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The Parents' ReviewA Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture"Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life." ______________________________________ P.N.E.U. Notes
Edited by Miss Russell, Sec., 26, Victoria Street, S.W. To whom all Hon. Local Secs. are requested to send reports of all matters of interest connected with their branches, also 6 copies of any prospectuses or other papers they may print. N.B.--Kindly write on one side of the paper only. NEW BRANCHES. The Executive Committee has been approached with a view to starting Branches in the following places:-- BARRY (GLAMORGAN). Readers of the Parents' Review living in these districts, or having friends there, are asked to communicate with Miss Russell, 26, Victoria Street, S.W. ---------- BOLTON AND FARNWORTH.--On Nov. 25th, at the Bolton Grammar School, Mr. Lyde, the Head Master, gave a most interesting address on "The Growth of a Town," showing the different ways in which towns grew, the reason of their position, prosperity, decay and death. The address was much enjoyed, and three new members joined the Branch.--The next lecture will be given on Jan. 16th, when a paper will be read by Miss Edyth Davies. BRONDESBURY AND KILBURN.--On Nov. 19th, Mrs. Wilson read a most interesting paper on "Fairy Tales," shewing how they, in the earliest language and form, suitable to primitive times, and had been handed down to us as heirlooms from generations and generations of ancestors, and were to be placed among our most priceless treasures of literature. A most spirited discussion followed as to whether the old fairy tales were, with our advanced knowledge, suited to the present times and needs of children.--On Dec. 3rd, Mr. Paton, Head Master of University College School, gave a lecture on "English Public Schools," shewing how they formed the character of Englishmen. The lecture was well attended, upwards of eighty members of the Brondesbury and St. John's Wood branches being present. A discussion followed on the relative merits of the public schools, such as Eton, Rugby, Marlborough, etc., and the increasing number of good day schools in our large towns.--On Jan. 14th, at 8.30 p.m., Mrs. Wilson will lecture at 44, Cavendish Road, Brondesbury (by kind permission of Miss Daniel), to the Natural History Club, on "The Awakening of Nature." Visitors from other branches are welcome.--On Feb. 4th, at 8.30 p.m. there will be a lecture at Dun Mallart, Shoot-up-Hill, Brondesbury, N.W. (by kind permission of Dr. and Mrs. Walker), by the Rev. A. A. Green (Rabbi of the W. Hampstead Synagogue), on "Children's Literature." Cards of invitation can be obtained from the Hon. Sec., Mrs. Cunnington, 86, West End Lane, N.W. EDINBURGH.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. Berry Hart, 29, Charlotte Square. The first lecture of the winter course was delivered on Friday, Nov. 29th, at 8, Gt. Colme Street (by the kind permission of Mrs. Stiles). Miss Gibb explained a very interesting method of teaching music to young children, called the "Chassevant Method," invented and taught by a professor of music in Geneva, with whom Miss Gibb studied for some time. Classes have been carried on with very successful results in Glasgow, and at least one class will begin work with Miss Gibb, in Edinburgh, after the Christmas holidays. The Chassevant method is so attractive, appealing as it does very strongly from the beginning to the imagination of the little pupil, that children never fail to find pleasure as well as profit in the lessons.--On Dec. 11th, at Merchiston Castle (by the kind invitation of the Head Master and Mrs. Smith), a large audience was attracted by the prospect of hearing Mr. Grant Ogilvie (Director of the Museum of Science and Art) speak of "Some uses of the Collections in the Public Galleries and Museums of Edinburgh." The lecture was full of useful suggestions as to the best ways of shewing such collections to our children. Mr. Grant Ogilvie deprecated the long, weary, purposeless hours often spent in museums by children, and shewed how to make their visits full of enjoyment of the higher kind, by concentrating their attention upon some section in which they had some previous interest, and curtailing the length of these visits. Some discussion followed, led by Mr. George Smith, who presided.--The third lecture will be held on Monday, Jan. 27th, at 7, Charlotte Square, when Miss Buckton, of Sesame House, will read a paper entitled, "Some Modern Ideals in the Education of Women." ENGLEFIELD GREEN.--An interesting lecture was given on Nov. 28th, by Miss Lawrence, of Roedean School, near Brighton, the subject being "Continuity in Education." She spoke chiefly from her own experience of the daughters of the upper middle class, who came to her at the age of fifteen, having previously had apparently no fixed purpose or continuity in their course of studies. A discussion followed the lecture, which was well attended and much appreciated. GLASGOW.--On Nov. 21st, a most interesting address was delivered by Mr. W. Cecil Laming, at Redlands. His subject was "How Parents can best help the work of a school." At the close of the paper, which will appear shortly in the Parents' Review, an animated discussion took place, and various knotty questions were put to the lecturer who took great pains to elucidate his meaning. HARROW.--On Nov. 23rd, a lecture to children was given by Professor Rowbotham, at Lake View, Northwood, by the kindness of Professor and Mrs. Hill. The subject was "Spiders," and the treatment of it was keenly appreciated by the young audience, especially and particularly a delightful story of Mrs. Spider casting off her old skin, assisted by her mate, and then first devouring it, and later on her husband! Professor Rowbotham's manner with children is unique; and he succeeds in gaining their attention and confidence from the first to the last word. Mrs. Clement Parsons lectured to the branch, on Dec. 11th, at Mrs. McIntyre's house, Harrow-on-the-Hill, on "Childhood and Romance," Rev. Thomas Smith, Vicar of Greenhill, Harrow, in the chair. The meeting was well attended, and it is to be regretted that very little after discussion took place. The vicar, in introducing the lecturer, said that it should be true romance which we put into the child's hand; romance that he will not have to abandon by-and-by. It should be the romance that we can take with us when we go to God: when we have gone up the long mountain of life and come to where the snow is at the top. The man who is full of romance will never be vulgar. Mrs. Clement Parsons urged that the mother should recall her own red-letter days of childhood: that she should take counsel with her own mother to help her own memory of those old nursery days, or with some old nurse, or better still with some old friend who could set our memory going. Instead, however, of gaining wisdom from the study of the past, we see the same old mistakes, the same old injustices in our nurseries today. Yet our own experience should be the lantern at the masthead that throws its light forward. There is in all Mrs. Clement Parsons says an indescribable charm, that paints before one's mind's eye word-pictures, and ever-living scenes, lighting up long dark pages in one's own book of memory. The charm is her own, the delicate humour peculiarly her own, and so is the picturesque diction. There is no one writing today who more vividly recalls the perfect literary grace of style of Walter Pater, than does Mrs. Clement Parsons. HYDE PARK AND BAYSWATER.--Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. L. Franklin, 50, Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park. "At Home" Thursday mornings, or by appointment.--On Dec 9th Miss Montgomery read a suggestive paper on "Sympathy and Self-Control," at 47, Gloucester Square, by kind permission of Mrs. Scott.--On Jan. 18th Mrs. Crump, F.R.H.S., will lecture on "A Prisoner of the Bastille under Richelieu," at 3 p.m., at 50 Porchester Terrace. The lecture is intended for children aged 10-18. Each member may bring or send one child free; additional tickets 6d. each, to be obtained at the door. Mrs. Franklin would like to know about how many people to expect.--On Jan. 30th the Hon. Rev. Canon E. Lyttleton, headmaster of Haileybury, will lecture on "Time for Growth," at 5.30 p.m., at 3, Grosvenor Place (by kind permission of the Lady Esther Smith). This lecture is a combined one with the other London Branches. Only members (two members of each household) may attend.--On Feb. 5th Mrs. Franklin will speak to non-members on "Why they should join the P.N.E.U.," at 3.30 p.m., at 17, Oxford Square, by kind permission of Mrs. Henry Gooch. All members are asked to send names of friends to whom they would like cards of invitation sent. KIDDERMINSTER.--On Nov. 26th the inaugural address was given by Mrs. Bassett, of Birmingham, to members of this Union and their friends. The subject was "Physical Culture," and the lecturer spoke with practical directness on the effect of various forms of exercise in this direction. The lecture was held at 8 p.m., that being an hour when fathers would be likely to be at liberty to attend. The proceedings were both interesting and instructive. LEEDS.--A meeting of this branch was held on Nov. 26th, when Miss Douglas, of Ilkley, * gave an interesting lecture on Physical Culture, on the lines of the Swedish system of gymnastics. The lecture was illustrated by three of her pupils and was much enjoyed and appreciated by all present. A meeting was also held on the Dec. 6th, when Miss Burstall, head of the Girls' High School in Manchester, gave an excellent address on "Law and Freedom in the Training of the Young." * [This is the Ilkey of "Ilkla Moor Baht 'at."] READING.--The annual general meeting was held on Dec. 4th, when after the usual business had been transacted, the President, Herbert Sutton, Esq., opened a discussion, in which many members took part. The new programme for 1902 will soon be drawn up, and notices of lectures and lecturers inserted in the Parents' Review. The Children's Quarterly is issued by the Reading Branch Natural History Club, price, 2s. 2d., post free for the year, or 6.5d. per copy. It should be ordered from Mrs. Stanley Hayward, Hazelwood Kendrick Road, Reading. There is also a Quarterly Portfolio of paintings, particulars of which can be obtained from Mrs. Hart-Davis, Dunsden Vicarage, Reading. The Botanical Portfolio is managed by Dr. Stansfield, 120, Oxford Road, Reading. Instructions as to quarterly subjects of study for these portfolios are printed in The Children's Quarterly. RICHMOND AND KEW.--This branch met in Nov., at Lindores, Kew Gardens, to hear a paper by one of the members, Miss Rowe, on "Disobedience." Mrs. Corrie Grant took the chair, and after the paper, a very free discussion took place. On Dec. 6th, the Richmond High School Gymnasium was filled with upwards of 100 children, and some adult members, who all listened with great delight to Rev. Theo Woods, who spoke for one-and a-quarter hours on "The Wonder of Spider Life." Mr. Woods' name is deservedly a "household word" to all lovers of Natural History--The Natural History Club met at Lindores, Kew Gardens, to look at the collections of flowers made during the year by the young members and to award the prizes. Professor Hulme kindly acted as judge. Nora Fitz-Maurice won the first prize for children over ten years of age, and Maurice, her brother, the prize for those under ten years old. Bill Wilson, whose collection was a large one, took the second prize for the first class of children. On January 15th, we hope to meet at Ancaster House, Richmond Hill, to hear Rev. and Hon. Canon Lyttelton on "The Training of the Musical Faculty." ST. JOHN'S WOOD.--A meeting was held on November 29th, when Mrs. Rice read an excellent paper on "The Child Artist." The lecture was rendered double interesting by the designs and diagrams exhibited. On Dec. 3rd the branch united with the Brondesbury branch, on which occasion J. L. Paton, Esq., M.A., lectured on Public Schools, (see under Brondesbury).--In January Miss Robertson, B.A., will lecture on "Hygiene as a Force in Education." For full particulars, apply to Miss Lange, 21, Minster Road, West Hampstead. WAKEFIELD.--This branch had a meeting on Dec. 2nd, when Lady Catherine Milnes Gaskell gave an address on "Home Evenings." The attendance was very good, between forty and fifty members being present. Lady Catherine impressed upon her hearers the wisdom of parents letting their children spend their leisure evening hours in a cheerful and happy manner, by playing games and reading aloud, or telling stories; but more particularly the two latter, as they have the advantages of cultivating the imagination and the power of expression. The lecture was listened to with much interest, and was followed by discussion. WOODFORD AND WANSTEAD.--As announced in the Parents' Review for November, a meeting was held in the spacious and beautiful hall of Monkhams on Nov. 22nd, by the kind invitation of Mrs. Arnold Hills. Mr. Olive, who was to have lectured on "The Loss of Sympathy between Parents and Children," was unhappily too ill to attend, and, at a few hours' notice, Dr. Smythe Palmer very kindly consented to fill the gap; his former duties as chairman being most ably undertaken by Mr. Elliot Howard. The lecturer chose for his subject "Books," and in an interesting and instructive manner gave quotations, linked together by a running commentary of his own, from writers of all ages up to the present time, upon the art of reading. He then spoke of its abuse which, he thought, chiefly consisted of filling up the time by getting through an enormous amount of printed matter, good, bad, and indifferent, without retaining one solitary theme for reflection, or a single thought that would be either a joy or consolation in time of need. The lecturer concluded with a few practical hints as to the manner of reading; such, for example as the useful habit of keeping a common-place book in which one could jot down striking passages for future reference; or again, the method of taking up some special hobby or theme and then carefully collecting the opinions of the poets and sages of all times upon that particular subject; these and many other helpful remarks brought to a close a most elevating and instructive lecture. The chairman, in inviting discussion, said that he feared he uttered a heresy when he admitted that he himself was much in favour of occasionally "dipping," especially when he had neither the time nor the strength of vision necessary to steady perusal; he thought an interesting discussion if the members cared to pursue it. An animated debate immediately followed concerning the subject suggested; the merits of old versus new writers; literature for children, &c.; all of which was most admirably replied to by Dr. Smythe Palmer. The usual votes of thanks were proposed and carried. Typed by happi, Aug 2019; Proofread by LNL, Apr 2020 |
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