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Full Version: Avatar changes
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I've been having the oddest thing happening tonight. I'm not sure if it is peculiar to me, or just the gadget that I'm viewing the forum on, or if it might be happening for everyone and is something in the forum.

Every time I see a post from DaughterofEve her picture is different. Even if I just scroll down through messages and then scroll back up to her message again it changes. And it can't be her playing with her pic, as she is shown as all different people in the forum - I think just others in the same thread. So the photo beside DaughterofEve's name in posts (is that called her avatar) has tonight, on my screen, been many, many other people's pic. I don't know if other people's pics are changing too, but that is the only one I've noticed.

Is this happening for anyone else?


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I've just seen DaughterofEve in one thread pictured as Jeanne, Chrissy, and others, and in another thread as laurke, and others - many different pictures in one thread, and changing all the time.


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And for me, all the avatars are missing altogether tonight. Hmmmm.
I remember Jeanne had a problem like that once. She restarted her iPad, and everything went back to normal, if I remember correctly.
I should have thought of checking if it was the same on my phone before. Just checked, and all fine on my phone - no changing avatars. I guess it must be a little bug or quirk of tapatalk. Perhaps I'll leave it as it is for just a little while as it's been quite entertaining, but confusing.

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Everything is okay for me now. :-)