Art Club.
Volume 13, 1902, pg. 823
This Club is open to any readers of the Review, either lady or gentleman. The terms are 6s. for six months. All work marked for exhibition is criticised by Mr. David Murray, A.R.A., on the yearly "Pupils' Show Day," in Miss Stewart Wood's studio, Vine Court Studio, Holland Street, Kensington. All particulars of the Club can be obtained from Miss A. Y. Davidson, Secretary, 41, Bessborough Gardens, London, S.W.
Subjects for October.
I.--A Study in Brown and Grey. Brown surrounds us in the autumn; it is not difficult to find a subject to meet these tones. An old root of a tree with beech leaf carpet makes a beautiful subject, the lichen and bark will give the grey. Or paint a strip of brown earth seen against the grey sky, which prevails in this month.
II.--Autumn Leaves. A good way to learn accuracy is to put a row of leaves down on a sheet of paper underneath, each leaf should be represented with such care that the drawing cannot be distinguished from the reality.
Typed by Noella M. Apr. 2021; Proofread by LNL, Apr. 2022