Student Area
We invite your teenaged AmblesideOnline students (age 13 to 19) to come join the student area of this forum. Only teens will be able to participate in everything there; parents of teens will have read-only access to the general chat and will be able to post only in the parent/teen discussion area.

Only the Advisory and Auxiliary, the moderators of the student area, and the parents of students will be able to see that area and what your children are writing. We're really trying to keep it safe and private for them, so we ask that you would follow these steps to get them in.

Your student must be at least 13 to participate because of legalities with children and the internet.

1. Send an email to with your username, your teen's birthdate, your teen's desired username and your teen's email address. The teen's email address can be the same as yours or different.

2. Wait for an email with a temporary password, sent to the address you used to email us. He/she should reset that password to something personal and memorable and then join the fun!

Once they've graduated (or have turned 18), AO Students can participate in the AO Alumni area of the forum as well as the main part of the forum. They can contact us at to request a transfer to that area if they are already members of the teen area. AO graduates who are just joining the forum for the first time can tell us their status in their join request.