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Disappearing Spoon has been removed from the Year 7 free read list.
Any particular reason why?
There was objectionable content that really wasn't outweighed by other merits.
Thank you.  My daughter found it too objectionable to read.  I appreciate all your help and keeping on top of things.

Two girls
Has it been placed in a later year? Or just removed completely?

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It has been removed completely.
Should I stop my daughter from reading it? I read the first few chapters and thought it was good. I guess I will have to read ahead to see what the problem is.
Thank you!

I read a part of it last school year for my 11th grade ds but just wasn't able to hand it over to him.
(10-05-2016, 11:41 PM)Archmom Wrote: [ -> ]Should I stop my daughter from reading it? I read the first few chapters and thought it was good. I guess I will have to read ahead to see what the problem is.
You may not find the content troublesome. Everyone has different standards. But yes, I recommend pre-reading to be sure.
Just.curious: what is the objectional content? Still trying myself to find a suitable chemistry book for dd ( yr. 9/gr. 10) Thanks
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