
The only users able to post within the HEO-Students area are: HEO-Students, and HEO-Student Moderators.
Parents with registered-Students have VIEW-ONLY privileges, while other users hold NO access towards these Teenage-forums.

However, within the Parent/Teen Discussion, the users allowed to post/view are Parents with a Teen signed up on the HEO-forum, and HEO-Teens/Mods only.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please PM/Email me or another moderator so that I can address aforesaid Question/Concern/Comment.

Thanks! :)

- Skyrider
Warrior-Poet and HEO Moderator.
~ Atramentum Iota ~
To have your teen added to the AO Student area of the forum, see instructions in the Help menu (top right of the page) or the Tech Support area (pinned thread near the top).
For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should walk in them.
I just updated the labels for the subfora in the Parents & Teens  area here on the forum.  Hopefully, this will make it easier to tell which threads are for both parents and teens and which ones are just for teens.

Parents, if you have a teen who participates in our teen area on the forum, you have read-only access to that area but you have posting privileges in the Parents & Teens area.  There's an area there for book discussions, and there's also an area there to play games with the teens.  There's a third area there for college discussions.
For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should walk in them.

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