(10-29-2017, 03:04 AM)LeslieNoelani Wrote: [ -> ]Aren't there chart schedules?
There are - they're linked from their weekly html webpage (look how I managed to use all three variations of there/they're/their in the same sentence!
Of course they are there! Gosh, I totally missed them. Thanks.
Thank you SO MUCH for creating AO Groups!! I used Form 1A with my two boys last year, (20 mos apart in age), and it was wonderful. We are looking forward to starting 1B soon! It has been such a blessing to have a strong, yet streamlined, curriculum that I can use with multiple children.
If my 8 yr old is form 2A and 11 yr old also starts in the A rotation won't that mean that they are in same grade together... Won't it take 3 years for my 11 yr old to get to form 3 as she goes through, A, B,C?
Shouldn't my 8 year old start in A and 11 yr old in C????
Please help
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That's not how it works. Groups has no grades. Your 8 yo would do A, B, C (although 8 is really young to do Form II). Your 11 yo would do A and maybe B and then go straight to either Form III or Year 7.
Yes, they will be doing the same work, although there are optional extra assignments for the older one.
You could put the 8 yo in Year 3 and the 11 yo in Year 5. Doing two separate years isn't a problem, especially if each of them can read some books on their own. You can also use audiobooks.
(05-08-2019, 10:26 PM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]That's not how it works. Groups has no grades. Your 8 yo would do A, B, C (although 8 is really young to do Form II). Your 11 yo would do A and maybe B and then go straight to either Form III or Year 7.
Yes, they will be doing the same work, although there are optional extra assignments for the older one.
You could put the 8 yo in Year 3 and the 11 yo in Year 5. Doing two separate years isn't a problem, especially if each of them can read some books on their own. You can also use audiobooks.
I have 3 kids to HS this year. 1 is 6 and would be yr 1 form 1.... Then I have 8 and 11 yr old. Trying to figure out what form would best suit 8yr old... Because as you pointed out he could also go in form 1.
But my 11 yr old daughter already did form2 A work 1-2 years ago... When we were doing years individually,not as group.
I'm not understanding if I start everyone on the A rotation, how does 11 yr old transition to form 3? If let's say she does A and then B, then she's old enough for form 3, she will miss form 2C... And would I start her in form 3c? But wouldn't that mean she misses A and B of form 3
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(05-08-2019, 11:30 PM)MommyNend Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not understanding if I start everyone on the A rotation, how does 11 yr old transition to form 3? If let's say she does A and then B, then she's old enough for form 3, she will miss form 2C... And would I start her in form 3c? But wouldn't that mean she misses A and B of form 3
In Charlotte Mason's schools, a student coming into the school would just pick up with the rest of the class. They didn't worry about what the student might have missed.
Your 11 year old did AO for Groups Form II A? Or she did AO Year 4? AO Year 4 may look quite a bit like Form II A from the Groups schedule, but they aren't exacty the same.
One option
Put the 11 year old in Year 5.
Put the 6 and 8 year olds in AO for Groups Form I A. The 8 year old would do the optional work for older students to make this more challenging.
Next year, the 11 year old would go on to Year 6. The 8 year old would go on to Year 4. The 6 year old would do Form I B in Groups.
Another option
Put the 6 year old in Year 1. This only takes about 2 hours a day.
Put the 8 year old in Year 3. How much of this could the 8 year old do independently? You can use an audiobook for your longest literature selection each term, too.
Put the 11 year old in Year 5.
Doing three years at once is possible. I have four different years going in my home, plus a preschooler. But if you want to combine, I'd combine the 8 year old with the 6 year old.
Maybe this has been answered already, but I am not able to look through each page of this forum to find the answer. We are starting out with 9 and 7 year old girls using AO for groups this year. We are coming from Public School and I am wondering if having them both in form 1A would be a good idea. Or would I have to do Form 1A with the 7yo and Form 2A with the 9 yearold? In the individual years it was said that if you are coming from Public school it might be best to start a year or 2 under what their public school grade would be as the workload is more than they would be used to doing. Is this the same with AO for groups?
You could do Form IA with both. The 9 yo could do the optional extra work for older students. Then next year you would leave the 7 yo in IB, but decide if the 9 yo is ready for Year 4 or should stay in IB.