
Parents' Review Article Archive

The "P.R." Letter Bag.

Volume 13, 1902, pgs. 573-574

(The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of Correspondents.)


DEAR EDITOR,--May I be permitted to state that the above exhibition at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Regent's Park, will remain open from July 23rd to August 5th? Arrangements have been made for a series of Conferences on the afternoons of July 24th, 25th, 29th, 31st and August 1st in which the following, amongst others, have already promised to take part:--Lord Avebury, Lord Strathcona, Sir W. Hart Dyke, Bart., Sir George Kekewich, Sir Joshua Fitch, Mrs. Franklin, Miss May Gurney, Miss Mary Simpson, Prof. Lloyd Morgan, F.R.S., Prof. Geddes, and Mr. T. G. Rooper. Dr. Rickmore, of New York is bringing a special exhibit from Central Natural History Museum, and will lecture on "Visual Instruction." Early in July I shall be happy to furnish anyone with full details as to the Conference programme, copies of which will also, of course, be available at the exhibition. There is every reason to believe that the exhibition will prove a complete success. In addition to the official co-operation of many of the County Education Committees and of the great School Boards, a very large number of promises to exhibit have been received from every grade of school and college in all parts of the United Kingdom. We shall thus be able to illustrate Nature Study teaching from the infant school up to the most advanced colleges in England and Scotland. The Canadian and American exhibits are likely to be especially interesting.
Your obedient servant,
Hon. Sec.
Stratton, near Cirencester, June 15th, 1902.



DEAR READERS,--Thanks to the generous response which my appeal has received, there only remains about £50 to complete the purchase of the Parents' Review. This sum has been advanced by two members, so that arrangements for the purchase from the Parents' Review Company will very shortly be completed, and the Review will become the property of the Union.
The list of contributions to the fund is as follows;--
Acknowledged last month, £2408s. 4d., and since received:--

£ s. d.
Ex-student 0 5 0
Mrs. F. Poynting 0 5 0
C. D. Olive, Esq. 1 1 0
Miss Penn 0 2 6
Mrs.Bradley 0 5 0
Mrs. Jane Edwards 1 1 0
Mrs. H. M. Pease 2 0 0
Mrs. J. Rowley 0 3 0
Mrs. Firth 0 10 0
Mrs. J. Mason 0 10 0
£6 2 6

"Mrs. Simms £2 0 0," in May number, should read "Miss M. S. Simon £2 0 0"

Yours faithfully,
Hon. Organizing Sec., P.N.E.U.
50, Porchester Terrace, W.

Typed (including the Table) by happi, Oct. 2020; Proofread by LNL, Oct. 2021