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What am I doing wrong? - Printable Version

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What am I doing wrong? - MaggieAnnie - 01-05-2015

Any ideas...every time I have hit backspace in a post for editing today it has kicked me back into the previous page, just like if I had hit back on my browser button...and when I hit forward on my browser  my whole post  in progress is gone. 

It is making me all [I am so mad!] to have to re-type all my posts 2 or 3 times ...I should jsut leave my bad spelling, sigh.

I am so not techy ...any idea what I am doing wrong..this has never happened before and usually if I accidentally browse away when I browse back my post draft is intact... 


RE: What am I doing wrong? - Primeperiwinkle - 01-05-2015

Ok, I've been kicked out of two posts too but couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I've never been kicked out or had my posts wiped and it made me mad too!

I feel like you and I should have a hug time for tech problems!

What am I doing wrong? - laurke - 01-06-2015

For now I would complete the post with errors than edit. It now has a pop up box for your reason for editing, too. Ask me how I know ;)

RE: What am I doing wrong? - Phyllis - 01-06-2015

Could it be that a setting has changed in your computer? I don't know exactly what, though. Have you typed much anywhere else on the internet today, or just in the AO forum? Does it happen elsewhere, or just here?

RE: What am I doing wrong? - Primeperiwinkle - 01-06-2015

Phyllis for me any site that has too many ads or has to load a lot will kick me out. I think I'm gonna go back to doing what I always do, compose the whole post in notes and copy it over. That way I don't have to stay long in the little compose box areas.

RE: What am I doing wrong? - MaggieAnnie - 01-06-2015

Just AO, but that
could just be because AO is where I go ;)