02-19-2023, 02:47 PM
With shattered hearts yet with full confidence in the truth of the Gospel message, we must announce the difficult news that our beloved friend, colleague, and sister on the AmblesideOnline Advisory, Lynn Bruce, is now with the Lord she loved so well.
Lynn's fifteen-and-a-half year battle with advanced metastatic breast cancer ended today, February 18th, in the presence of her loving family. Lynn was immediately ushered into the presence of Jesus Christ, who has loved her with an everlasting love.
We ask that you pray for Lynn's husband Dan, her daughters Caitlin (Dan) and Claire, her son Justin, her grandchildren Luna, Wendell, Rosemary, and the coming baby, her mother Sarah, and her brothers David (and family) and Danny, along with her devoted cousins and friends.
And we ask, once again, that you pray for us on the Advisory as we seek to reconcile ourselves to that which cannot be reconciled, this side of Glory. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. We grieve, deeply, yet not as those who have no hope.
After our beloved Advisory sister Wendi Capehart went to heaven one year ago, Lynn took on the task of finishing the final year's selection of folk songs. The song Lynn scheduled for this month, "Wayfaring Stranger," ends with these words:
"I'm going there to meet my Saviour,
To sing His praise forevermore.
I'm only going over Jordan,
I'm only going over home."
We will be remembering Lynn in our AO Community more fully in the coming days. We wish, again, to reassure you that the ministry of AmblesideOnline, which (after the raising of her children) was Lynn's other life work, belongs to God. She reminded us often of that great truth. AmblesideOnline will continue, undergirded by the magnificent legacy of Lynn's word artistry, her expansive knowledge of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, and her enduring vision of God's faithfulness.
Until that day when we see you again, we love you, Lynn, more than words can say.
Lynn's fifteen-and-a-half year battle with advanced metastatic breast cancer ended today, February 18th, in the presence of her loving family. Lynn was immediately ushered into the presence of Jesus Christ, who has loved her with an everlasting love.
We ask that you pray for Lynn's husband Dan, her daughters Caitlin (Dan) and Claire, her son Justin, her grandchildren Luna, Wendell, Rosemary, and the coming baby, her mother Sarah, and her brothers David (and family) and Danny, along with her devoted cousins and friends.
And we ask, once again, that you pray for us on the Advisory as we seek to reconcile ourselves to that which cannot be reconciled, this side of Glory. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. We grieve, deeply, yet not as those who have no hope.
After our beloved Advisory sister Wendi Capehart went to heaven one year ago, Lynn took on the task of finishing the final year's selection of folk songs. The song Lynn scheduled for this month, "Wayfaring Stranger," ends with these words:
"I'm going there to meet my Saviour,
To sing His praise forevermore.
I'm only going over Jordan,
I'm only going over home."
We will be remembering Lynn in our AO Community more fully in the coming days. We wish, again, to reassure you that the ministry of AmblesideOnline, which (after the raising of her children) was Lynn's other life work, belongs to God. She reminded us often of that great truth. AmblesideOnline will continue, undergirded by the magnificent legacy of Lynn's word artistry, her expansive knowledge of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, and her enduring vision of God's faithfulness.
Until that day when we see you again, we love you, Lynn, more than words can say.