
Parents' Review Article Archive

Senior Art Club.

Volume 13, 1902, pg. 232

This Club is open to any readers of the Review, either lady or gentleman. The terms are 6s. for six months. All work marked for exhibition is criticised by Mr. David Murray, A.R.A., on the yearly "Pupils' Show Day," in Miss Stewart Wood's studio, Vine Court Studio, Holland Street, Kensington. All particulars of the Club can be obtained from Miss A. Y. Davidson, Secretary, 41, Bessborough Gardens, London, S.W.

Subjects for March.
I.--The days begin to lengthen, and we shall do well to take advantage of the sun once more. Get a good cast--No.463a, of a child's head, is strongly recommended--place it well out of doors against a blue sky. Try and paint it with all the flickering variety of an outdoor light. If the days are still too cold, get the sunlight to play on it indoors.
II.--If possible fit an outdoor study or from a window. Skies can always be seen.

Typed by happi, Mar. 2020; Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2020