
Parents' Review Article Archive

Our Work.

Volume 15, 1904, pg. 871

*Register of Schools, some classes of which work in the Parents' Reviews School and are tested by P.R.S. Examiner:--

School --- Girls or Boys --- Principal --- Classes Working in P.R.S.

High Cliff School Scarborough --- Girls --- Miss Field Hall --- Class II.
S. Cuthbert's Twickenham --- Girls and Boys --- Miss Gayford --- Classes Ia, II.
Uplands House, Swansea --- Girls --- Miss Maud --- Classes Ib., II., III., IV.
S. Hilda's Prep. School, Purley --- Girls and Boys --- Miss Nesbit --- Classes Ia., Ib., II.
Wootton Court, Wootton, near Canterbury --- Boys (preparatory) --- H.G. Underhill, Esq. --- Classes Ia., Ib., II. & III.
37. Sloane Street, London, S.W. --- Boys (preparatory) --- C.H. Gibbs, Esq., --- Classes Ib. and II.
Fridhem, Heacham, King's Lynn --- Girls --- Miss Beck, --- Classes Ia., Ib., III.
14. Chilworth Street, Westbourne Terrace. W. --- Boys --- J.O.M. Thomas, Esq. --- Classes Ia, Ib, II and III.
Lindum House, Bexhill-on-Sea --- Girls --- Miss Richardson --- Classes II and III.
St. Anselm's, Bakewell --- Boys --- W. Storrs Fox, Esq., --- Classes II & III
Edgehill, Peak Hill, Sydenham, S.E. --- Girls --- Miss Levick, --- Classes Ia. Ib, II & III
"Romanoff," Surbiton --- Girls --- Miss Cooke --- Classes

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P.N.E.U. Literary Society.--Subject for November: From Pope's poetical works.
P.N.E.U. Translation Society.--Subject for November: Das Ideal und das Leben (Schiller).
C. Agnes Rooper, Hon, Sec.,
Pen Selwood, Gervis Road, Bournemouth,
From whom all particulars may be obtained.

* [The Committee take no responsibility with regard to the schools except as far as the above statement goes: due enquiries be made by parents, Prospectuses can be had on application to the Office.]

Typed by Katie, Oct. 2023; Proofread by LNL, Nov. 2023