Yes, great news! We will re-open registration for our AO Camp Meeting 2019 at 6 pm Central Time (synchronize your watches! or your phones...) Bunkhouses are still available!
Use our homepage for the link!
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What if I never received a confirmation for my group? Should I register again?
(11-02-2018, 07:30 AM)aolifelonglearner Wrote: [ -> ]What if I never received a confirmation for my group? Should I register again?
I just responded to you on the other thread. Please give me a name so that we can investigate before registration re-opens.
Definitely no lodge rooms left?
Is it the same link as this morning? I am not seeing one on the main page.
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Where will the link be found? I'm going crazy over here lol
(11-02-2018, 09:11 AM)tassiao Wrote: [ -> ]Where will the link be found? I'm going crazy over here lol
Same here! I can't get any of the links to work... still saying the same thing from earlier today
Yahoo! Just registered, fingers crossed I did everything right. Thank you for such a hard day of work by everyone!!!
(11-02-2018, 09:25 AM)kirkwoodkatym Wrote: [ -> ]Yahoo! Just registered, fingers crossed I did everything right. Thank you for such a hard day of work by everyone!!!
Would you please share the link? I can't get mine to work.