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How do I turn on private messages in the forum? - Printable Version

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How do I turn on private messages in the forum? - Ladyangie77 - 03-14-2013

So apparently, I've managed to turn off private messages within the forum. I have no clue how I did this, but members can only contact me through email. I know I've sent and received messages on Forum before...

Help? How do I turn on private messages?

Thanks so much!!

RE: How do I turn on private messages in the forum? - Jeanne Webb - 03-14-2013

Go to User CP and click Edit Options. It is there under Messaging and Notification. Check the box! :)

RE: How do I turn on private messages in the forum? - Phyllis - 03-14-2013

Jeanne already answered (thanks, Jeanne!), but if you need more details, or if anyone else does, here.

RE: How do I turn on private messages in the forum? - Ladyangie77 - 03-16-2013

Thank you!! :-)