and Gloucester, each attired in her robe of estate of purple velvet, wearing a circlet of gold on her head; her train borne by a lady of rank, assisted by a gentleman of her household, and her coronet carried by a nobleman. Then followed the Regalia; St. Edward's Staff, borne by the Duke of Roxburgh; the Sceptre with the Cross, by the Duke of Cleveland; the Golden Spurs, by Lord Byron; Curtana, the Sword of Mercy, by the Duke of Devonshire; the Pointed Sword of Spiritual Justice, by the Duke of Sutherland; the Pointed Sword of Temporal Justice, by the Marquis of Westminster; Black Rod; Deputy Garter; Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, Great Chamberlain of England; the Dukes of Sussex and Cambridge, in their robes of estate, their coronets borne by noblemen, and their trains by gentlemen of their household; the Duke of Leinster, Lord High Constable of Ireland; the Earl of Erroll, Lord High Constable of Scotland; the Duke of Wellington, Lord High Constable of England; the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England; the Sword of State, borne by Lord Melbourne; St. Edward's Crown, by the Lord High Steward, Duke of Hamilton; the Sceptre with the Dove, by the Duke of Richmond; the Orb, by the Duke of Somerset; the Bible, by the Bishop of Winchester; the Patina, by the Bishop of Bangor; and the Chalice, by the Bishop of Lincoln.
At length came the Queen, arrayed in her royal robe of crimson velvet, furred with ermine and bordered with gold lace, wearing the Collars of her Orders, and on her head a circlet of gold; her train borne by eight young noble ladies, all dressed alike in silver lama, wearing a wreath of pink roses on their heads, assisted by the Lord Chamberlain, and the Groom of the Robes; the Duchess of Sutherland followed; then the seven Ladies of the Bedchamber; the Gold Stick; the Master of the Horse, the Captain of the Royal Archers, the Officers of the Yeomen of the Guard, and twenty Yeomen closed the splendid train.
The Queen walked up the nave with a firm step and an air of calm and dignified composure, her countenance still plainly indicating how deeply she was impressed with the solemnity of those holy rites which were about to be performed. The interior of the choir at the moment of her Majesty's entrance presented a scene of surpassing grandeur and interest, and could not fail to suggest reflections in which every Englishman might well indulge with conscious pride and exultation. The fair young Sovereign of the greatest empire in the world was here to have the solemn sanction of religion given to that Crown which has descended to her as her rightful inheritance, with the joyous concurrence of a devoted people; here was she to receive the willing homage of all the nobles of the land, in the presence of the highest especial functionaries of all the courts of Europe, and under the eyes of the representatives of the nation.
The most exquisite taste was displayed in all the arrangements for the fitting up and decoration of the abbey; and the greatest admiration was elicited by the perfect consistency and keeping of all the parts, applied as they were to the interior of so ancient a fabric, and harmonizing so completely with the massive grandeur of the time-stained walls, which were judiciously kept in all their original architectural beauty and simplicity. From the great western entrance through the nave, along the aisles into the interior of the theatre, including the choir, north and south transepts, altar, galleries above, and on all sides, there was a perfect uniformity of style; all that was requisite was embraced; and although gorgeous and magnificent almost beyond description, there was nothing to offend the eye of the most fastidious, or in any way to lessen the general effect of the whole.
"The altar displayed a vast quantity of massive gold plate used upon occasions of solemn state. Directly in front of it was St. Edward's Chair, richly gilt, and lower down in the same line was the faldstool, covered with purple velvet of the richest description. Detached from this, and also in the same line in the area, was a dais, with an elevation of four steps, leading to the Chair of State or Throne, which was richly gilt, and emblazoned with the Royal Arms in bold relief. The Orchestra, with is surpliced and red-hooded choristers, and its band of instrumental performers habited in scarlet, formed a singular spectacle. Opposite to these were the members of the House of Commons, many of them habited in every variety of uniform known to the military service of the country. In the north transept were the peeresses, making the temple bright by the display of their beauty and the brilliancy of their decorations. In the south transept were the peers, a moving mass of glittering grandeur. Add to these, the varied attractions of the Royal and Ambassador's boxes; and the richness and beauty of the spectacle it is impossible for words to compass. The sun, which had been obscured during the morning, at this period poured a flood of brilliant light through the lofty Gothic windows upon the gorgeous uniforms, robes, and draperies of every fantastic form and hue, glittering with diamonds and pearls, and gold and silver lace, which met the eye in every direction. From the theatre of the vast pile to the vaultings every point was crowded to excess, and all eyes were eagerly strained to catch the first glimpse of their much loved Sovereign.
* The Dean being dangerously ill, Lord John Thynne, a prebendary of Westminster, officiated in his place.
(To be continued.)
Vol 12 pg 728-734
The Education of a Royal Princess
From a Memoir issued at the date of the Coronation
(Continued from page 474.)
"The Queen's demeanour throughout the long and exciting services, was an union of grace, ease and dignity. There was no portion of the ceremonial more interesting than the first act, that of the Recognition. The earnest manner and solemn tone of the archbishop, and the beautiful and gentle bearing of the youthful Sovereign, as they each turned towards the assembled people in full sight of all, formed a most touching and graceful picture, while the reply of the people to each demand with loud and repeated acclamations of 'God save Queen Victoria,' and at the last recognition, the sounding of trumpets and the beating drums produced a truly sublime effect. The First offering, the Litany, and the Communion service were then proceeded in.
The sermon was preached by the Lord Bishop of London from the 34th chapter and 31st verse of the 2nd book of Chronicles, 'And the king stood in his place, and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and his testimonies, and his statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant which are written in this book.' Many parts of the ceremony seemed to fix and absorb Her Majesty's attention, but it was most of all riveted during the sermon. Nothing could exceed the pious beauty of her expression when the Bishop alluded to the high character, the sterling worth, and the unfeigned religion of the late king, urging the young Queen, though now in the bloom of promise, to take example from the piety of her predecessor, and by the humble and sincere discharge of her religious duties, to be prepared, like him, to meet with calmness and resignation that fatal destiny which is alike uncertain and inevitable to princes as to peasants. Every word carried weight and authority with it, and all was hushed attention; the earnest manner in which her Majesty listened, and the motion with which, on mention of the late king, she bowed her head on her hand as if to check a falling tear, were highly affecting.
The Oath was next administered, and although the solemn response, 'The things which I have here promised to do I will perform--So help me God,' was inaudible to all but those who immediately surrounded her Majesty, the impressive sincerity which characterised both her countenance and manner was distinctly observable in every part of the choir. To those who could hear, the interest must have amounted almost to pain, and the act must have been especially trying and full of sacred awe to the young and pure being thus brought to the footstool of the eternal Throne; for the mere knowledge that the compact betwixt Sovereign and People was being registered, though only conscious that such was the fact from the formulary, communicated a subdued and chastened feeling to all.
The Anointing immediately followed the oath, then the presenting of the Spurs and the Sword, the Offering of the Sword, the investing with the Mantle, the Orb, the Ring and the Sceptre.
The most imposing part of the whole ceremony was undoubtedly the Crowning. No sooner had the imperial diadem pressed the regal brow, than Peers and Peeresses, simultaneously rising, placed their coronets on their heads, the spiritual dignitaries put on their caps, the whole building rang with cheers and cries of 'God save the Queen,' while salvoes of cannon told to the hundreds of thousands collected without the Abbey, that Queen Victoria had assumed that crown, which Heaven grant her long to wear! The scene was proud, thrilling, and magnificent.
The presenting of the Holy Bible, the pronouncing of the Benediction, and the performance of the Te Deum were next gone through; then followed the Inthronization, the effect of which was extremely beautiful; the ecclesiastical dignitaries and state officers being marshalled around in due degree, and the fair and noble train-bearers grouped behind the chair. The most fatiguing portion of the ceremony to the Queen must have been the Homage, though it is now much abridged, by confining the repetition of the words of the oath to the premier of each order of nobles; when he has done homage, the remainder of his class ascend the throne in turn, according to priority of patent, and each touches the crown upon the Queen's head, in token that he is one of its supporters, and then kissing hands, retires, making obeisances.
A very interesting incident occurred at this part of the proceedings: Lord Rolle, who is eighty-two years of age, on approaching the throne, had much difficulty, from his feeble and infirm state, to ascend even the first step. Her Majesty seeing how painful was the effort to the venerable nobleman, graciously rose and held out her hand to him to kiss; her kindness was perceived on the instant, and the applause it elicited from the members of the House of Commons, who were the first to observe it, was at once re-echoed throughout every part of the choir. During this lengthened ceremonial, the grace with which her Majesty presented her hand to be kissed by each successive Peer, was particularly remarkable. The duty of throwing about the Coronation medals, which was done whilst the homage was performing, devolved upon the Earl of Surrey, and he flung them around in every direction with a profuse hand. It was highly amusing to see the impatient avidity with which some of the gravest and most staid characters in the land entered into a general scramble to catch them.
When the trifling confusion caused by this scene had subsided, the Queen having taken off her crown, knelt down to make her Second Offering, a purse of gold; and the Archbishop and the Dean of Westminster, with the bishops and clergy assisting, having received the Holy Sacrament, the same was administered to the Queen, the bread by the Archbishop, and the wine by the Dean of Westminster. At the conclusion of the Communion Service, the choir sang the anthem, 'Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth,' after which the Archbishop read the final prayers, and pronounced the blessing. Her Majesty went through all these fatiguing details with composure, self-possession and dignity, keeping up unflaggingly an eager interest in the whole proceedings. On her entrance she looked rather pale, but moved along the choir, and across the theatre to her chair of state with firm and composed gait, and with gracious demeanour. A bright suffusion stole over her face during the Recognition, which, as the ceremony proceeded, increased to a flush, but after the crowning, this again gave place to extreme pallor.
"The service being over, her Majesty passed into St. Edward's Chapel, where she disrobed of her imperial mantle; and the regalia, with the exception of the crown, sceptre, and orb, having been deposited on the altar in the chapel, she returned to her throne, and seated herself again upon it while the procession was reforming, without seeming to feel the slightest inconvenience or fatigue from the length of the ceremonial she had gone through; on the contrary, it was manifest to everybody that our beloved Sovereign rather acquired strength and firmness in proportion to the time to which it was extended.
"The queen proceeded out of the choir and to the west door of the Abbey at half-past three o'clock, her Majesty wearing her crown, and bearing in her right hand the sceptre with the cross, and in her left the orb; the princes and princesses, the peers and peeresses wearing their coronets, the archbishops and bishops their caps, and the kings at arms their crowns.
"And here it may be acceptable to give a brief description of that dazzling and beautiful insignia of regality, which had just been solemnly assumed by our youthful Queen. Her Majesty's Crown is in the highest degree costly and elegant, being much more tastefully designed, and much lighter and smaller than that worn by her two immediate predecessors. It is composed of hoops of silver, inclosing a cap of deep purple velvet; the hoops are completely covered with precious stones, surmounted by a ball composed of small diamonds, and having a Maltese cross of brilliants on the top of it. This cross has, in its centre, a splendid sapphire. The rim of the Crown is clustered with brilliants, and ornamented with rich fleurs-de-lis and Maltese crosses. In the middle of the cross, which is in front of the Crown, is the enormous heart-shaped ruby, once worn by chivalrous Edward the Black Prince. Beneath this, in the circular rim, is an immense oblong sapphire. There are many other precious gems, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires, and several small clusters of drop pearls. The Crown is turned up with ermine.
"The procession returned from the Abbey to Buckingham Palace in the same order as that in which it arrived, and our anointed Sovereign was received with, if possible, still more ardent testimonies of rejoicing than on the former occasion; indeed the sight of the crown which so well became her fair and open brow, seemed to inspire the accumulated thousands with new stores of loyalty and love;
Awe struck, the much admiring crowd
Before the virgin vision bowed,
Gazed with an ever new delight,
And caught fresh virtue at the sight.
Where'er she passes thousands bend,
And thousands, where she moves attend;
Her ways observant eyes confess,
Her steps approving praises bless;
While to the elevated Maid
The homage of the heart is paid.
(from the long poem "Fables for the Female..." by Edward Moore)
"In passing through the churchyard, the progress of the state carriage was impeded for some minutes by the enthusiasm of the populace, during which time a scene was enacting which afforded equal amusement to the Queen and her subjects. Her Majesty experienced some difficulty in keeping the crown upon her head, as each inclination in answer to the constant salutations that awaited her, threatened to displace the imperial diadem, and her efforts to retain it in its rightful position were much impeded by the sceptre and orb, which occupied either hand; the Duchess of Sutherland at length endeavoured to assist her Majesty, and both the illustrious ladies seemed highly entertained with the Queen's mischance; the mirthful laugh with which her Majesty treated this little episode went straight to the hearts of all who witnessed it, and was answered by a loud and prolonged shout of sympathetic enjoyment.
Again, at the west end of Pall Mall, the cavalcade met with an unforeseen delay, and her Majesty most condescendingly made use of the opportunity to show herself to the best advantage to the surrounding multitude; she ordered her door of the carriage to be thrown open, and sat quite forward to the full view of all who were fortunate enough to be near the spot. Her Majesty having disrobed of her imperial mantle, her elegant dress of blonde lace over white satin, profusely adorned with brilliants, was distinctly seen; her figure, as she sat in her state chariot, her head crowned, and the sceptre of empire in her hand, was graceful in the extreme, and her motions in acknowledging the greetings of her people, peculiarly elegant.
On reaching Hyde Park Corner, the excitement she had been so long enduring at length overpowered the firmness of her spirits, and on passing under the triumphal arch on Constitution Hill, a tremendous burst of acclamation once more oppressed her, she let the sceptre fall from her hand, and gave vent to a flood of tears. Her Majesty, however, recovered herself sufficiently to answer to the last salutations of her subjects as the palace gates closed upon her, under a royal salute, precisely at six o'clock.
Thus ended the heart inspiring solemnities of this glorious day--a day which has now passed into history, and will, it is fervently hoped, be for-ever found amongst its brightest pages. May the remembrance of it through a long and prosperous future, kindle afresh the chivalrous enthusiasm with which earth's fairest diadem was seen to sparkle for the first time on the pure brow of our Maiden Queen. May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon her, and bless, preserve and keep her; may he strengthen her arm, and endue her heart with all heavenly graces, that the name of Victoria may be transmitted in glory, honour, and love, to the remotest generations; and may her presence be ever hailed, as when the trumpets and artillery announced that her solemn inauguration was completed, with the universal and joyous shout of--
"God save the Queen!
Long live the Queen!
May the Queen live for ever!"
Ode on the Coronation
By James Montgomery, Esq.
The Sceptre in a Maiden-hand,
The reign of Beauty and of Youth,
Awake to gladness all the land,
And love is loyalty and truth;
Rule, Victoria, rule the free;
Hearts and hands we offer Thee!
Not by the tyrant-law of might,
But by the grace of God, we own,
And by the People's voice, thy right,
To sit upon thy Father's throne:
Rule, Victoria, rule the free;
Heaven defend and prosper Thee!
Thee, isles and continents obey,
Kindreds and nations nigh and far,
Between the bound-marks of thy sway
--The morning and the evening star;
Rule, Victoria, rule the free,
Millions rest their hopes on Thee!
No slaves within thine empire breathe!
Before thy steps oppression fly!
The Lamb and Lion play beneath
The meek dominion of thine eye:
Rule, Victoria rule the free;
Chain and fetters yield to Thee!
With mercy's beams yet more benign,
Light to thy realms in darkness send,
Till none shall name a God but thine--
None at an idol-altar bend:
Rule, Victoria, rule the free,
Till all tongues shall pray for Thee!
At home, abroad, by sea, on shore,
Blessings to Thee and thine increase;
The sword and cannon rage no more,
The whole world hail Thee Queen of Peace!
Rule, Victoria, rule the free,
And the Almighty rule o'er Thee!
Proofread by LNL, May 2011