The "P.R." Letter Bag.
Volume 13, 1902, pgs. 908-909
(The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of Correspondents.)
DEAR EDITOR,--Can any reader of the Parents' Review tell me the best way of removing the coating which collects on fresh-water mussels and other shells, so as to expose the beautiful pearly surface underneath without injuring in.
Yours truly, FLORENCE FREMANTLE. Newton Harcourt, Leicester.
DEAR MADAM,--I should be very glad of suggestions as to books to take on a voyage to Australia, likely to interest a boy of 15, and a girl of 12 1/2, in the ocean and the countries they pass, Italy, Egypt, the Mediterranean, and Ceylon. I enclose a stamped envelope, but possibly you would prefer to answer through the Parents' Review. I am an editor of monthlies in Australia, and am paying a flying visit to England with my family, returning in December.
Yours truly, W. G. PIPER. Rosebank, Queen's Road, South Norwood, S.E.
DEAR EDITOR,--Can you inform me whether Mr. Robert Bird has written any books upon the Old Testament subjects besides Joseph the Dreamer? If he would write of the Creation and the history of the Israelites, as he already has of the Gospel Story, I am sure many mothers would be most grateful. In my opinion his Jesus of Nazareth is the best treatment of the subject that has been written for the young, a book of absorbing interest to children as well as their elders. I should also feel obliged if any of your readers could tell me what text books are used in teaching of physiology, hygiene, and scientific temperance in the public schools of the United States (see The Times, September 16th, 1902).
I am, yours truly, M. L. FAWSSETT. Lewes, Sussex.
Typed by Noella M., Apr. 2021