
Parents' Review Article Archive

P.N.E.U. Notes.

Volume 13, 1902, pgs. 574-575

Edited by MISS F. NOËL ARMFIELD, Sec., 26, Victoria Street, S.W.

To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 6 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print.
N.B.--Kindly write on one side of the paper only.

The office at 26, Victoria Street, will be closed from August 1st to September 16th, inclusive. Important communications will be forwarded to the Secretary. No library books can be changed or sent out between these dates.


The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:--
CROYDON.--Names may be sent pro tem. to P. Rands, Esq., Brighty, Bensham Manor Road.
DUBLIN.--Names may be sent pro tem. to Rev. J. D. Osborne, 4, Mountjoy Square, Dublin.
DUNFERMLINE.--Mrs. Beveridge, Pitreavie, Dunfermline, would be glad to hear from people interested.
GUILDFORD.--Names may be sent pro tem. to Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Ewhurst Rectory, near Guildford.
MANCHESTER.--Mrs. Freston, 6, St. Paul's Road, Kersal, Manchester, will receive names of people interested in this Branch (pro tem.).
TUNBRIDGE WELLS AND DISTRICT.--Hon. Sec. and Treasurer: Mrs. Trouton, Rotherfield, Sussex (pro tem.).

Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Armfield, 26, Victoria Street, S.W.


DULWICH.--On May 23rd, at Pond House, Dulwich Village, Miss Lyster kindly came and read before some of the members of this branch a most interesting paper on "State Regulations for Secondary Education for Girls in England and Germany." Miss Lyster pointed out the advantages arising from schools being under inspection in Germany, since no unqualified person could open a school as in England. She also stated education ceased when pupils arrived at the age of seventeen in Germany, whereas in England another year or two is usually devoted to study.

FOREST HILL.--A meeting was held on Friday, June 20th, at 8 p.m., when the Rev. A. F. R. Bird delivered a lecture on "A Child's Garden."

HARROW.--On June 7th an address was given by Canon Scott Holland, at Dr. Chattaway's house, on "Plato." In the course of a very brilliant lecture, the Canon said that though Plato proposed to abolish the home, it was only because he was so afraid of the parent's power when not used wisely. He was convinced that when the child was taught the right joys and the right pains, everything would go well with it afterwards. Plato taught that the use of reason depends on character, and can never be divorced from character. This character, the lecturer went on to say, was grown by emotion. Emotion is always governed by intellectual law. Feeling and emotion follow on, and depend on the character; we must see therefore that these emotions are right. Pleasure itself can never be dissociated from character; reason is always inside pleasure; for the whole world of emotion and passion is at heart really rational. Joy--pleasure, that is--is quite as important as work: but we have a habit of leaving out joys in our conception of life. We must therefore see that our children find proper scope for their joys; for nowhere do we so truly find our children as in their laughter. At the end of a most stirring address Canon Scott Holland was asked if he would consent to have it printed. This, it is much to be regretted, he found himself unable to do, but all who heard it will have taken away with them, for future practical use, many eminently workable ideas which cannot fail to be of service in the home and the school. There have been two delightful Natural History expeditions this spring, conducted by Prof. Rowbotham, one at Pinner, the other at Northwood. Attendance at the first, 18; at the second, 30. A third expedition to Amersham is timed to take place the first week of July. Children, 1/- each; schools, half-price.
READING.--By the kind invitation of Dr. Florence Armitage and Dr. Mary Cruikshank, a meeting was held in their house on the afternoon of Friday, June 6th, the President (Mr. Herbert Sutton) in the Chair, when Mr. E. J. Austin gave a most interesting paper on "Observation in Childhood: its Development and Direction." This meeting closes the Spring Session, and no more gatherings will be held till Oct., when Miss Maitland, Principal of Somerville College, has kindly promised a paper on "The Preparation of Girls, either at Home or at School, for University Studies."--The Natural History Club has been busy in spite of rainy weather. On May 3rd, a visit was paid to the Reading Ice Factory, the process of ice-making having been previously described to the children and illustrated by clever home-made contrivances, by Miss Mary Hart-Davis. At the factory further explanation was given by Mr. Carling, the manager, and the party, numbering forty-five, were all keenly interested in the machinery, the storing rooms, and in the raising and cutting of the first sheet of ice manufactured there this year.--On May 13th, at Grove House, Leighton Park, F. W. Keeble, Esq., M.A., of Reading College, met about thirty-five members and talked to them on "How to keep a Nature Note Book." The ramble in the Park was short on account of the heavy rain that had fallen in the afternoon. Two of the excursions on the summer programme have already been carried out and greatly enjoyed. The first, on May 31st, was a ramble from Pangbourne to Theale, through Bradfield, when a party, consisting of about forty members, was conducted by Dr. Joy, who gave a very interesting talk on "Birds." The second was on Saturday, June 14th, to Dunsden, when, in spite of very doubtful weather, about twenty children and twelve adults visited the "Flowing Spring," near Sonning, and walked over the chalk hills to the Vicarage, where they were very kindly entertained to tea by Mrs. Hart-Davis, the President of the Club. Miss Hart-Davis talked to the children about the various kinds of Buttercups and their garden relations that had been found during the afternoon.--Excursions are arranged to Salham Woods, on July 12th, and to Peppard, on Sept. 20th.

WEYBRIDGE.--On May 14th, a most interesting lecture was given to this branch by Mr. Theodore Wood on "Spiders." This lecture attracted a good audience, in fact, whenever Mr. Wood is announced as the lecturer it is quite a difficult matter to find a room sufficiently large to hold the audience.

WOKING.--The last lecture of the session was given at Riverside, on May 31st. There was a very fair attendance, and Dr. Schofield gave a most interesting address on "The New Education." The chair was taken by the Rev. C. A. Skelton, M.A., who opened the meeting with some remarks on the subject of education, and at the close thanked Dr. Schofield on behalf of those present for his helpful and interesting lecture. It has been thought advisable to discontinue both the readings and the lectures for the summer months, and to recommence them in the autumn. The Rev. C. A. Skelton has, however, by special request, most kindly consented to give an address on July 2nd, at Riverside, on the subject of the Education Bill.--On Friday, May 23rd, a meeting of the members of the P.N.E.U. was held to discuss the advisability of forming and the best methods of organizing a Natural History Club in connection with the Union. Miss Hart-Davis gave a good deal of interesting and practical information, and it was decided to elect a president and committee. On the 5th June, an informal meeting was held in Mrs. Hall's garden, at which about 30 of those present enrolled themselves as members of the Club, and several others have since sent in their names. It was agreed to start proceedings with a ramble the following week.

Typed by happi, Oct. 2020; Proofread by LNL, Oct. 2020