
Parents' Review Article Archive

P.N.E.U. Notes.

Volume 13, 1902, pgs. 236-240

Edited by Miss. F. Noel Armfield, Sec., 26, Victoria Street, S.W.

To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 6 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print.

N.B.--Kindly write on one side of the paper only.

Miss Russell has resigned the Secretaryship of the P.N.E.U. and her place has been taken by Miss F. Noel Armfield.


The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:--

CROYDON.--Names may be sent pro tem. to P. Rands, Esq., Brighty, Bensham Manor Road.
DUBLIN.--Names may be sent pro tem. to Rev. J. D. Osborne, 4, Mountjoy Square, Dublin.
DUBFERMLINE.--Mrs. Beveridge, Pitreavie, Dunfermline, would be glad to hear from people interested.
GUILDFORD.--Names may be sent pro tem. to Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Ewhurst Rectory, near Guildford.
MANCHESTER.--Mrs. Freston, 6, St. Paul's Road, Kersal, Manchester, will receive names of people interested in this Branch (pro tem.).

Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Armfield, 26, Victoria Street, S.W.


BOLTON AND FARNWORTH.--A meeting was held on Jan. 16th, 1902, at the Grammar School, by kind permission of Mr. Lyde, when Miss Edyth Davies read a paper on "The Introduction of Children to Nature's Fairy Land." She pleaded for the teaching of science in a simple and interesting way to young children and contended that scientific knowledge so taught was quite as interesting and much more valuable than fairy tales. There was some discussion and most of the members contended that to leave out the fairy tales would take away a great pleasure and interest from the lives of many children. The paper was most interesting and much enjoyed by those members who were present. The next meeting will be on Feb. 24th. when Mrs. Bryant's Teaching of Morality will be discussed.

BOURNEMOUTH AND BOSCOMBE.--A very successful meeting was held at the Cairns Memorial Hall, on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, when a paper was read by Mr. Evans, on "Some of the advantages and disadvantages of our present Public School system," At the February meeting a paper was read by Mr. Rooper, H.M.I., on "First Steps in Science." The next meeting will be held on Mar. 2nd, when Miss Buckton will lecture on "The Education of Girls."

DERBY.--Owing to the resignation of the Secretary of this branch no P.N.E.U. meeting has been held this year, but a programme is now being arranged.

DULWICH.--On Dec. 5th, at Pond House, Dulwich Village, Mr. G. Stretton lectured on "A Trip to the Greek Archipelago and Southern Asia Minor." It was a very interesting and graphic description of Mr. Stretton's visit there some two or three years previously, and was much appreciated by those present; unfortunately there was a very poor attendance of members. On Jan. 21st, at Hillsboro, by kind permission of the Rev. J. H. Mallinson, Mr. Francis Rowbotham gave a lecture on Natural History, entitled "Observing and Collecting." On Feb. 7th, at Belair, by kind permission of Mrs. Evan Spicer, a lecture was given on "Rome," by the Rev. J. H. Haslam, who illustrated his lecture with some beautiful lantern slides. On Mar. 13th, at 5 p.m., at the Dulwich High School for Girls, by kind permission of Miss Silcox, the head mistress, Mr. Somerwell will lecture on "How Browning tells a story." In May the Annual General Meeting will be held, after which Miss Lyster has promised to read a paper on "Secondary Education for Girls in England."

EDINBURGH.--On Friday, Dec. 27th, the first of the two lectures arranged for children was given at 23, Charlotte Square. The subject, "Historic Edinburgh," was treated in an exceedingly interesting manner by Mr. Stephen, who shewed many beautiful limelight pictures in illustration. Friday, Jan. 3rd, was the date of the second of these lectures. Mr. Godfrey delighted the children by giving a charming account of the "Birds of Edinburgh," from the raven and falcon of years ago, whose resting place was the Castle Rock and the spire of St. Mary's Cathedral, to the blackbirds, starlings and sparrows of our gardens and housetops today. An evening meeting for Children's Nurses was held on Jan. 15th, at 7, Heriot Row, conducted by Mrs. Greenfield. It is hoped that later this course may be continued. On the evening of Monday, Jan. 27th, a lecture was given at 7, Charlotte Square, by Miss Buckton, Vice-Principal of Sesame House, entitled "Some Modern Ideals in the Education of Women." After surveying the main influences in the development of women's education, Miss Buckton pointed out that in the present day the pendulum tends to swing too far in the direction of merely intellectual education. She believes that girls are made far more lovable, powerful and happy, by being given opportunity for the development of more practical capacities, in organizing, in managing households, in fostering life, in bearing grave responsibilities. It is for such aims that Sesame House is striving. Miss Buckton gave a most interesting and attractive account of the work done there.

ENGLEFIELD GREEN.--On Feb. 5th, a meeting of this branch was held at Bulkeley House, by kind permission of Mrs. Campbell Giffard. Mrs. Clement Parsons gave a most interesting and suggestive address on "Children and Romance," to which all listened with great appreciation and attention. The delightful reminiscences of her childhood brought back many early scenes almost forgotten, and made one enter with more sympathy into the imaginary world of the little ones. The Rev. F. E. Hutchinson was in the chair, and at the conclusion of the lecture started an interesting discussion on thoughts suggested by Mrs. Parsons' remarks, and on suitable books for children, which would appeal to the romantic and imaginative side of their nature, a branch of their education too often neglected in these practical days of hard work and competition. The next lecture will be given by T. G. Rooper, Esq., H.M.I. for the district of Southampton, on "Science for Children." at Northroyd, by kind permission of Mrs. Phillpotts.

GLASGOW.--The second meeting was held on Dec. 20th, at 8, Montgomerie Quadrant, by kind permission of Mrs. Leonard Gow. Mdme. Akerbladh gave an interesting demonstration of the system of "Swedish Free Drill and Medical Gymnastics," pointing out the advantages possessed by this system over other methods of physical culture. Free drill is intended for the healthy, medical gymnastics for the delicate. In the latter the movements are given by the teacher, the resistance offered by the patient. 350 movements of the body and limbs are employed. At the close both Mdme. Akerbladh and the pupil with whom she demonstrated the method were heartily thanked.

HARROW.--Two lectures have been given during the last few weeks, which have been well attended. The first was held at Woodriding School, Pinner, the Rev. W. Leach in the chair, when Professor Boulger talked to children on "Winter Birds," and was listened to with marked attention throughout. The second was at the High School, Northwood, by the Rev. Russell Wakefield, on "How Parents may help in Educational matters." He said it was greatly to be regretted that many parents' first thoughts so often seemed to be--how soon can I shift the responsibility of my child on to someone else. They delight in finding a scape-goat, so that if any mistake occurs they may say, "It is not my fault!" and so many parents sink into more or less harmless critics. Mr. Wakefield went on to say that true education is to have the whole self trained. The parent has a power to train which no one else can have, and he urged that there should be a close link between the parent and the teacher.

HYDE PARK AND BAYSWATER.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. L. Franklin, 50 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park. "At Home" Thursday mornings, or by appointment.--Jan. 30th, the Hon. and Rev. Canon E. Lyttleton gave a most inspiring address on "Time and Growth," at 3, Grosvenor Place, by kind permission of the Lady Esther Smith. He spoke strongly in favour of giving children more leisure moments and of instilling in them what we in the P.N.E.U. call "an enthusiasm for nature, art, literature, etc." The room was crowded and the audience felt deeply grateful to the lecturer, their only regret being that there was so little time for discussion. It is hoped that some arrangement may be made to follow up the lecture by some further meeting on the same subject. Due notice will be sent to members.--On Feb. 17th, at 23, Oxford Square (by kind permission of Mrs. Spelmann), Mr. Gilbert Chesterton gave a most brilliant address on "Literary Enthusiasm and Education." The meeting was well attended and the chair was most kindly taken by Rev. M. R. Neligan. He led a very lively discussion and spoke most earnestly on the value of the P.N.E.U.--The next lecture will be on Thursday, March 20th, at 5 p.m., at 64, Kensington Gardens Square (by kind permission of the Misses Genn and Chambers). Mr. Van Glehn, modern language master at Merchant Taylor's School, will lecture on "New methods of language teaching."

LEWES.--A lecture, at which Viscount Gage took the chair, was given here on Feb. 10th, by the Rev. Henry Belcher, LL.D., entitled "A Talk about Old Lewes." The lecturer being well known and the subject of great local interest, non-members were admitted on payment, and nearly every seat in the room was filled. The large audience thoroughly enjoyed the lecture, a general wish being expressed that Dr, Belcher would on a future occasion tell them more about their very interesting old town. Miss Robinson has kindly consented to address the Branch in March or April, the subject will be "Our Downs." This branch continues to increase, it now numbers nearly 60 members.

READING.--The first meeting for 1902 was held on Thursday, Jan. 30th, when Benjamin Sharp, Esq. (one of the masters of Reading School), read a paper entitled "The Neglect of Music in English Education." It was an interesting paper and much appreciated by the audience. The next meeting will be held Mar. 20th, when Mr. Childs, Vice-Principal of the Reading College, has promised a paper, on "The Long-suffering Child."

SCARBOROUGH.--On Feb. 5th, this branch held its fourth meeting of the winter session, when Ernest Catt, L.D.S.I. and D.D.S., read a short paper on "Children's Teeth." The meeting was attended by about 30 members, and the paper was full of interesting facts led to conversation, and many questions were put to the lecturer. Our next meeting is to be on a Child's Musical Taste." To this meeting our members are asked to bring friends who have young children, and we hope by a little special effort to bring our Union before young mothers. Our meetings have been very well attended this year.

ST. JOHN'S WOOD.--A meeting was held on Jan. 23rd, at 24, Greville Road, by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mullins. Miss Roberson, B.A., read a paper on "Hygiene as a factor in Education," dealing with the question of the physical training of children and the ventilation of schools, &c. For the present it has been thought best to allow this branch to lapse. Present and intending members are asked to join one of the other local branches.

WAKEFIELD AND DISTRICT.--The 4th meeting of the session was held at Homegarth, by the kind invitation of the Mayoress (Mrs. Childe), on Feb. 3rd. A very interesting address was given by Miss la Mothe, sub-warden of the Lady Warwick Hostel, Reading. She gave a detailed account of the work done by the students at the Hostel, and especially recommended those branches of the work which were carried on in the open air, such as gardening, poultry-farming, and bee-keeping, as being conducive to health. The lecturer laid great stress on the need of a course of special training for those who wish to take up any branch as a vocation, and also of the great advantages to be gained by co-operation, more especially in the branches of dairy and poultry farming, and she shewed how well this system worked in some other countries, in Belgium for instance. After the lecture, Miss la Mothe shewed us some lantern slides of the Lady Warwick Hostel, and of some of the students at work there. The Annual Meeting of the Branch was held the same afternoon, the report read, and a very satisfactory balance sheet presented.

WOODFORD AND WANSTEAD.--Mrs. Clement Parsons delighted a well-attended meeting of this branch on February 10th, with an admirable and well-thought-out lecture on "The Right Spending of Money." The members met at Glebelands, South Woodford, which, by the courtesy and kindness of their president, Mrs. Fowler, was thrown open to the. The lecture was preceded by tea and a short business conference, during which the hon. secretary, Mrs. Albert Wilson, resigned, but was unanimously re-elected by committee and members present. Mrs. Hayter was proposed and cordially accepted as branch representative at the coming Conference. Mrs. Whitaker, in the chair, said she thought the subject of the lecture was one which must appeal strongly and be of the greatest interest to every member of the audience; and, knowing the ability of the lecturer, they were assured beforehand of a skilful handling of the matter. Mrs. Clement Parsons commenced by stating the extreme difficulty she had experienced in preparing her lecture, inasmuch as there were so few sources of information to draw from. She had, however, received a pamphlet from Connecticut setting forth the methods employed in the "Curtis" Schools of the State; from this extracts were read and commented upon. The lecturer then proceeded in her bright, original and piquant style to show that notwithstanding that the spending and sparing of money occupied a large share of the lives of most of us, yet it was the one occupation for which no training was considered necessary. Although men were the getters, yet women were generally the dispensers of the coin of the realm, therefore she thought it was specially incumbent upon the trainers of girls to see that they had an intelligent idea of the value of money and how to spend it. It was often deplorable to see how a really good income was perspired away in little extravagancies and little wastefulnesses which yielded no adequate return, and which were the result of the ignorance rather than the folly of the spender. It was not always only desirable to make ends meet but to tie in a bow. Most well-considered, practical suggestions were then made as to how to teach children to manage a small income, so as to embrace wise expenditure, thrift and charity. Some interesting illustrations of children's spasmodic charity caused the audience great amusement. Mrs. Clement Parsons concluded her charming lecture with an appropriate quotation from Spinoza bearing upon the subject of the right use of money. A short discussion followed touching upon the thrift of the French housewife, the necessity of a business knowledge for women, etc., Mrs Whitaker bringing the meeting to a close by suggesting that fathers could not do better than in conversation give their girls when they leave school some insight into the financial working of municipalities and states, and otherwise to encourage their daughters to take an intelligent interest in profit and loss. The members then dispersed after a thoroughly enjoyable and suggestive afternoon.

WOKING.--On Feb. 11th, at Riverside, Mrs. Sieveking gave an interesting lecture on "The attitude of the leisured classes in regard to the Nursery," the chair being taken by Mrs. Horace Hickling. It was followed by a good deal of discussion. The next meeting is to take place on March 7th, when Miss Beth Finlay will lecture on "The Restlessness of Modern Youth."

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