It seems that whenever I am typing a reply that takes more than a minute or two, when I click the reply button to post I receive a message about trying to access a page I am not allowed access to. (or something similar). I end ut having to copy the message & log back in again. It's rather annoying as some replies take more than a few words. I could understand it if I had left the computer to do other things but not while I have been actively typing.
Am I doing something wrong or is it just a weird glitch. Is there anything I can do on my end to help prevent this from happening?
I've never had this happen, nor have I heard anyone else ask about this. When I log in, I click the "keep me logged in" option. I'm not sure if that would make a difference or not...
I'll try that - it seems to happen once an evening but never at the same time. Maybe it's just one of those odd internet things.
That's possible, but if it's happening here and not any other websites you're signed into, then I think it's more likely this site rather than the internet. And since I haven't heard of it happening to others, I would think it might be a setting thing in your account.
Phyllis is really good at troubleshooting these kinds of things and she's gone for a couple of days. Let's hope it's something as simple as clicking "keep me logged in."

Is it still happening now?
Yes & I cannot seem to figure out why. It can be right after I log in, after I have posted, or read through several forums. It happens most often when I am trying to post. It more annoying than anything - at least the post is there to cut & paste after I've re-logged on. Funny but when I re-log on I am exactly in the same forum & same page of that forum. Maybe it's just one of those odd internet quirks.

Hmm. Okay. I just looked at the MyBB support forum for anything like this, and there was one case where they told someone to delete his browser cookies to fix it. Would you be willing and able to try that?
And thank you so much for the Amy Carmichael link!

I delete cookies about every 30 minutes - maybe it caught me just before I did a clean up? I'll do that now & see how tonight goes. Thank you for your efforts!

posted, deleted cookies, had to log in again - I think that's the problem, not keeping the cookies but deleting the "you are logged in" cookie.