Dads, Lads, and Manly Grads
Announcements/Dads, Lads, and Manly Grads
We now have a private forum area just for men!  Male forum members who are 18 or older may request to join this area just like any other private forum area (instructions are in a pinned post in Tech Support and in the Help document you can reach from the top menu in a browser): Go to UserCP (upper left in a browser), then find Group Membership in the menu on the left.  In that menu, look for the area you want to join.  When it asks for a join reason, tell us why you qualify for that area.
For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should walk in them.
The following 9 users Like lklivingston's post:
  • amerebreath, AnneWhite, GoodQueenBess, Janice, Jessie, MichelleDee, Milo, Rondalyno, Sandy O

Messages In This Thread
Dads, Lads, and Manly Grads - by lklivingston - 01-03-2023, 06:24 AM

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