(06-28-2022, 05:34 AM)JaniceD Wrote: [ -> ]I am brand new to AO and I have always been curious about TCOO. The book that you have completed, will it cover year 5 or will that be in book 2? Thank you for your diligence and your help.
Year 5 will be the material in volume 3, so that's not around the corner
I actually hope to complete volume 2 this summer, but I've learned not to promise.
As has been said, Marshall's original book is still very, very good. My version (volume 1) covers chapters 1-28 of Marshall's book, which AO uses in year 2 (the first six chapters) and year 3.
I hope that helps
Welcome to AO!
(06-28-2022, 06:33 AM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]I have used the original TCOO with four of my children and started it with number 5. Don't feel like you must wait for Donna-Jean's new volume! It's fine to use the original book too. Especially by Year 5, you've moved past most of the problematic content I think.
Thank you. That is so helpful to hear. Could you tell me which publisher you recommend. I have one, but the font is so small that I plan to purchase another. I am an older Mom...59...and those little letters just do not work for me...lol.
(06-28-2022, 12:14 PM)JaniceD Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you. That is so helpful to hear. Could you tell me which publisher you recommend. I have one, but the font is so small that I plan to purchase another. I am an older Mom...59...and those little letters just do not work for me...lol.
Which publisher is yours from? Living Book Press typically has good copies, but I think they may use a smaller font for TCOO to keep the size down. If you want recommendations for editions, post in Form I or Form II and ask people to tell you about their copies. My copy has lovely print, but it's no longer in print so not really an option (and it was pretty expensive).
Hmm, I've never had any problem with reading the original with my children. I must be missing something or way behind the times...?
Our copy arrived today and it is beautiful. I really appreciate all the notes and pronunciations. THANK YOU so much!!
(06-28-2022, 11:25 PM)lklivingston Wrote: [ -> ]Which publisher is yours from? Living Book Press typically has good copies, but I think they may use a smaller font for TCOO to keep the size down. If you want recommendations for editions, post in Form I or Form II and ask people to tell you about their copies. My copy has lovely print, but it's no longer in print so not really an option (and it was pretty expensive).
The print in the Yesterday’s Classics version is larger than that of LBP, if that’s too small for you. They are both of good quality.
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Hi! Is there a vendor for this book other than Amazon or is Amazon the only place where I can buy it?
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Thank you for your hard work! I will be getting these!
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So exciting! We love this book so can't wait for all you've done to make it even better.
(07-05-2022, 01:36 AM)Heather.be83 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! Is there a vendor for this book other than Amazon or is Amazon the only place where I can buy it?
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Amazon is the only place. Thanks for asking!
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